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NAMEData::Object::Role::BuildableABSTRACTBuildable Role for Perl 5SYNOPSISpackage Vehicle; use Moo; with 'Data::Object::Role::Buildable'; has name => ( is => 'rw' ); 1; DESCRIPTIONThis package provides methods for hooking into object construction of the consuming class, e.g. handling single-arg object construction.SCENARIOSThis package supports the following scenarios:buildargpackage Car; use Moo; extends 'Vehicle'; sub build_arg { my ($class, $name) = @_; # do something with $name or $class ... return { name => $name }; } package main; my $car = Car->new('tesla'); This package supports handling a "build_arg" method, as a hook into object construction, which is called and passed a single argument if a single argument is passed to the constructor. buildargspackage Sedan; use Moo; extends 'Car'; sub build_args { my ($class, $args) = @_; # do something with $args or $class ... $args->{name} = ucfirst $args->{name}; return $args; } package main; my $sedan = Sedan->new('tesla'); This package supports handling a "build_args" method, as a hook into object construction, which is called and passed a "hashref" during object construction. buildselfpackage Taxicab; use Moo; extends 'Sedan'; sub build_self { my ($self, $args) = @_; # do something with $self or $args ... $args->{name} = 'Toyota'; return; } package main; my $taxicab = Taxicab->new('tesla'); This package supports handling a "build_self" method, as a hook into object construction, which is called and passed a "hashref" during object construction. Note: Manipulating the arguments doesn't effect object's construction or properties. AUTHORAl Newkirk, "awncorp@cpan.org"LICENSECopyright (C) 2011-2019, Al Newkirk, et al.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the The Apache License, Version 2.0, as elucidated in the "license file" <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/data-object-role-buildable/blob/master/LICENSE>. PROJECTWiki <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/data-object-role-buildable/wiki>Project <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/data-object-role-buildable> Initiatives <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/data-object-role-buildable/projects> Milestones <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/data-object-role-buildable/milestones> Contributing <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/data-object-role-buildable/blob/master/CONTRIBUTE.md> Issues <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/data-object-role-buildable/issues>