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DBIx::NoSQL(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation DBIx::NoSQL(3)

DBIx::NoSQL - NoSQL-ish overlay for an SQL database

version 0.0021

    use DBIx::NoSQL;

    my $store = DBIx::NoSQL->connect( 'store.sqlite' );

    $store->set( 'Artist' => 'Smashing Pumpkins' => {
        name => 'Smashing Pumpkins',
        genre => 'rock',
        website => '',
    } );

    $store->exists( 'Artist' => 'Smashing Pumpkins' ); # 1

    $store->set( 'Artist' => 'Tool' => {
        name => 'Tool',
        genre => 'rock',
    } );

    $store->search( 'Artist' )->count; # 2

    my $artist = $store->get( 'Artist' => 'Smashing Pumpkins' );

    # Set up a (searchable) index on the name field
    $store->model( 'Artist' )->index( 'name' );
    $store->model( 'Artist' )->reindex;

    for $artist ( $store->search( 'Artist' )->order_by( 'name DESC' )->all ) {

    $store->model( 'Album' )->index( 'released' => ( isa => 'DateTime' ) );

    $store->set( 'Album' => 'Siamese Dream' => {
        artist => 'Smashing Pumpkins',
        released => DateTime->new( ... ),
    } );

    my $album = $store->get( 'Album' => 'Siamese Dream' );
    my $released = $album->{ released }; # The field is automatically inflated
    print $release->strftime( ... );

DBIx::NoSQL is a layer over DBI that presents a NoSQLish way to store and retrieve data. It does this by using a table called "__Store__". Once connected to a database, it will detect if this table is missing and create it if necessary

When writing data to the store, the data (a HASH reference) is first serialized using JSON and then inserted/updated via DBIx::Class to (currently) an SQLite backend

Retrieving data from the store is done by key lookup or by searching an SQL-based index. Once found, the data is deserialized via JSON and returned

The API is fairly sane, though still beta

Returns a new DBIx::NoSQL store connected to the SQLite database located at $path

If the SQLite database file at $path does not exist, it will be created

Set $key (a string) to $value (a HASH reference) in $model

If $model has index, this command will also update the index entry corresponding to $key.

The $key can be omitted, in which case a UUID key will be auto-generated for the entry.

Returns the new entry's key.

Returns true if some data for $key is present in $model

Get $value matching $key in $model

Delete the entry matching $key in $model

If $model has index, this command will also delete the index entry corresponding to $key

Reindex the searchable/orderable data in $store

This method is smart, in that it won't reindex a model unless the schema for $store is different/has changed. That is, if the schema for $store is the same as it is in the database, this call will do nothing

Refer to "Model USAGE" below for more information

Return the DBI database handle for the store, if you need/want to do your own thing

To search on a model, you must have installed an index on the field you want to search on

Refer to "Model USAGE" for indexing information

    $search = $store->search( 'Artist' => { name => { -like => 'Smashing%' } } )

Return a DBIx::NoSQL::Search object for $model, filtering on the optional $where

An index is required for the filtering columns

Refer to SQL::Abstract for the format of $where (actually uses DBIx::Class::SQLMaker under the hood)

Returns every result for $search in a list

Returns an empty list if nothing is found

Returns the next item found for $search via "$search->cursor"

Returns undef if nothing is left for $search

Returns the DBI sth (statement handle) for $search

Further refine the search in the same way "$search->where( ... )" does

    $search = $search->where( { genre => 'rock' } )

Further refine $search with the given $where

A new object is cloned from the original (the original $search is left untouched)

An index is required for the filtering columns

Refer to SQL::Abstract for the format of $where (actually uses DBIx::Class::SQLMaker under the hood)

    $search->order_by( 'name DESC' )

    $search->order_by([ 'name DESC', 'age' ])

Return the results in the given order

A new object is cloned from the original, which is left untouched

An index is required for the ordering columns

Refer to SQL::Abstract for the format of $order_by (actually uses DBIx::Class::SQLMaker under the hood)

Retrieve or create the $model_name model object

    $store->model( 'Artist' )->index( 'name' ) # 'name' is now searchable/orderable, etc.

Index $field_name on $model

Every time the store for c<$model> is written to, the index will be updated with the value of $field

    $store->model( 'Artist' )->index( 'website', isa => 'URI' )
    $store->model( 'Artist' )->index( 'founded', isa => 'DateTime' )

Index $field_name on $model as a special type/object (e.g. DateTime or URI)

Every time the store for c<$model> is written to, the index will be updated with the deflated value of $field (since JSON can not trivially serialize blessed references)

Reindex the $model data in the store after making a field indexing change:

    1. Rebuild the DBIx::Class::ResultSource
    2. Drop and recreate the search table for $model
    3. Iterate through all the data for $model, repopulating the search table

If $model does not have an index, this method will simply return

To rebuild the index for _every_ model (on startup, for example), you can do:


Create a better interface for stashing and document it

Wrap things in transactions that need it

More tests: Always. Be. Testing.




  • Robert Krimen <>
  • Yanick Champoux <>

This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Robert Krimen.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

2017-04-21 perl v5.32.1

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