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Data::Object::Regexp(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Data::Object::Regexp(3)


Regexp Class for Perl 5

  package main;

  use Data::Object::Regexp;

  my $re = Data::Object::Regexp->new(qr(\w+));

This package provides methods for manipulating regexp data.

This package inherits behaviors from:


This package integrates behaviors from:




This package uses type constraints from:


This package implements the following methods:

  defined() : Num

The defined method returns true if the object represents a value that meets the criteria for being defined, otherwise it returns false.

defined example #1
  my $re = Data::Object::Regexp->new;

  $re->defined; # 1

  eq(Any $arg1) : Any

The eq method will throw an exception if called.

eq example #1
  my $re = Data::Object::Regexp->new(qr//);


  ge(Any $arg1) : Any

The ge method will throw an exception if called.

ge example #1
  my $re = Data::Object::Regexp->new(qr//);


  gt(Any $arg1) : Any

The gt method will throw an exception if called.

gt example #1
  my $re = Data::Object::Regexp->new(qr//);


  le(Any $arg1) : Any

The le method will throw an exception if called.

le example #1
  my $re = Data::Object::Regexp->new(qr//);


  lt(Any $arg1) : Any

The lt method will throw an exception if called.

lt example #1
  my $re = Data::Object::Regexp->new(qr//);


  ne(Any $arg1) : Any

The ne method will throw an exception if called.

ne example #1
  my $re = Data::Object::Regexp->new(qr//);


  replace(Str $arg1, Str $arg2) : ReplaceObject

The replace method performs a regular expression substitution on the given string. The first argument is the string to match against. The second argument is the replacement string. The optional third argument might be a string representing flags to append to the s///x operator, such as 'g' or 'e'. This method will always return a Data::Object::Replace object which can be used to introspect the result of the operation.

replace example #1
  my $re = Data::Object::Regexp->new(qr/test/);

  $re->replace('this is a test', 'drill');
replace example #2
  my $re = Data::Object::Regexp->new(qr/test/);

  $re->replace('test 1 test 2 test 3', 'drill', 'gi');
  search(Str $arg1) : SearchObject

The search method performs a regular expression match against the given string, this method will always return a Data::Object::Search object which can be used to introspect the result of the operation.

search example #1
  my $re = Data::Object::Regexp->new(qr/test/);

  $re->search('this is a test');
search example #2
  my $re = Data::Object::Regexp->new(qr/test/);

  $re->search('this does not match', 'gi');

Al Newkirk, ""

Copyright (C) 2011-2019, Al Newkirk, et al.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the The Apache License, Version 2.0, as elucidated in the "license file" <>.

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2020-04-27 perl v5.32.1

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