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NAMEExportTo - export any function/method to any namespaceVERSIONVersion 0.03SYNOPSISpackage From; sub function_1{ # ... } sub function_2{ # ... } sub function_3{ # ... } use ExportTo (NameSpace1 => [qw/function_1 function_2/], NameSpace2 => [qw/function_3/]); # Now, function_1 and function_2 are exported to 'NameSpace1' namespace. # function_3 is exported to 'NameSpace2' namespace. # If 'NameSpace1'/'NameSpace2' namespace has same name function/method, # such a function/method is not exported and ExportTo croaks. # but if you want to override, you can do it as following. use ExportTo (NameSpace1 => [qw/+function_1 function_2/]); # if adding + to function/method name, # This override function/method which namespace already has with exported function/method. use ExportTo ('+NameSpace' => [qw/function_1 function_2/]); # if you add + to namespace name, all functions are exported even if namespace already has function/method. use ExportTo ('+NameSpace' => {function_ => sub{print 1}, function_2 => 'function_2'}); # if using hashref instead of arrayref, its key is regarded as subroutine name and # value is regarded as its coderef/subroutine name. and this subroutine name will be exported. DESCRIPTIONThis module allow you to export/override subroutine/method to one namespace. It can be used for mix-in, for extension of modules not using inheritance.FUNCTION/METHOD
Export from another package to another package (with renaming).This is used in Util::Any. For example, CGI::Util's "escape" function to other package.package main; use CGI (); # export CGI::Util::escape to OtherA use ExportTo (OtherA => ['CGI::Util::escape']); # export CGI::Util::escape to OtherB as cgi_escape use ExportTo (OtherB => {cgi_escape => \&CGI::Util::escape}); print OtherA::escape("/"); # %2F print OtherB::cgi_escape("/"); # %2F Import from another package's subroutine to current package (with renaming)It is as same as above.use CGI (); # export CGI::Util::escape to current package use ExportTo (__PACKAGE__, ['CGI::Util::escape']); # export CGI::Util::escape to current package as cgi_escape use ExportTo (__PACKAGE__, {cgi_escape => \&CGI::Util::escape}); print main::escape("/"); # %2F print main::cgi_escape("/"); # %2F But for this purpose, Sub::Import has better interface. AUTHORKtat, "<ktat at cpan.org>"BUGSPlease report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-exportto at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=ExportTo>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.SUPPORTYou can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.perldoc ExportTo You can also look for information at:
SEE ALSOSub::Import. If you import other module's function to current package, it is better than ExportTo.COPYRIGHT & LICENSECopyright 2006-2009 Ktat, all rights reserved.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.