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Data::FormValidator::ConstraintsFactory(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Data::FormValidator::ConstraintsFactory(3)

Data::FormValidator::ConstraintsFactory - Module to create constraints for HTML::FormValidator.

This module contains functions to help generate complex constraints.

If you are writing new code, take a look at Data::FormValidator::Constraints::MethodsFactory instead. It's a modern alternative to what's here, offering improved names and syntax.

    use Data::FormValidator::ConstraintsFactory qw( :set :bool );

    constraints => {
    param1 => make_or_constraint(
            make_num_set_constraint( -1, ( 1 .. 10 ) ),
            make_set_constraint( 1, ( 20 .. 30 ) ),
    province => make_word_set_constraint( 1, "AB QC ON TN NU" ),
    bid  => make_range_constraint( 1, 1, 10 ),

Those constraints are available by using the ":bool" tag.

This will create a constraint that will return the negation of the result of constraint $c1.

This will create a constraint that will return the result of the first constraint that return an non false result.

This will create a constraint that will return the result of the first constraint that return an non false result only if all constraints returns a non-false results.

Those constraints are available by using the ":set" tag.

This will create a constraint that will return $res if the value is one of the @elements set, or the negation of $res otherwise.

The "eq" operator is used for comparison.

This will create a constraint that will return $res if the value is one of the @elements set, or the negation of $res otherwise.

The "==" operator is used for comparison.

This will create a constraint that will return $res if the value is a word in $set, or the negation of $res otherwise.

This will create a constraint that will return $res if the value is one of the @elements set, or the negation of $res otherwise.

$cmp is a function which takes two argument and should return true or false depending if the two elements are equal.

Those constraints are available by using the ":num" tag.

This will create a constraint that will return $res if the value is between $low and $high bounds included or its negation otherwise.

This will create a constraint that will return $res if the value is lower than $bound, or the negation of $res otherwise.

This will create a constraint that will return $res if the value is lower or equal than $bound, or the negation of $res otherwise.

This will create a constraint that will return $res if the value is greater than $bound, or the negation of $res otherwise.

This will create a constraint that will return $res if the value is greater or equal than $bound, or the negation of $res otherwise.

This will create a constraint that will return true if the value has a length of less than or equal to $max_length


Author: Francis J. Lacoste <francis.lacoste@iNsu.COM> Maintainer: Mark Stosberg <>

Copyright (c) 2000 iNsu Innovations Inc. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms as perl itself.

2017-08-28 perl v5.32.1

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