errmsgno() - prints error message, given error code
errmsgno (errcode, format, arg1...argn)
int errcode;
char *format;
errmsgno() prints an error output message corresponding to errcode, which is a
standard system error. errmsgno() begins its output with the current program
name (as passed to it by exec ). The message can be expanded with additional
arguments in the same form printf() would.
comerr(3), comerrno(3), error(3), errmsg(3), error(3) geterrno(3), printf(3),
errmsgno() is identical to comerrno() except instead of exiting, it prints the
error message and returns to the caller. If the errcode argument is positive,
errmsgno() ignores it and just prints the program name and the result of
expanding format().