GraphQL::Type - GraphQL type object
extends qw(GraphQL::Type);
Superclass for other GraphQL type classes to inherit from.
Those Perl classes each implement a GraphQL type. Each item of GraphQL data has
a GraphQL type. Such an item of data can also be represented within Perl.
Objects of that Perl class take responsibility for translating between the
Perl representation and the "GraphQL representation". A
"GraphQL representation" means something JSON-encodeable: an
"object" (in Perl terms, a hash), an array (Perl: array-reference),
string, number, boolean, or null.
See "METHODS" for generic methods to translate back and
forth between these worlds.
Code that you provide to do this translation must return things
that can be JSON-encoded, not things that have been so
encoded: this means, among other things, do not surround strings in
""", and for boolean values, use the
mechanism in JSON::MaybeXS:
"JSON-"true> etc.
These subclasses implement part of the GraphQL language specification. Objects
of these classes implement user-defined types used to implement a GraphQL API.
- GraphQL::Type::Enum
- GraphQL::Type::InputObject
- GraphQL::Type::Interface
- GraphQL::Type::List
- GraphQL::Type::NonNull
- GraphQL::Type::Object
- GraphQL::Type::Scalar - also implements example types such as
- GraphQL::Type::Union
These roles implement part of the GraphQL language specification. They are
applied to objects of GraphQL::Type classes, either to facilitate type
constrants, or as noted below.
- GraphQL::Role::FieldsInput - provides "fields" attribute for an
input type
- GraphQL::Role::FieldsOutput - provides "fields" attribute for an
output type
- GraphQL::Role::Abstract - abstract type
- GraphQL::Role::Composite - type has fields
- GraphQL::Role::Input - type can be an input
- GraphQL::Role::Leaf - simple type - enum or scalar
- GraphQL::Role::Listable - can be list-wrapped; provides convenience
- GraphQL::Role::Named - has a "name" and "description",
provided by this role
- GraphQL::Role::Nullable - can be null-valued
- GraphQL::Role::Output - type can be an output
GraphQL::Type::Library - implements various Type::Tiny type constraints, for use
in Moo attributes, and Function::Parameters/Return::Type methods and
Turn given Perl entity into valid Perl value for this type if possible.
Turn given GraphQL entity into Perl entity.
Turn given Perl entity into GraphQL entity.
Class method. $name2type is a hash-ref populated by
"from_ast" in GraphQL::Schema. Takes a hash-ref node from an AST
made by "parse" in GraphQL::Language::Parser. Returns a type object.
Returns Schema Definition Language (SDL) document that describes this object.