Facebook::Graph::Cookbook::Recipe3 - Impersonation
Building an application that can post as another page under my control.
We're assuming you've already learned the basics of Facebook::Graph through the
other recipes and have already set up your application access token.
use Facebook::Graph;
use Ouch;
use Config::JSON;
# init
my $fb_config = Config::JSON->new('/path/to/my.conf')->get('facebook');
my $fb = Facebook::Graph->new($fb_config);
# get list of available my pages and access tokens
my $pages = $fb->query->find('me/accounts')->include_metadata->request->as_hashref->{data};
my $token;
# identify the specific page i want to post to
foreach my $page (@{$pages}) {
$token = $page->{access_token} if $page->{id} eq $fb_config->{page_id};
unless (defined $token) {
ouch 504, "Couldn't post to Facebook.";
# post
my $response_id = $fb->add_post
For more recipes, check out the Facebook::Graph::Cookbook.
Facebook::Graph is Copyright 2010 - 2012 Plain Black Corporation
(<http://www.plainblack.com>) and is licensed under the same terms as
Perl itself.