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NAMEDeclare::Constraints::Simple::Library::General - General ConstraintsSYNOPSIS# custom error messages my $constraint = And( Message( 'You need to specify a Value', IsDefined ), Message( 'The specified Value is not an Int', IsInt )); # build results my $valid = ReturnTrue; my $invalid = ReturnFalse('Just because'); DESCRIPTIONThis library is meant to contain those constraints and constraint-like elements that apply generally to the whole framework.CONSTRAINTSMessage($message, $constraint)Overrides the "message" set on the result object for failures in $constraint. For example:my $message = 'How hard is it to give me a number?'; my $constraint = Message($message, IsNumber); my $result = $constraint->('duh...'); print $result->message, "\n"; The "Message" constraint overrides the error message returned by it's whole subtree, however, the "Message" specification nearest to the point of failure will win. So while this my $constraint = Message( 'Foo', IsArrayRef( Message( 'Bar', IsInt ))); my $result = $constraint->(['I am not an Integer']); print $result->message; will print "Bar", this my $result = $constraint->('I\'m not even an ArrayRef'); print $result->message; will output "Foo". Scope($name, $constraint)Executes the passed $constraint in a newly generated scope named $name.SetResult($scope, $name, $constraint)Stores the result ov an evaluation of $constraint in $scope under $name.IsValid($scope, $name)Returns a true result if the result $name, which has to have been stored previously in the scope named $scope, was valid.ReturnTrue()Returns a true result.ReturnFalse($msg)Returns a false result containing $msg as error message.SEE ALSODeclare::Constraints::Simple, Declare::Constraints::Simple::LibraryAUTHORRobert 'phaylon' Sedlacek "<phaylon@dunkelheit.at>"LICENSE AND COPYRIGHTThis module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself.