DBIx::Skinny::Profiler - support query profile.
in your script:
use Your::Model;
use Data::Dumper;
my $row = Your::Model->insert('user',
id => 1,
$row->update({name => 'nekokak'});
$row = Your::Model->search_by_sql(q{SELECT id, name FROM user WHERE id = ?}, [ 1 ]);
# get queries
warn Dumper Your::Model->profiler->query_log;
# The following are displayed.
# INSERT INTO user (id) VALUES (?) :binds 1
# UPDATE user set name = ? WHERE = id = ? :binds nekokak 1
# SELECT id, name FROM user WHERE id = ? :binds 1
# DELETE user WHERE id = ? :binds 1
execute script:
$ SKINNY_PROFILE=1 perl ./sample.pl
- $profiler->query_log()
- get all execute SQLs.
- $profile->reset()
- Recorded query information is reset.
Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained
- Around line 81:
- =over without closing =back