NAMEExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Argument - Node representing a method/function argumentDESCRIPTIONAn ExtUtils::XSpp::Node subclass representing a single function or method argument such asint foo = 0. which would translate to an "ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Argument" which has its "type" set to "int", its "name" set to "foo" and its "default" set to 0.. METHODSnewCreates a new "ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Argument".Named parameters: "type" indicating the C++ argument type, "name" indicating the variable name, and optionally "default" indicating the default value of the argument. uses_lengthReturns true if the argument uses the XS length feature, false otherwise.implementation_nameReturns the same as the "name" method unless the argument is of the "%length(something)" variant. In that case, "implementation_name" returns a munged version of the name that addresses the name mangling done by xsubpp: "XSauto_length_of_somthing".fix_name_in_codeGiven a code string, replaces any occurrances of the name of this "Argument" with its implementation name. If the implementation name is the same as the name, which is the most likely case, the code remains completely untouched.Returns the potentially modified code. ACCESSORStypeReturns the type of the argument.nameReturns the variable name of the argument variable.defaultReturns the default for the function parameter if any.has_defaultReturns whether there is a default for the function parameter.functionReturns a reference to the containing function/method.indexReturns the 0-based index of the argument in the argument list.
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