"DocSet::Util" - Commonly used functions
use DocSet::Util;
copy_file($src, $dst);
write_file($filename, $content);
read_file($filename, $r_content);
read_file_paras($filename, $ra_content);
my $ext = filename_ext($filename);
my $date = get_date();
my $timestamp = get_timestamp();
my $uri = path2uri($os_path);
my $output = proc_tmpl($tmpl_root, $tmpl_file, $mode, $vars);
my $sub_ref = build_matchmany_sub($ra_regex);
my $exec_path = which('perldoc');
All the functions are exported by default.
META: to be completed (see SYNOPSIS meanwhile)
- copy_file
- write_file
- create_dir
- read_file
- read_file_paras
- filename_ext
- path2uri
- get_date
- get_timestamp
- require_package
- proc_tmpl
- banner
- build_matchmany_sub
Since the patterns are compiled by insertion into m//, make
sure that any "/" are escaped. Be
careful with using quotemeta() for this, since you don't want to
espace special regex char, e.g. "^",
"$", etc.
- which
my $exec_path = which('perldoc');
a portable function to search for executables on the
Accepts a single argument which is the name of the executable
to search for. Returns the full path to the executable if found, an
empty string otherwise.
Parts of the implementation are borrowed from
modperl-2.0/lib/Apache/Build.pm and modified to take into an
account Win32's "PATHEXT" environment
variable or the hardcoded list of known executable extensions for Win9x
which doesn't have this variable.
- dumper
- confess
- cluck
- carp
- note
Stas Bekman <stas (at) stason.org>