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NAMEError::TypeTiny - exceptions for Type::Tiny and friendsSYNOPSISuse Data::Dumper; use Try::Tiny; use Types::Standard qw(Str); try { Str->assert_valid(undef); } catch { my $exception = shift; warn "Encountered Error: $exception"; warn Dumper($exception->explain) if $exception->isa("Error::TypeTiny::Assertion"); }; STATUSThis module is covered by the Type-Tiny stability policy.DESCRIPTIONWhen Type::Tiny and its related modules encounter an error, they throw an exception object. These exception objects inherit from Error::TypeTiny.Constructors
Package Variables
CAVEATSAlthough Error::TypeTiny objects are thrown for errors produced by Type::Tiny, that doesn't mean every time you use Type::Tiny you'll get Error::TypeTinys whenever you want.For example, if you use a Type::Tiny type constraint in a Moose attribute, Moose will not call the constraint's "assert_valid" method (which throws an exception). Instead it will call "check" and "get_message" (which do not), and will "confess" an error message of its own. (The $LastError package variable may save your bacon.) BUGSPlease report any bugs to <https://github.com/tobyink/p5-type-tiny/issues>.SEE ALSOError::TypeTiny::Assertion, Error::TypeTiny::WrongNumberOfParameters.Try::Tiny, Try::Tiny::ByClass. AUTHORToby Inkster <tobyink@cpan.org>.COPYRIGHT AND LICENCEThis software is copyright (c) 2013-2014, 2017-2021 by Toby Inkster.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIESTHIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.