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NAMEDBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle - Perl extension which is a generic DBI handleSYNOPSISuse DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle; my $handle = DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle->new(); $handle->Connect( Driver => 'mysql', Database => 'dbname', Host => 'hostname', User => 'dbuser', Password => 'dbpassword'); # now $handle isa DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::mysql DESCRIPTIONThis class provides a wrapper for DBI handles that can also perform a number of additional functions.newGeneric constructorConnect PARAMHASH: Driver, Database, Host, User, PasswordTakes a paramhash and connects to your DBI datasource.You should _always_ set DisconnectHandleOnDestroy => 1 unless you have a legacy app like RT2 or RT 3.0.{0,1,2} that depends on the broken behaviour. If you created the handle with DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle->new and there is a DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::(Driver) subclass for the driver you have chosen, the handle will be automatically "upgraded" into that subclass. _UpgradeHandle DRIVERThis private internal method turns a plain DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle into one of the standard driver-specific subclasses.BuildDSN PARAMHASHTakes a bunch of parameters:Required: Driver, Database, Optional: Host, Port and RequireSSL Builds a DSN suitable for a DBI connection DSNReturns the DSN for this database connection.RaiseError [MODE]Turns on the Database Handle's RaiseError attribute.PrintError [MODE]Turns on the Database Handle's PrintError attribute.LogSQLStatements BOOLTakes a boolean argument. If the boolean is true, SearchBuilder will log all SQL statements, as well as their invocation times and execution times.Returns whether we're currently logging or not as a boolean _LogSQLStatement STATEMENT DURATIONAdd an SQL statement to our query logClearSQLStatementLogClears out the SQL statement log.SQLStatementLogReturns the current SQL statement log as an array of arrays. Each entry is a triple of(Time, Statement, Duration) AutoCommit [MODE]Turns on the Database Handle's AutoCommit attribute.DisconnectDisconnect from your DBI datasourcedbh [HANDLE]Return the current DBI handle. If we're handed a parameter, make the database handle that.Insert $TABLE_NAME @KEY_VALUE_PAIRSTakes a table name and a set of key-value pairs in an array. Splits the key value pairs, constructs an INSERT statement and performs the insert.Base class return statement handle object, while DB specific subclass should return row id. InsertQueryString $TABLE_NAME @KEY_VALUE_PAIRSTakes a table name and a set of key-value pairs in an array. Splits the key value pairs, constructs an INSERT statement and returns query string and set of bind values.This method is more useful for subclassing in DB specific handles. "Insert" method is preferred for end users. InsertFromSelectTakes table name, array reference with columns, select query and list of bind values. Inserts data select by the query into the table.To make sure call is portable every column in result of the query should have unique name or should be aliased. See "InsertFromSelect" in DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::Oracle for details. UpdateRecordValueTakes a hash with fields: Table, Column, Value PrimaryKeys, and IsSQLFunction. Table, and Column should be obvious, Value is where you set the new value you want the column to have. The primary_keys field should be the lvalue of DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::PrimaryKeys(). Finally IsSQLFunction is set when the Value is a SQL function. For example, you might have ('Value'=>'PASSWORD(string)'), by setting IsSQLFunction that string will be inserted into the query directly rather then as a binding.UpdateTableValue TABLE COLUMN NEW_VALUE RECORD_ID IS_SQLUpdate column COLUMN of table TABLE where the record id = RECORD_ID. if IS_SQL is set, don\'t quote the NEW_VALUESimpleUpdateFromSelectTakes table name, hash reference with (column, value) pairs, select query and list of bind values.Updates the table, but only records with IDs returned by the selected query, eg: UPDATE $table SET %values WHERE id IN ( $query ) It's simple as values are static and search only allowed by id. DeleteFromSelectTakes table name, select query and list of bind values.Deletes from the table, but only records with IDs returned by the select query, eg: DELETE FROM $table WHERE id IN ($query) SimpleQuery QUERY_STRING, [ BIND_VALUE, ... ]Execute the SQL string specified in QUERY_STRINGFetchResult QUERY, [ BIND_VALUE, ... ]Takes a SELECT query as a string, along with an array of BIND_VALUEs If the select succeeds, returns the first row as an array. Otherwise, returns a Class::ResturnValue object with the failure loaded up.BinarySafeBLOBsReturns 1 if the current database supports BLOBs with embedded nulls. Returns undef if the current database doesn't support BLOBs with embedded nullsKnowsBLOBsReturns 1 if the current database supports inserts of BLOBs automatically. Returns undef if the current database must be informed of BLOBs for inserts.BLOBParams FIELD_NAME FIELD_TYPEReturns a hash ref for the bind_param call to identify BLOB types used by the current database for a particular column type.DatabaseVersion [Short => 1]Returns the database's version.If argument "Short" is true returns short variant, in other case returns whatever database handle/driver returns. By default returns short version, e.g. '4.1.23' or '8.0-rc4'. Returns empty string on error or if database couldn't return version. The base implementation uses a "SELECT VERSION()" CaseSensitiveReturns 1 if the current database's searches are case sensitive by default Returns undef otherwise_MakeClauseCaseInsensitive FIELD OPERATOR VALUETakes a field, operator and value. performs the magic necessary to make your database treat this clause as case insensitive.Returns a FIELD OPERATOR VALUE triple. TransactionsDBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle emulates nested transactions, by keeping a transaction stack depth.NOTE: In nested transactions you shouldn't mix rollbacks and commits, because only last action really do commit/rollback. For example next code would produce desired results: $handle->BeginTransaction; $handle->BeginTransaction; ... $handle->Rollback; $handle->BeginTransaction; ... $handle->Commit; $handle->Commit; Only last action(Commit in example) finilize transaction in DB. BeginTransaction Tells DBIx::SearchBuilder to begin a new SQL transaction. This will temporarily suspend Autocommit mode. EndTransaction [Action => 'commit'] [Force => 0] Tells to end the current transaction. Takes "Action" argument that could be "commit" or "rollback", the default value is "commit". If "Force" argument is true then all nested transactions would be committed or rolled back. If there is no transaction in progress then method throw warning unless action is forced. Method returns true on success or false if an error occurred. Commit [FORCE] Tells to commit the current SQL transaction. Method uses "EndTransaction" method, read its description. Rollback [FORCE] Tells to abort the current SQL transaction. Method uses "EndTransaction" method, read its description. ForceRollback Force the handle to rollback. Whether or not we're deep in nested transactions. TransactionDepth Returns the current depth of the nested transaction stack. Returns "undef" if there is no connection to database. ApplyLimits STATEMENTREF ROWS_PER_PAGE FIRST_ROWtakes an SQL SELECT statement and massages it to return ROWS_PER_PAGE starting with FIRST_ROW;Join { Paramhash }Takes a paramhash of everything Searchbuildler::Record does plus a parameter called 'SearchBuilder' that contains a ref to a SearchBuilder object'.This performs the join. MayBeNullTakes a "SearchBuilder" and "ALIAS" in a hash and resturns true if restrictions of the query allow NULLs in a table joined with the ALIAS, otherwise returns false value which means that you can use normal join instead of left for the aliased table.Works only for queries have been built with "Join" in DBIx::SearchBuilder and "Limit" in DBIx::SearchBuilder methods, for other cases return true value to avoid fault optimizations. DistinctQuery STATEMENTREFtakes an incomplete SQL SELECT statement and massages it to return a DISTINCT result set.DistinctCount STATEMENTREFtakes an incomplete SQL SELECT statement and massages it to return a DISTINCT result set.Log MESSAGETakes a single argument, a message to log.Currently prints that message to STDERR SimpleDateTimeFunctionsSee "DateTimeFunction" for details on supported functions. This method is for implementers of custom DB connectors.Returns hash reference with (function name, sql template) pairs. DateTimeFunctionTakes named arguments:
Returns SQL statement. Returns NULL if function is not supported. Supported functions Type value in "DateTimeFunction" is case insesitive. Spaces, underscores and dashes are ignored. So 'date time', 'DateTime' and 'date_time' are all synonyms. The following functions are supported:
ConvertTimezoneFunctionGenerates a function applied to Field argument that converts timezone. By default converts from UTC. Examples:# UTC => Moscow $handle->ConvertTimezoneFunction( Field => '?', To => 'Europe/Moscow'); If there is problem with arguments or timezones are equal then Field returned without any function applied. Field argument is not escaped in any way, it's your job. Implementation is very database specific. To be portable convert from UTC or to UTC. Some databases have internal storage for information about timezones that should be kept up to date. Read documentation for your DB. DateTimeIntervalFunctionGenerates a function to calculate interval in seconds between two dates. Takes From and To arguments which can be either scalar or a hash. Hash is processed with "CombineFunctionWithField" in DBIx::SearchBuilder.Arguments are not quoted or escaped in any way. It's caller's job. NullsOrderSets order of NULLs when sorting columns when called with mode, but only if DB supports it. Modes:
When called without argument returns metadata required to generate SQL. HasSupportForNullsOrderReturns true value if DB supports adjusting NULLs order while sorting a column, for example "ORDER BY Value ASC NULLS FIRST".DESTROYWhen we get rid of the Searchbuilder::Handle, we need to disconnect from the databaseAUTHORJesse Vincent, jesse@fsck.comSEE ALSOperl(1), DBIx::SearchBuilder