NAMEData::ObjectABSTRACTObject-Orientation for Perl 5SYNOPSISpackage main; use Data::Object; my $array = Box Array [1..4]; # my $iterator = $array->iterator; # $iterator->next; # 1 DESCRIPTIONThis package automatically exports and provides constructor functions for creating chainable data type objects from raw Perl data types.LIBRARIESThis package uses type constraints from:Data::Object::Types FUNCTIONSThis package implements the following functions:argsArgs(HashRef $data) : InstanceOf["Data::Object::Args"] The Args function returns a Data::Object::Args object.
arrayArray(ArrayRef $data) : InstanceOf["Data::Object::Array"] The Array function returns a Data::Object::Box which wraps a Data::Object::Array object.
booleanBoolean(Bool $data) : BooleanObject The Boolean function returns a Data::Object::Boolean object representing a true or false value.
boxBox(Any $data) : InstanceOf["Data::Object::Box"] The Box function returns a Data::Object::Box object representing a data type object which is automatically deduced.
codeCode(CodeRef $data) : InstanceOf["Data::Object::Code"] The Code function returns a Data::Object::Box which wraps a Data::Object::Code object.
dataData(Str $file) : InstanceOf["Data::Object::Data"] The Data function returns a Data::Object::Data object.
errorError(Str | HashRef) : InstanceOf["Data::Object::Exception"] The Error function returns a Data::Object::Exception object.
falseFalse() : BooleanObject The False function returns a Data::Object::Boolean object representing a false value.
floatFloat(Num $data) : InstanceOf["Data::Object::Float"] The Float function returns a Data::Object::Box which wraps a Data::Object::Float object.
hashHash(HashRef $data) : InstanceOf["Data::Object::Hash"] The Hash function returns a Data::Object::Box which wraps a Data::Object::Hash object.
nameName(Str $data) : InstanceOf["Data::Object::Name"] The Name function returns a Name::Object::Name object.
numberNumber(Num $data) : InstanceOf["Data::Object::Number"] The Number function returns a Data::Object::Box which wraps a Data::Object::Number object.
optsOpts(HashRef $data) : InstanceOf["Data::Object::Opts"] The Opts function returns a Data::Object::Opts object.
regexpRegexp(RegexpRef $data) : InstanceOf["Data::Object::Regexp"] The Regexp function returns a Data::Object::Box which wraps a Data::Object::Regexp object.
scalarScalar(Ref $data) : InstanceOf["Data::Object::Scalar"] The Scalar function returns a Data::Object::Box which wraps a Data::Object::Scalar object.
spaceSpace(Str $data) : InstanceOf["Data::Object::Space"] The Space function returns a Data::Object::Space object.
stringString(Str $data) : InstanceOf["Data::Object::String"] The String function returns a Data::Object::Box which wraps a Data::Object::String object.
structStruct(HashRef $data) : InstanceOf["Data::Object::Struct"] The Struct function returns a Data::Object::Struct object.
trueTrue() : BooleanObject The True function returns a Data::Object::Boolean object representing a true value.
undefUndef() : InstanceOf["Data::Object::Undef"] The Undef function returns a Data::Object::Undef object representing the undefined value.
varsVars() : InstanceOf["Data::Object::Vars"] The Vars function returns a Data::Object::Vars object representing the available environment variables.
AUTHORAl Newkirk, "awncorp@cpan.org"LICENSECopyright (C) 2011-2019, Al Newkirk, et al.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the The Apache License, Version 2.0, as elucidated in the "license file" <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/data-object/blob/master/LICENSE>. PROJECTWiki <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/data-object/wiki>Project <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/data-object> Initiatives <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/data-object/projects> Milestones <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/data-object/milestones> Contributing <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/data-object/blob/master/CONTRIBUTE.md> Issues <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/data-object/issues>
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