- $locale->id()
The locale's id.
- $locale->language_id()
The language portion of the id.
- $locale->script_id()
The script portion of the id, if any.
- $locale->territory_id()
The territory portion of the id, if any.
- $locale->variant_id()
The variant portion of the id, if any.
- $locale->name()
The full name for the locale in English.
- $locale->language()
The language name for the locale in English.
- $locale->script()
The script name for the locale in English, if any.
- $locale->territory()
The territory name for the locale in English, if any.
- $locale->variant()
The variant name for the locale in English, if any.
- $locale->native_name()
The full name for the locale in its native language, if
- $locale->native_language()
The language name for the locale in its native language, if
- $locale->native_script()
The script name for the locale in its native language, if
- $locale->native_territory()
The territory name for the locale in its native language, if
- $locale->native_variant()
The variant name for the locale in its native language, if
- $locale->month_format_wide()
Returns an array reference containing the wide format names of
the months, with January as the first month.
- $locale->month_format_abbreviated()
Returns an array reference containing the abbreviated format
names of the months, with January as the first month.
- $locale->month_format_narrow()
Returns an array reference containing the narrow format names
of the months, with January as the first month.
- $locale->month_stand_alone_wide()
Returns an array reference containing the wide stand-alone
names of the months, with January as the first month.
- $locale->month_stand_alone_abbreviated()
Returns an array reference containing the abbreviated
stand-alone names of the months, with January as the first month.
- $locale->month_stand_alone_narrow()
Returns an array reference containing the narrow stand-alone
names of the months, with January as the first month.
- $locale->day_format_wide()
Returns an array reference containing the wide format names of
the days, with Monday as the first day.
- $locale->day_format_abbreviated()
Returns an array reference containing the abbreviated format
names of the days, with Monday as the first day.
- $locale->day_format_narrow()
Returns an array reference containing the narrow format names
of the days, with Monday as the first day.
- $locale->day_stand_alone_wide()
Returns an array reference containing the wide stand-alone
names of the days, with Monday as the first day.
- $locale->day_stand_alone_abbreviated()
Returns an array reference containing the abbreviated
stand-alone names of the days, with Monday as the first day.
- $locale->day_stand_alone_narrow()
Returns an array reference containing the narrow stand-alone
names of the days, with Monday as the first day.
- $locale->quarter_format_wide()
Returns an array reference containing the wide format names of
the quarters.
- $locale->quarter_format_abbreviated()
Returns an array reference containing the abbreviated format
names of the quarters.
- $locale->quarter_format_narrow()
Returns an array reference containing the narrow format names
of the quarters.
- $locale->quarter_stand_alone_wide()
Returns an array reference containing the wide stand-alone
names of the quarters.
- $locale->quarter_stand_alone_abbreviated()
Returns an array reference containing the abbreviated
stand-alone names of the quarters.
- $locale->quarter_stand_alone_narrow()
Returns an array reference containing the narrow stand-alone
names of the quarters.
- $locale->era_wide()
Returns an array reference containing the wide names of the
eras, with "BCE" first.
- $locale->era_abbreviated()
Returns an array reference containing the abbreviated names of
the eras, with "BCE" first.
- $locale->era_narrow()
Returns an array reference containing the abbreviated names of
the eras, with "BCE" first. However, most locales do not
differ between the narrow and abbreviated length of the era.
- $locale->am_pm_abbreviated()
Returns an array reference containing the abbreviated names of
"AM" and "PM".
- $locale->date_format_long()
- $locale->date_format_full()
- $locale->date_format_medium()
- $locale->date_format_short()
Returns the CLDR date pattern of the appropriate length.
- $locale->date_formats()
Returns a hash reference of CLDR date patterns for the date
formats, where the keys are "full", "long",
"medium", and "short".
- $locale->time_format_long()
- $locale->time_format_full()
- $locale->time_format_medium()
- $locale->time_format_short()
Returns the CLDR date pattern of the appropriate length.
- $locale->time_formats()
Returns a hash reference of CLDR date patterns for the time
formats, where the keys are "full", "long",
"medium", and "short".
- $locale->datetime_format_long()
- $locale->datetime_format_full()
- $locale->datetime_format_medium()
- $locale->datetime_format_short()
Returns the CLDR date pattern of the appropriate length.
- $locale->datetime_formats()
Returns a hash reference of CLDR date patterns for the
datetime formats, where the keys are "full", "long",
"medium", and "short".
- $locale->date_format_default()
- $locale->time_format_default()
- $locale->datetime_format_default()
Returns the default CLDR date pattern. The length of this
format is based on the value of
- $locale->default_date_format_length()
- $locale->default_time_format_length()
Returns the default length for the format, one of
"full", "long", "medium", or
- $locale->set_default_date_format_length()
- $locale->set_default_time_format_length()
Sets the default length for the format. This must be one of
"full", "long", "medium", or
- $locale->prefers_24_hour_time()
Returns a boolean indicating the preferred hour format for
this locale.
- $locale->first_day_of_week()
Returns a number from 1 to 7 indicating the local first
day of the week, with Monday being 1 and Sunday being 7. For example,
for a US locale this returns 7.
- $locale->available_formats()
A list of format names, like "MMdd" or
"yyyyMM". This should be the list directly supported by the
subclass, not its parents.
- $locale->format_for($key)
Given a valid name, returns the CLDR date pattern for that
thing, if one exists.