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NAMEData::Diver - Simple, ad-hoc access to elements of deeply nested structuresSUMMARYData::Diver provides the Dive() and DiveVal() functions for ad-hoc access to elements of deeply nested data structures, and the DiveRef(), DiveError(), DiveClear(), and DiveDie() support functions.SYNOPSISuse Data::Diver qw( Dive DiveRef DiveError ); my $root= { top => [ { first => 1 }, { second => { key => [ 0, 1, 2, { three => { exists => 'yes', }, }, ], }, }, ], }; # Sets $value to 'yes' # ( $root->{top}[1]{second}{key}[3]{three}{exists} ): my $value= Dive( $root, qw( top 1 second key 3 three exists ) ); # Sets $value to undef() because "missing" doesn't exist: $value= Dive( $root, qw( top 1 second key 3 three missing ) ); # Sets $value to undef() because # $root->{top}[1]{second}{key}[4] is off the end of the array: $value= Dive( $root, qw( top 1 second key 4 ... ) ); # Sets $value to undef() because # $root->{top}[1]{second}{key}[-5] would be a fatal error: $value= Dive( $root, qw( top 1 second key -5 ... ) ); # Sets $ref to \$root->{top}[9]{new}{sub} (which grows # @{ $root->{top} } and autovifies two anonymous hashes): my $ref= DiveRef( $root, qw( top 9 new sub ) ); # die()s because "other" isn't a valid number: $ref= DiveRef( $root, qw( top other ... ) ); # Does: $root->{num}{1}{2}= 3; # (Autovivifies hashes despite the numeric keys.) DiveVal( $root, \( qw( num 1 2 ) ) ) = 3; # Same thing: ${ DiveRef( $root, 'num', \1, \2 ) } = 3; # Retrieves above value, $value= 3: $value= DiveVal( $root, 'num', \1, \2 ); # Same thing: $value= ${ DiveRef( $root, \( qw( num 1 2 ) ) ) }; # Tries to do $root->{top}{1} and dies # because $root->{top} is an array reference: DiveRef( $root, 'top', \1 ); # To only autovivify at the last step: $ref= DiveRef( Dive( $root, qw( top 1 second key 3 three ) ), 'missing' ); if( $ref ) { $$ref= 'me too' } else { my( $nestedRef, $svKey, $errDesc )= DiveError(); die "Couldn't dereference $nestedRef via $$svKey: $errDesc\n"; } DESCRIPTIONNote that Data::Diver does "use strict;" and so will not use symbolic references. That is, a simple string can never be used as a reference.Dive$value= Dive( $root, @ListOfKeys ) Dive() pulls out one value from a nested data structure. Dive() absolutely refuses to autovivify anything. If you give any 'key' that would require autovivification [or would cause an error or warning], then an empty list is returned. How Dive() works is easiest to "explain" by looking at the examples listed in the "SYNOPSIS" section above. $root should be a reference, usually a reference to hash or to an array. @ListOfKeys should be a list of values to use as hash keys or array indices [or a few other things] that will be used to deference deeper and deeper into the data structure that $root refers to. More details can be found under "Simple 'key' values" and "Advanced 'key' values" further down. If you want to distinguish between "exists" and "defined" for a hash element, then you can distinguish between an empty list, "( )", being returned and one "undef", "( undef )", being returned: my @exists= Dive( \%hashOfHashes, 'first', 'second' ); if( ! @exists ) { warn "\$hashOfHashes{first}{second} does not exists.\n"; } elsif( ! defined $exists[0] ) { warn "\$hashOfHashes{first}{second} exists but is undefined.\n"; } DiveVal$val= DiveVal( $root, @ListOfKeys ); DiveVal( $root, @ListOfKeys )= $val; DiveVal() is very much like Dive() except that it autovivifies if it can, dies if it can't, and is an LValue subroutine. So you can assign to DiveVal() and the dereferenced element will be modified. You can also take a reference to the call to DiveVal() or do anything else that you can do with a regular scalar variable. If $root is undefined, then DiveVal() immediately returns "( undef )" [without overwriting "DiveError()"]. This is for the special case of using "DiveVal( Dive( ... ), ... )" because you want to only allow partial autovivifying. DiveRef$ref= DiveRef( $root, @ListOfKeys ) Simple 'key' valuesBoth Dive() and DiveRef() start by trying to dereference $root using the first element of @ListOfKeys. We refer to the resulting value as $ref and, if there are more elements in @ListOfKeys, then the next step will be to try to dereference $ref using that next 'key' [producing a new value for $ref].To dereference an array reference, you must give a 'key' value that is defined and matches "m/^-?\d+$/". So, if you have more general numeric values, you should use "int()" to convert them to simple integers. To dereference a hash reference, you must give a 'key' value that is "defined" (or that is a reference to a scalar that will be used as the key). Note that all 'keys' that work for arrays also work for hashes. If you have a reference that is overloaded such that it can both act as an array reference and as a hash reference [or, in the case of DiveVal() and DiveRef(), if you have an undefined $ref which can be autovivified into either type of reference], then numeric-looking key values cause an array dereference. In the above cases, if you want to do a hash dereference, then you need to pass in a reference to the key. Note that undefined keys are reserved for a special meaning discussed in "Advanced 'key' values" further down. That section discusses how to dereference other types of references [scalar references and subroutine references] and exactly how the different reference types and key values interact. DiveError( $errDesc, $ref, $svKey )= DiveError(); In the case of Dive() returning an empty list, a subsequent call to DiveError() will return a description of why Dive() failed, the specific reference that was trying to be dereferenced [not just the top-level $root reference that was passed into Dive], and a reference to the specific 'key'. DiveClearDiveClear(); DiveClear() erases the record of any previous Dive() failures. DiveDieDiveDie(); or $value= DiveDie( Dive(...) ); or $value= DiveDie( $root, @ListOfKeys ); This "die"s with an error message based on the previously saved Dive() failure reason. If there is no previously saved failure reason or if one argument is passed into DiveDie(), then it simply returns that argument [or an empty list]. If more than one argument is passed into DiveDie(), then those arguments are passed to Dive() and then DiveDie() behaves as described above. That is, "DiveDie($root,@list)" acts the same as "DiveDie(Dive($root,@list))". Advanced 'key' valuesFor both Dive() and DiveRef(), each $key in @ListOfKeys can have the following values:
Note that the order of the above items is significant. It represents the order in which cases are tested. So an undefined $key will only be for derefencing a scalar reference and a numeric key will prefer to treat a reference as an array reference. AUTHORTye McQueen, http://www.perlmonks.org/?node=tyeSEE ALSOOnce More With Feeling -- Joss++