GPS::OID - Package for GPS PRN - Object ID conversions.
use GPS::OID;
my $obj = GPS::OID->new();
print "PRN: ", $obj->prn_oid(22231), "\n";
print "OID: ", $obj->oid_prn(1), "\n";
This module maps GPS PRN number to Satellite OID and vice versa.
The catalog number assigned to the object by the US Air Force. The numbers are
assigned sequentially as objects are cataloged. This is the most common way to
search for TLE data on this site.
Object numbers less then 10000 are always aligned to the right,
and padded with zeros or spaces to the left.
GPS satellites are identified by the receiver by means of PRN-numbers. Real GPS
satellites are numbered from 1 - 32. WAAS/EGNOS satellites and other
pseudolites are assigned higher numbers. The PRN-numbers of the satellites
appear on the satellite view screens of many GPS receivers.
Function naming convention is "format of the return" underscore
"format of the parameters."
The new() constructor
my $obj = GPS::OID->new();
PRN given Object ID.
my $prn=prn_oid(22231);
Object ID given PRN.
my $oid=oid_prn(1);
List all known PRNs.
my @prn=$obj->listprn;
my $prn=$obj->listprn;
List all known OIDs.
my @oid=$obj->listoid;
my $oid=$obj->listoid;
OID to PRN hash reference
my $data=$self->data;
Adds or overloads new OID/PRN pairs.
Resets overloaded OID/PRN pairs to package defaults.
Please send issues to the gpsd-dev email list.
Michael R. Davis qw/perl michaelrdavis com/
Copyright (c) 2006 Michael R. Davis (mrdvt92)
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.