Google::Checkout::General::ParameterizedUrls (DEPRECATED)
use Google::Checkout::General::GCO;
use Google::Checkout::General::ShoppingCart;
use Google::Checkout::General::ParameterizedUrls;
use Google::Checkout::General::MerchantCheckoutFlow;
use Google::Checkout::General::Util qw/is_gco_error/;
my $purls = Google::Checkout::General::ParameterizedUrls->new(
url => '', #-- Must be properly URI escaped
url_params => {key1 => 'value1', key2 => 'value2', key3 => 'value3'});
my $checkout_flow = Google::Checkout::General::MerchantCheckoutFlow->new(
shipping_method => [$method],
edit_cart_url => "http://edit/cart/url",
continue_shopping_url => "http://continue/shopping/url",
buyer_phone => "1-111-111-1111",
tax_table => [$table1, $table2],
merchant_calculation => $merchant_calculation,
analytics_data => "SW5zZXJ0IDxhbmFseXRpY3MtZGF0YT4gdmFsdWUgaGVyZS4=",
parameterized_url => $purls);
my $cart = Google::Checkout::General::ShoppingCart->new(
expiration => "+1 month",
private => "Private data",
checkout_flow => $checkout_flow);
my $response = Google::Checkout::General::GCO->new->checkout($cart);
die $response if is_gco_error($response);
#-- redirect URL
print $response,"\n";
This module is responsible for supporting parameterized tracking URL. Please use
Google::Checkout::General::ParameterizedUrl instead. Refer to for an example.
- new HASH
- Constructor. It takes a hash as parameter with `url' being the
parameterized tracking URL. `url_params' (hash reference) supply
additional URI parameters to the tracking URL.
- get_url
- Returns tracking URL.
- set_url
- Sets the tracking URL. Please note that the URL must be properly URI
- get_url_params
- Returns all the additional tracking params as hash reference.
- get_url_param
- Given a key, returns the corresponding value in the tracking params. If
key is not found, returns an empty string.
- set_url_param
- Given a key / value pair, add them to the tracking params. If the key
already exists, it over writes the old value. Otherwise, it's added.
Copyright 2006 Google. All rights reserved.