NAMEDBIx::Skinny::Manual::EN::Intro - Intro to DBIx::SkinnyDESCRIPTIONCautionDBIx::Skinny runs on MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL and Oracle.However it is designed to be extensible to other databases. Be aware that APIs may change - this is alpha software! Base Class DefintionsLet's work with an example project called "Proj". Your Skinny model for this project would be:package Proj::Model; use DBIx::Skinny conect_info => +{ dsn => 'dbi:SQLite:', username => '', password => '', }; 1; DSN file usageIf you want to directly use DSN files then you can create your model like this:package Proj::Model; use DBIx::Skinny; 1; ->connect_infoProj::Model->connect_info(....); ->connectProj::Model->connect(....); Proj::Model->new($connection_info)my $model = Proj::Model->new($connection_info); ->set_dbhProj::Model->set_dbh($dbh); Schema class definitionThe recommended way to define your schema classes is automatically via DBIx::Skinny::Schema::Loader. However, read on for info about manual setup.package Proj::Model::Schema; use DBIx::Skinny::Schema; install_table 'user' => schema { pk 'id'; columns qw/ id guid login_id login_pw name mail created_at updated_at /; }; 1; Unlike most OR mappers which require a class for every table, in Skinny you can install all your tables in a single class. Dealing with multi-byte (utf-8) values for a column Automatic processing of columns is achieved via "install_utf8_columns": package Proj::Model::Schema; use DBIx::Skinny::Schema; install_utf8_columns qw/name/; install_table 'user' => schema { pk 'id'; columns qw/ id guid login_id login_pw name mail created_at updated_at /; }; 1; Note that the "name" column will be processed automatically for all tables, not just the "user" table. Inflate/deflate Processing To enable inflate/deflate processing on the columns "created_at" and "updated_at" you can do the following: package Proj::Model::Schema; use DBIx::Skinny::Schema; use DateTime; use DateTime::Format::Strptime; use DateTime::Format::MySQL; use DateTime::TimeZone; my $timezone = DateTime::TimeZone->new(name => 'Asia/Tokyo'); install_inflate_rule '^.+_at$' => callback { inflate { my $value = shift; my $dt = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new( pattern => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time_zone => $timezone, )->parse_datetime($value); return DateTime->from_object( object => $dt ); }; deflate { my $value = shift; return DateTime::Format::MySQL->format_datetime($value); }; }; install_table 'user' => schema { pk 'id'; columns qw/ id guid login_id login_pw name mail created_at updated_at /; }; 1; Triggers Skinny supports insert/update/delete triggers: package Proj::Model::Schema; use DBIx::Skinny::Schema; use DateTime; install_table 'user' => schema { pk 'id'; columns qw/ id guid login_id login_pw name mail created_at updated_at /; trigger pre_insert => sub { my ( $class, $args ) = @_; $args->{created_at} ||= DateTime->now; }; }; 1; The available triggers are: "pre_insert", "post_insert", "pre_update", "post_update", "pre_delete", "post_delete" Triggers are stackable, meaning you can have several triggers of the same type and they will fire in the order of definition. newmy $model = Proj::Model->new; $model->do(); Proj::Model->do() connection_info / connect /reconnect / set_dbhconnection_info"connect_info" is used to set the database connection info: Proj::Model->connection_info({ dsn => 'dbi:mysql:test', username => 'username', password => 'password' connect_options => +{ RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 1, }, }); The default "connect_options" are: "RaiseError: 1" "PrintError: 0" "AutoCommit: 1" connect If you want to explictly connect to the database then: Proj::Model->connect({ dsn => 'dbi:mysql:test', username => 'username', password => 'password' connect_options => +{ RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 1, }, }); reconnect Proj::Model->reconnect({ dsn => 'dbi:mysql:test', username => 'username', password => 'password' connect_options => +{ RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 1, }, }); set_dbh Proj::Model->set_dbh($dbh); dbhmy $dbh = Proj::Model->dbh; do"Model->do" is a shortcut for "$dbh->do"Proj::Model->do(q{ CREATE TABLE foo ( id INT, name TEXT ) }); insert / createTo insert records into a table:my $row = Proj::Model->insert('user',{ name => 'nekokak', mail => 'nekokak _at_ gmail.com', }); "->insert()" returns a DBIx::Skinny::Row> class, so you can access columns like so: print $row->name; # nekokak print $row->mail; # nekokak _at_ gmail.com my $row = Proj::Model->create('user',{ name => 'nekokak', mail => 'nekokak _at_ gmail.com', }); update ( $table, $values_href, $where )Proj::Model->update('user', {name => 'yappo'}, {id => 1}) You can also call the "->update" method on the Row object returned from insert: my $row = Proj::Model->insert('user',{ name => 'nekokak', mail => 'nekokak _at_ gmail.com', }); $row->update({name => 'yappo'}); delete ( $table, $where )Proj::Model->delete('user', {id => 1}); my $row = Proj::Model->insert('user',{ name => 'nekokak', mail => 'nekokak _at_ gmail.com', }); $row->delete; bulk_insertTo insert multiple rows at once:Proj::Model->bulk_insert('user', [ { name => 'nekokak', mail => 'nekokak _at_ gmail.com', }, { name => 'yappo', mail => 'yappo _at_ example.com', }, ] ); NOTE: triggers are not supported with bulk inserts find_or_create / find_or_insertmy $row = Proj::Model->find_or_create('user',{ name => 'nekokak', mail => 'nekokak _at_ gmail.com', }); my $row = Proj::Model->find_or_insert('user',{ name => 'nekokak', mail => 'nekokak _at_ gmail.com', }); single / search / search_named /search_by_sql / countsingleUsed when you want a single row: my $row = Proj::Model->single('user',{name => 'nekokak'}); search ( $table, $where, $limit_offset ) my $itr = Proj::Model->search('user', { name => 'nekokak', }, { } ); See DBIx::Class::Manual::EN::Resultset for more information on the $where clause. search_named ( $sql, $placeholder_bindings , $sprintf_bindings ) This method supports search with named placeholders: my $itr = Proj::Model->search_named(q{SELECT * FROM user WHERE id > :id}, {id => 1}); It is also possible to interpolate data with sprintf control strings: my $itr = Proj::Model->search_named(q{SELECT * FROM user WHERE id > :id LIMIT %s}, {id => 1}, [10]); A fourth argument can be used to specify a table for query options. (???) my $itr = Proj::Model->search_named(q{SELECT * FROM user WHERE id > :id LIMIT %s}, {id => 1}, [10], 'user'); search_by_sql Typical DBI-style placeholders: my $itr = Proj::Model->search_by_sql(q{SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = ?}, [1], 'user'); count ( $table, $count_column, $where ) my $count = Porj::Model->count('user' , 'id', {name => 'nekokak'}); resultsetPlease see DBIx::Skinny::Manual::EN::ResultsetTransactionsTransactions are easy in Skinny:my $txn = Proj::Model->txn_scope; my $row = Proj::Model->single('user', {id => 1}); $row->set({name => 'nekokak'}); $row->update; $txn->commit; Here's another way: Proj::Model->txn_begin; my $row = Proj::Model->single('user', {id => 1}); $row->set({name => 'nekokak'}); $row->update; Proj::Model->txn_commit; Proj::Model->txn_end; It is expected that the database support transactions. For MySQL this means using the InnoDB engine. Mixing in methodsClass levelpackage Proj::Model; use DBIx::Skinny; use DBIx::Skinny::Mixin modules => ['+Mixin::Foo']; 1; package Mixin::Foo; sub register_method { +{ foo => sub { 'foo' }, }; } Now Proj::Model->foo; is possible Row object level package Proj::Model::Row::User; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use base 'DBIx::Skinny::Row'; sub foo { say 'foo'; } 1; Now $row->foo; is possible. Here's a more practical example: package Proj::Model::Row::User; use base 'DBIx::Skinny::Row'; sub blogs { my $self = shift; $self->{skinny}->search('blog',{user_id => $self->id}); } Now you can call: $user->blogs;
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