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DBIx::Lite::Schema::Table(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation DBIx::Lite::Schema::Table(3)


version 0.33

This class holds the very loose table definitions that enable some advanced features of DBIx::Lite. Note that you can do all main operations, including searches and manipulations, with no need to define any schema.

This class is not supposed to be instantiated manually. You usually get your Table objects by calling the "table()" method on a DBIx::Lite::Schema object:

    my $table = $dbix->schema->table('books');

This method accepts one or more fields to be used as the table primary key. Setting a primary key enables "update()" and "delete()" methods on DBIx::Lite::Row objects.

    $dbix->schema->table('books')->pk('foo', 'bar');

This method can be used as an alternative to pk but it will only accept a single column name, which will be marked as an autoincrementing key. This will trigger the retrieval of the autoincremented id upon creation of new records with the "insert()" method.


You probably want to use "autopk()" for most tables, and only use pk for those many-to-many relationship tables not having an autoincrementing id:

    $dbix->schema->one_to_many('' => 'users_tasks.user_id');
    $dbix->schema->one_to_many('' => 'users_tasks.task_id');
    $dbix->schema->table('users_tasks')->pk('user_id', 'task_id');

This method accepts a package name that DBIx::Lite will use for this table's Result objects. You don't need to declare such package name anywhere else, as DBIx::Lite will create that class for you.

    my $book = $dbix->table('books')->find({ id => 2 });
    # $book is a My::Book

The class will subclass DBIx::Lite::Row. You can declare your additional methods inline:

    sub My::Book::get_page_count {
        my $self = shift;
        return $self->page_count;

If you want to use an existing class you might need to provide DBIx::Lite with some glue for correctly inflating objects without messing with your class storage. The "class()" method accepts three more optional arguments:

    $dbix->schema->table('books')->class('My::Book', $constructor, $storage, $inflator);
$constructor is the class method to be called as constructor. By default DBIx::Lite will call the "new" constructor if it exists, otherwise it will create a hashref and bless it into the supplied class. The specified constructor is called without arguments.
    $dbix->schema->table('books')->class('My::Book', 'new');  # default behavior
    $dbix->schema->table('books')->class('My::Book', 'new_from_db');

If your constructor needs values from the database row, you can supply a coderef which instantiates the object. It will be supplied a hashref containing the row data.

    $dbix->schema->table('books')->class('My::Book', sub {
        my $row_data = shift;
        return My::Book->new(title => $row_data->{book_title});
$storage is an object method which returns a hashref where DBIx::Lite can store its data. This might be useful because by default DBIx::Lite will assume your object is a blessed hashref and it will store its data inside it, but if you're concerned about possible conflicts with your object data you can define a method which returns the storage location.
    package My::Book;
    use Moo;
    # create a member for DBIx::Lite data
    has '_row' => (is => 'ro', default => sub { {} });
    package main;
    $dbix->schema->table('books')->class('My::Book', 'new', '_row');
$inflator is an object method to be called after the object was created and DBIx::Lite has stored its data. You might need to define such a method if you want to

This method accepts a package name that DBIx::Lite will use for this table's ResultSet objects. You don't need to declare such package name anywhere else, as DBIx::Lite will create that class for you.

    my $books_rs = $dbix->table('books')->search({ year => 2012 });
    # $books_rs is a My::Book::ResultSet

The class will subclass DBIx::Lite::ResultSet. You can also supply an existing package name or declare your methods inline:

    sub My::Book::ResultSet::get_multilanguage {
        my $self = shift;
        return $self->search({ multilanguage => 1 });

Alessandro Ranellucci <>

This software is copyright (c) 2021 by Alessandro Ranellucci.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

2021-09-07 perl v5.32.1

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