DBIx::Skinny::Pager::Page - simple wrapper of Data::Page.
my $rs = Proj::DB->resultset_with_pager('MySQLFoundRows');
# ... do something with $rs.
my ($iter, $pager) = $rs->retrieve;
# $iter is a DBIx::Skinny::Iterator
isa_ok($pager, "Data::Page");
$pager->to_hash # => {
# total_entries => 70,
# current_page => 2,
# entries_per_page => 20,
# previous_page => 1,
# next_page => 3,
# }
DBIx::Skinny::Pager::Page is a simple wrapper of Data::Page. you can handle it
like a Data::Page object.
DBIx::Skinny::Pager's retrieve method return a wrapped
DBIx::Skinny::Pager::Page object. It's for distinguish what logic was used
from view layer.
Keiji Yoshimi <walf443 at gmail dot com>
+<DBIx::Skinny>, +<DBIx::Skinny::SQL>, +<DBIx::Skinny::Mixin>,
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.