Data::ICal::Entry::Alarm::None - Represents an default no-op alarm
my $valarm = Data::ICal::Entry::Alarm::None->new();
A Data::ICal::Entry::Alarm::None object represents a default alarm that does
nothing; this is different from a lack of alarm, because clients may be
expected to "override" any default alarm present in calendar data
with the current value retrieved from the server. This class is a subclass of
Data::ICal::Entry::Alarm and accepts all of its methods.
This element is not included in the official iCal RFC, but is
rather an unaccepted draft standard; see
Its interoperability and support is thus limited. This is alarm type
is primarily used by Apple.
Creates a new Data::ICal::Entry::Alarm::None object; sets its
"ACTION" property to
Best Practical Solutions, LLC <>
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modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.