Games::AlphaBeta::Reversi - Reversi position class for use with Games::AlphaBeta
package My::Reversi;
use base qw(Games::AlphaBeta::Reversi);
# implement drawing routine
sub draw { ... }
package main;
use My::Reversi;
use Games::AlphaBeta;
my ($p, $g);
$p = My::Reversi->new;
$g = Games::AlphaBeta->new($p);
while ($p = $g->abmove) {
This module implements a position-object suitable for use with Games::AlphaBeta.
It inherits from the Games::AlphaBeta::Position base class, so be sure to read
its documentation. The methods implemented there will not be described here.
- init()
- Initialize the initial state. Call SUPER::init(@_) to do part of the
- as_string
- Return a plain-text representation of the current game position as a
- findmoves [$own_call]
- Return an array of all legal moves at the current position for the current
If $own_call is true, we have been
recursively called by ourself to find out if the other player could
move. If neither player can move, return undef to denote this as an
ending position. Otherwise return a pass move.
- evaluate
- Evaluate a game position and return its fitness value.
- apply $move
- Apply a move to the current position, transforming it into the next
position. Return reference to itself on succes, undef on error.
The "findmoves()" method is too slow. This
method is critical to performance when running under Games::AlphaBeta, as more
than 60% of the execution time is spent there (when searching to ply 3). Both
the "evaluate()" and
"endpos()" routines use
"findmoves()" internally, so by speeding
this routine up we could gain a lot of speed.
The author's website, describing this and other projects:
Stig Brautaset, <>
Copyright (C) 2004 by Stig Brautaset
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.3 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.