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Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::DBIC(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::DBIC(3)

Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::DBIC - authenticate via the Dancer2::Plugin::DBIC plugin

This class is an authentication provider designed to authenticate users against a database, using Dancer2::Plugin::DBIC to access a database.

See Dancer2::Plugin::DBIC for how to configure a database connection appropriately; see the "CONFIGURATION" section below for how to configure this authentication provider with database details.

See Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible for details on how to use the authentication framework.

This provider tries to use sensible defaults, in the same manner as Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::Database, so you may not need to provide much configuration if your database tables look similar to those.

The most basic configuration, assuming defaults for all options, and defining a single authentication realm named 'users':

                    provider: 'DBIC'

You would still need to have provided suitable database connection details to Dancer2::Plugin::DBIC, of course; see the docs for that plugin for full details, but it could be as simple as, e.g.:

                    provider: 'DBIC'
                    users_resultset: 'User'
                    roles_resultset: Role
                    user_roles_resultset: UserRole
                dsn: dbi:mysql:database=mydb;host=localhost
                schema_class: MyApp::Schema
                user: user
                pass: secret

A full example showing all options:

                    provider: 'DBIC'

                    # Should get_user_details return an inflated DBIC row
                    # object? Defaults to false which will return a hashref
                    # inflated using DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator
                    # instead. This also affects what `logged_in_user` returns.
                    user_as_object: 1

                    # Optionally specify the DBIC resultset names if you don't
                    # use the defaults (as shown). These and the column names are the
                    # only settings you might need. The relationships between
                    # these resultsets is automatically introspected by
                    # inspection of the schema.
                    users_resultset: User
                    roles_resultset: Role
                    user_roles_resultset: UserRole

                    # optionally set the column names
                    users_username_column: username
                    users_password_column: password
                    roles_role_column: role

                    # This plugin supports the DPAE record_lastlogin functionality.
                    # Optionally set the column name:
                    users_lastlogin_column: lastlogin

                    # Optionally set columns for user_password functionality in
                    # Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible
                    users_pwresetcode_column: pw_reset_code
                    users_pwchanged_column:   # Time of reset column. No default.

                    # Days after which passwords expire. See logged_in_user_password_expired
                    # functionality in Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible
                    password_expiry_days:       # No default

                    # Optionally set the name of the DBIC schema
                    schema_name: myschema

                    # Optionally set additional conditions when searching for the
                    # user in the database. These are the same format as required
                    # by DBIC, and are passed directly to the DBIC resultset search
                        deleted: 0
                            "<": 1

                    # Optionally specify a key for the user's roles to be returned in.
                    # Roles will be returned as role_name => 1 hashref pairs
                    roles_key: roles

                    # Optionally specify the algorithm when encrypting new passwords
                    encryption_algorithm: SHA-512

                    # Optional: To validate passwords using a method called
                    # 'check_password' in users_resultset result class
                    # which takes the password to check as a single argument:
                    users_password_check: check_password
Defaults to false.

By default a row object is returned as a simple hash reference using DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator. Setting this to true causes normal row objects to be returned instead.

Defaults to "User".

Specifies the DBIx::Class::ResultSet that contains the users. The relationship to user_roles_source will be introspected from the schema.

Defaults to "Roles".

Specifies the DBIx::Class::ResultSet that contains the roles. The relationship to user_roles_source will be introspected from the schema.

Defaults to "User".

Specifies the DBIx::Class::ResultSet that contains the user_roles joining table. The relationship to the user and role source will be introspected from the schema.

Specifies the column name of the username column in the users table
Specifies the column name of the password column in the users table
Specifies the column name of the role name column in the roles table
Specfies the name of the Dancer2::Plugin::DBIC schema to use. If not specified, will default in the same manner as the DBIC plugin.
Specifies additional search parameters when looking up a user in the users table. For example, you might want to exclude any account this is flagged as deleted or disabled.

The value of this parameter will be passed directly to DBIC as a search condition. It is therefore possible to nest parameters and use different operators for the condition. See the example config above for an example.

Specifies a key for the returned user hash to also return the user's roles in. The value of this key will contain a hash ref, which will contain each permission with a value of 1. In your code you might then have:

    my $user = logged_in_user;
    return foo_bar($user);

    sub foo_bar
    {   my $user = shift;
        if ($user->{roles}->{beer_drinker}) {

This isn't intended to replace the "user_has_role" in Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible keyword. Instead it is intended to make it easier to access a user's roles if the user hash is being passed around (without requiring access to the user_has_role keyword in other modules).

Specifies the source name that contains the users. This will be camelized to generate the resultset name. The relationship to user_roles_source will be introspected from the schema.
Specifies the source name that contains the roles. This will be camelized to generate the resultset name. The relationship to user_roles_source will be introspected from the schema.

Specifies the source name that contains the user_roles joining table. This will be camelized to generate the resultset name. The relationship to the user and role source will be introspected from the schema.

If you use a schema similar to the examples provided here, you should need minimal configuration to get this authentication provider to work for you. The examples given here should be MySQL-compatible; minimal changes should be required to use them with other database engines.

You'll need a table to store user accounts in, of course. A suggestion is something like:

     CREATE TABLE user (
         id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                 username varchar(32) NOT NULL,
         password varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
         name varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
         email varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
         deleted tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
         lastlogin datetime DEFAULT NULL,
         pw_changed datetime DEFAULT NULL,
         pw_reset_code varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
         PRIMARY KEY (id)

All columns from the users table will be returned by the "logged_in_user" keyword for your convenience.

You'll need a table to store a list of available groups in.

         CREATE TABLE role (
         id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
         role varchar(32) NOT NULL,
         PRIMARY KEY (id)

Also requred is a table mapping the users to the roles.

     CREATE TABLE user_role (
         user_id int(11) NOT NULL,
         role_id int(11) NOT NULL,
         PRIMARY KEY (user_id, role_id),
         FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES user(id),
         FOREIGN KEY (role_id) REFERENCES role(id)




Andrew Beverley "<>"

Rewrite for Plugin2:

Peter Mottram, "<>"

Ben Kaufman (whosgonna)

Copyright 2015-2016 Andrew Beverley

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.

2019-08-26 perl v5.32.1

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