NAMEGoo - Stick Things together with The GooSYNOPSISshell> goo -p Object.pm # show a [P]rofile of Object.pmshell> goo -l Object.pm # show Back [L]inks to Object.pm shell> goo -r Object.pm # [R]un Object.pm shell> goo -i Object.pm # comp[I]le Object.pm shell> goo -p access.log # show a [P]rofile of access.log shell> goo -c Object.pm # [C]lone Object.pm into another Thing shell> goo -o # the Care[O]Meter shows Things you care about while coding (e.g., tasks, bugs) shell> goo -z # show Things in your working [Z]one or mental buffer DESCRIPTION"The Goo" helps you stick "Things" together in your working environment.Things include Perl modules, Perl scripts, log files, javascripts, configuration files, database tables, templates etc. The Goo records a "Trail" as you jump quickly from Thing to Thing in a simple, text-based console. It remembers how you associate Things in your environment. Accelerate your work by quickly traversing the Trail of associations between Things. METHODS
AUTHORNigel Hamilton <nigel@trexy.com>SEE ALSOTour http://thegoo.org/goo-tour.pdf (big)Web http://thegoo.org Blog http://blog.thegoo.org
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