NAMEGetopt::Euclid - Executable Uniform Command-Line Interface DescriptionsVERSIONThis document describes Getopt::Euclid version 0.4.5SYNOPSISuse Getopt::Euclid; if ($ARGV{-i}) { print "Interactive mode...\n"; } for my $x (0..$ARGV{-size}{h}-1) { for my $y (0..$ARGV{-size}{w}-1) { do_something_with($x, $y); } } __END__ =head1 NAME yourprog - Your program here =head1 VERSION This documentation refers to yourprog version 1.9.4 =head1 USAGE yourprog [options] -s[ize]=<h>x<w> -o[ut][file] <file> =head1 REQUIRED ARGUMENTS =over =item -s[ize]=<h>x<w> Specify size of simulation =for Euclid: h.type: int > 0 h.default: 24 w.type: int >= 10 w.default: 80 =item -o[ut][file] <file> Specify output file =for Euclid: file.type: writable file.default: '-' =back =head1 OPTIONS =over =item -i Specify interactive simulation =item -l[[en][gth]] <l> Length of simulation. The default is l.default =for Euclid: l.type: int > 0 l.default: 99 =item --debug [<log_level>] Set the log level. Default is log_level.default but if you provide --debug, then it is log_level.opt_default. =for Euclid: log_level.type: int log_level.default: 0 log_level.opt_default: 1 =item --version =item --usage =item --help =item --man Print the usual program information =back Remainder of documentation starts here... =head1 AUTHOR Damian Conway (DCONWAY@CPAN.org) =head1 BUGS There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code. Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2005, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html) DESCRIPTIONGetopt::Euclid uses your program's own POD documentation to create a powerful command-line argument parser. This ensures that your program's documented interface and its actual interface always agree.The created command-line argument parser includes many features such as argument type checking, required arguments, exclusive arguments, optional arguments with default values, automatic usage message, ... To use the module, simply write the following at the top of your program: use Getopt::Euclid; This will cause Getopt::Euclid to be require'd and its import method will be called. It is important that the import method be allowed to run, so do not invoke Getopt::Euclid in the following manner: # Will not work use Getopt::Euclid (); When the module is loaded within a regular Perl program, it will:
As a special case, if the module is loaded within some other module (i.e. from within a ".pm" file), it still locates and extracts POD information, but instead of parsing @ARGV immediately, it caches that information and installs an "import()" subroutine in the caller module. This new "import()" acts just like Getopt::Euclid's own import, except that it adds the POD from the caller module to the POD of the callee. All of which just means you can put some or all of your CLI specification in a module, rather than in the application's source file. See "Module interface" for more details. INTERFACEProgram interfaceYou write:use Getopt::Euclid; and your command-line is parsed automagically. Module interface
POD interfaceThis is where all the action is. POD markup can be placed in a .pod file that has the same prefix as the corresponding Perl file. Alternatively, POD can be inserted anywhere in the Perl code, but is typically added either after an __END__ statement (like in the SYNOPSIS), or interspersed in the code:use Getopt::Euclid; =head1 NAME yourprog - Your program here =head1 REQUIRED ARGUMENTS =over =item -s[ize]=<h>x<w> Specify size of simulation =for Euclid: h.type: int > 0 h.default: 24 w.type: int >= 10 w.default: 80 =back =head1 OPTIONS =over =item -i Specify interactive simulation =back =cut # Getopt::Euclid has parsed commandline parameters and stored them in %ARGV if ($ARGV{-i}) { print "Interactive mode...\n"; } for my $x (0..$ARGV{-size}{h}-1) { for my $y (0..$ARGV{-size}{w}-1) { do_something_with($x, $y); } } When Getopt::Euclid is loaded in a non-".pm" file, it searches that file for the following POD documentation:
Specifying argumentsEach required or optional argument is specified in the POD in the following format:=item ARGUMENT_STRUCTURE ARGUMENT_DESCRIPTION =for Euclid: ARGUMENT_OPTIONS PLACEHOLDER_CONSTRAINTS Argument structure
For example, the argument specification: =item -i[n] [=] <file> | --from <file> indicates that any of the following may appear on the command-line: -idata.txt -i data.txt -i=data.txt -i = data.txt -indata.txt -in data.txt -in=data.txt -in = data.txt --from data.text as well as any other combination of whitespacing. Any of the above variations would cause all three of: $ARGV{'-i'} $ARGV{'-in'} $ARGV{'--from'} to be set to the string 'data.txt'. You could allow the optional "=" to also be an optional colon by specifying: =item -i[n] [=|:] <file> Optional components may also be nested, so you could write: =item -i[n[put]] [=] <file> which would allow "-i", "-in", and "-input" as synonyms for this argument and would set all three of $ARGV{'-i'}, $ARGV{'-in'}, and $ARGV{'-input'} to the supplied file name. The point of setting every possible variant within %ARGV is that this allows you to use a single key (say $ARGV{'-input'}, regardless of how the argument is actually specified on the command-line. Repeatable argumentsNormally Getopt::Euclid only accepts each specified argument once, the first time it appears in @ARGV. However, you can specify that an argument may appear more than once, using the "repeatable" option:=item file=<filename> =for Euclid: repeatable When an argument is marked repeatable the corresponding entry of %ARGV will not contain a single value, but rather an array reference. If the argument also has "Multiple placeholders", then the corresponding entry in %ARGV will be an array reference with each array entry being a hash reference. Boolean argumentsIf an argument has no placeholders it is treated as a boolean switch and its entry in %ARGV will be true if the argument appeared in @ARGV.For a boolean argument, you can also specify variations that are false, if they appear. For example, a common idiom is: =item --print Print results =item --noprint Do not print results These two arguments are effectively the same argument, just with opposite boolean values. However, as specified above, only one of $ARGV{'--print'} and $ARGV{'--noprint'} will be set. As an alternative you can specify a single argument that accepts either value and sets both appropriately: =item --[no]print [Do not] print results =for Euclid: false: --noprint With this specification, if "--print" appears in @ARGV, then $ARGV{'--print'} will be true and $ARGV{'--noprint'} will be false. On the other hand, if "--noprint" appears in @ARGV, then $ARGV{'--print'} will be false and $ARGV{'--noprint'} will be true. The specified false values can follow any convention you wish: =item [+|-]print =for Euclid: false: -print or: =item -report[_no[t]] =for Euclid: false: -report_no[t] et cetera. Multiple placeholdersAn argument can have two or more placeholders:=item -size <h> <w> The corresponding command line argument would then have to provide two values: -size 24 80 Multiple placeholders can optionally be separated by literal characters (which must then appear on the command-line). For example: =item -size <h>x<w> would then require a command-line of the form: -size 24x80 If an argument has two or more placeholders, the corresponding entry in %ARGV becomes a hash reference, with each of the placeholder names as one key. That is, the above command-line would set both $ARGV{'-size'}{'h'} and $ARGV{'-size'}{'w'}. Optional placeholdersPlaceholders can be specified as optional as well:=item -size <h> [<w>] This specification then allows either: -size 24 or: -size 24 80 on the command-line. If the second placeholder value is not provided, the corresponding $ARGV{'-size'}{'w'} entry is set to "undef". See also "Placeholder defaults". Unflagged placeholdersIf an argument consists of a single placeholder with no "flag" marking it:=item <filename> then the corresponding entry in %ARG will have a key the same as the placeholder (including the surrounding angle brackets): if ($ARGV{'<filename>'} eq '-') { $fh = \*STDIN; } The same is true for any more-complicated arguments that begin with a placeholder: =item <h> [x <w>] The only difference in the more-complex cases is that, if the argument has any additional placeholders, the entire entry in %ARGV becomes a hash: my $total_size = $ARGV{'<h>'}{'h'} * $ARGV{'<h>'}{'w'} Note that, as in earlier multi-placeholder examples, the individual second- level placeholder keys do not retain their angle-brackets. Repeated placeholdersAny placeholder that is immediately followed by "...", like so:=item -lib <file>... =for Euclid: file.type: readable will match at least once, but as many times as possible before encountering the next argument on the command-line. This allows to specify multiple values for an argument, for example: -lib file1.txt file2.txt An unconstrained repeated unflagged placeholder (see "Placeholder constraints" and "Unflagged placeholders") will consume the rest of the command-line, and so should be specified last in the POD =item -n <name> =item <offset>... =for Euclid: offset.type: 0+int and on the command-line: -n foobar 1 5 0 23 If a placeholder is repeated, the corresponding entry in %ARGV will then be an array reference, with each individual placeholder match in a separate element. For example: for my $lib (@{ $ARGV{'-lib'} }) { add_lib($lib); } warn "First offset is: $ARGV{'<offsets>'}[0]"; my $first_offset = shift @{ $ARGV{'<offsets>'} }; Placeholder constraintsYou can specify that the value provided for a particular placeholder must satisfy a particular set of restrictions by using a "=for Euclid" block. For example:=item -size <h>x<w> =for Euclid: h.type: integer w.type: integer specifies that both the "<h>" and "<w>" must be given integers. You can also specify an operator expression after the type name: =for Euclid: h.type: integer > 0 w.type: number <= 100 specifies that "<h>" has to be given an integer that is greater than zero, and that "<w>" has to be given a number (not necessarily an integer) that is no more than 100. These type constraints have two alternative syntaxes: PLACEHOLDER.type: TYPE BINARY_OPERATOR EXPRESSION as shown above, and the more general: PLACEHOLDER.type: TYPE [, EXPRESSION_INVOLVING(PLACEHOLDER)] Using the second syntax, you could write the previous constraints as: =for Euclid: h.type: integer, h > 0 w.type: number, w <= 100 In other words, the first syntax is just sugar for the most common case of the second syntax. The expression can be as complex as you wish and can refer to the placeholder as many times as necessary: =for Euclid: h.type: integer, h > 0 && h < 100 w.type: number, Math::is_prime(w) || w % 2 == 0 Note that the expressions are evaluated in the "package main" namespace, so it is important to qualify any subroutines that are not in that namespace. Furthermore, any subroutines used must be defined (or loaded from a module) before the "use Getopt::Euclid" statement. You can also use constraints that involve variables. You must use the :defer mode and the variables must be globally accessible: use Getopt::Euclid qw(:defer); our $MIN_VAL = 100; Getopt::Euclid->process_args(\@ARGV); __END__ =head1 OPTIONS =over =item --magnitude <magnitude> =for Euclid magnitude.type: number, magnitude > $MIN_VAL =back Standard placeholder typesGetopt::Euclid recognizes the following standard placeholder types:Name Placeholder value... Synonyms ============ ==================== ================ integer ...must be an integer int i +integer ...must be a positive +int +i integer (same as: integer > 0) 0+integer ...must be a positive 0+int 0+i integer or zero (same as: integer >= 0) number ...must be an number num n +number ...must be a positive +num +n number (same as: number > 0) 0+number ...must be a positive 0+num 0+n number or zero (same as: number >= 0) string ...may be any string str s (default type) readable ...must be the name input in of a readable file writeable ...must be the name writable output out of a writeable file (or of a non-existent file in a writeable directory) /<regex>/ ...must be a string matching the specified pattern Since regular expressions are supported, you can easily match many more type of strings for placeholders by using the regular expressions available in Regexp::Common. If you do that, you may want to also use custom placeholder error messages (see "Placeholder type errors") since the messages would otherwise not be very informative to users. use Regexp::Common qw /zip/; use Getopt::Euclid; ... =item -p <postcode> Enter your postcode here =for Euclid: postcode.type: /$RE{zip}{France}/ postcode.type.error: <postcode> must be a valid ZIP code Placeholder type errorsIf a command-line argument's placeholder value does not satisify the specified type, an error message is automatically generated. However, you can provide your own message instead, using the ".type.error" specifier:=for Euclid: h.type: integer, h > 0 && h < 100 h.type.error: <h> must be between 0 and 100 (not h) w.type: number, Math::is_prime(w) || w % 2 == 0 w.type.error: Cannot use w for <w> (must be an even prime number) Whenever an explicit error message is provided, any occurrence within the message of the placeholder's unbracketed name is replaced by the placeholder's value (just as in the type test itself). Placeholder defaultsYou can also specify a default value for any placeholders that are not given values on the command-line (either because their argument is not provided at all, or because the placeholder is optional within the argument). For example:=item -size <h>[x<w>] Set the size of the simulation =for Euclid: h.default: 24 w.default: 80 This ensures that if no "<w>" value is supplied: -size 20 then $ARGV{'-size'}{'w'} is set to 80. Likewise, of the "-size" argument is omitted entirely, both $ARGV{'-size'}{'h'} and $ARGV{'-size'}{'w'} are set to their respective default values However, Getopt::Euclid also supports a second type of default, optional defaults, that apply only to flagged, optional placeholders. For example: =item --debug [<log_level>] Set the log level =for Euclid: log_level.type: int log_level.default: 0 log_level.opt_default: 1 This ensures that if the option "--debug" is not specified, then $ARGV{'--debug'} is set to 0, the regular default. But if no "<log_level>" value is supplied: --debug then $ARGV{'--debug'} is set to 1, the optional default. The default value can be any valid Perl compile-time expression: =item -pi=<pi value> =for Euclid: pi value.default: atan2(0,-1) You can refer to an argument default or optional default value in its POD entry as shown below: =item -size <h>[x<w>] Set the size of the simulation [default: h.default x w.default] =for Euclid: h.default: 24 w.default: 80 =item --debug <level> Set the debug level. The default is level.default if you supply --debug but omit a <level> value. =for Euclid: level.opt_default: 3 Just like for "Placeholder constraints", you can also use variables to define default values. You must use the :defer mode and the variables must be globally accessible: use Getopt::Euclid qw(:defer); Getopt::Euclid->process_args(\@ARGV); __END__ =head1 OPTIONS =over =item --home <home> Your project home. When omitted, this defaults to the location stored in the HOME environment variable. =for Euclid home.default: $ENV{'HOME'} =back Exclusive placeholdersSome arguments can be mutually exclusive. In this case, it is possible to specify that a placeholder excludes a list of other placeholders, for example:=item -height <h> Set the desired height =item -width <w> Set the desired width =item -volume <v> Set the desired volume =for Euclid: v.excludes: h, w v.excludes.error: Either set the volume or the height and weight Specifying both placeholders at the same time on the command-line will generate an error. Note that the error message can be customized, as illustrated above. When using exclusive arguments that have default values, the default value of the placeholder with the .excludes statement has precedence over any other placeholders. Argument cuddlingGetopt::Euclid allows any "flag" argument to be "cuddled". A flag argument consists of a single non- alphanumeric character, followed by a single alpha-numeric character:=item -v =item -x =item +1 =item =z Cuddling means that two or more such arguments can be concatenated after a single common non-alphanumeric. For example: -vx Note, however, that only flags with the same leading non-alphanumeric can be cuddled together. Getopt::Euclid would not allow: -vxz This is because cuddling is recognized by progressively removing the second character of the cuddle. In other words: -vxz becomes: -v -xz which becomes: -v -x z which will fail, unless a "z" argument has also been specified. On the other hand, if the argument: =item -e <cmd> had been specified, the module would accept: -vxe'print time' as a cuddled version of: -v -x -e'print time' Exporting option variablesBy default, the module only stores arguments into the global %ARGV hash. You can request that options are exported as variables into the calling package using the special ':vars' specifier:use Getopt::Euclid qw( :vars ); That is, if your program accepts the following arguments: -v --mode <modename> <infile> <outfile> --auto-fudge <factor> (repeatable) --also <a>... --size <w>x<h> --multiply <num1>x<num2> (repeatable) Then these variables will be exported $ARGV_v $ARGV_mode $ARGV_infile $ARGV_outfile @ARGV_auto_fudge @ARGV_also %ARGV_size # With entries $ARGV_size{w} and $ARGV_size{h} @ARGV_multiply # With entries that are hashref similar to \%ARGV_size For options that have multiple variants, only the longest variant is exported. The type of variable exported (scalar, hash, or array) is determined by the type of the corresponding value in %ARGV. Command-line flags and arguments that take single values will produce scalars, arguments that take multiple values will produce hashes, and repeatable arguments will produce arrays. If you do not like the default prefix of "ARGV_", you can specify your own, such as "opt_", like this: use Getopt::Euclid qw( :vars<opt_> ); The major advantage of using exported variables is that any misspelling of argument variables in your code will be caught at compile-time by "use strict". Standard argumentsGetopt::Euclid automatically provides four standard arguments to any program that uses the module. The behaviours of these arguments are "hard- wired" and cannot be changed, not even by defining your own arguments of the same name.The standard arguments are:
Minimalist keysBy default, the keys of %ARGV will match the program's interface exactly. That is, if your program accepts the following arguments:-v --mode <modename> <infile> <outfile> --auto-fudge Then the keys that appear in %ARGV will be: '-v' '--mode' '<infile>' '<outfile>' '--auto-fudge' In some cases, however, it may be preferable to have Getopt::Euclid set up those hash keys without "decorations". That is, to have the keys of %ARGV be simply: 'v' 'mode' 'infile' 'outfile' 'auto_fudge' You can arrange this by loading the module with the special ':minimal_keys' specifier: use Getopt::Euclid qw( :minimal_keys ); Note that, in rare cases, using this mode may cause you to lose data (for example, if the interface specifies both a "--step" and a "<step>" option). The module throws an exception if this happens. Deferring argument parsingIn some instances, you may want to avoid the parsing of arguments to take place as soon as your program is executed and Getopt::Euclid is loaded. For example, you may need to examine @ARGV before it is processed (and emptied) by Getopt::Euclid. Or you may intend to pass your own arguments manually only using "process_args()".To defer the parsing of arguments, use the specifier ':defer': use Getopt::Euclid qw( :defer ); # Do something... Getopt::Euclid->process_args(\@ARGV); DIAGNOSTICSCompile-time diagnosticsThe following diagnostics are mainly caused by problems in the POD specification of the command-line interface:
Run-time diagnosticsThe following diagnostics are caused by problems in parsing the command-line
CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENTGetopt::Euclid requires no configuration files or environment variables.DEPENDENCIES
INCOMPATIBILITIESGetopt::Euclid may not work properly with POD in Perl files that have been converted into an executable with PerlApp or similar software. A possible workaround may be to move the POD to a __DATA__ section or a separate .pod file.BUGS AND LIMITATIONSPlease report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-getopt-euclid@rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Getopt-Euclid>.Getopt::Euclid has a development repository on Sourceforge.net at <http://sourceforge.net/scm/?type=git&group_id=259291> in which the code is managed by Git. Feel free to clone this repository and push patches! To get started: git clone <git://getopt-euclid.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/getopt-euclid/getopt-euclid>) git branch 0.2.x origin/0.2.x git checkout 0.2.x AUTHORDamian Conway "<DCONWAY@cpan.org>"Florent Angly "<florent.angly@gmail.com>" LICENCE AND COPYRIGHTCopyright (c) 2005, Damian Conway "<DCONWAY@cpan.org>". All rights reserved.This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTYBECAUSE THIS SOFTWARE IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION.IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE AS PERMITTED BY THE ABOVE LICENCE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.
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