NAMEGraphics::Primitive::Driver::Cairo - Cairo backend for Graphics::PrimitiveVERSIONversion 0.47SYNOPSISuse Graphics::Primitive::Component; use Graphics::Primitive::Driver::Cairo; my $driver = Graphics::Primitive::Driver::Cairo->new; my $container = Graphics::Primitive::Container->new( width => 800, height => 600 ); my $black = Graphics::Primitive::Color->new(red => 0, green => 0, blue => 0); $container->border->width(1); $container->border->color($black); $container->padding( Graphics::Primitive::Insets->new(top => 5, bottom => 5, left => 5, right => 5) ); my $comp = Graphics::Primitive::Component->new; $comp->background_color($black); $container->add_component($comp, 'c'); my $lm = Layout::Manager::Compass->new; $lm->do_layout($container); my $driver = Graphics::Primitive::Driver::Cairo->new( format => 'PDF' ); $driver->draw($container); $driver->write('/Users/gphat/foo.pdf'); DESCRIPTIONThis module draws Graphics::Primitive objects using Cairo.IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS
ATTRIBUTESantialias_modeSet/Get the antialias mode of this driver. Options are default, none, gray and subpixel.cairoThis driver's Cairo::Context objectformatGet the format for this driver.surfaceGet/Set the surface on which this driver is operating.METHODSdataGet the data in a scalar for this driver.write ($file)Write this driver's data to the specified file.get_text_bounding_box ($font, $text, $angle)Returns two Rectangles that encloses the supplied text. The origin's x and y maybe negative, meaning that the glyphs in the text extending left of x or above y.The first rectangle is the bounding box required for a container that wants to contain the text. The second box is only useful if an optional angle is provided. This second rectangle is the bounding box of the un-rotated text that allows for a controlled rotation. If no angle is supplied then the two rectangles are actually the same object. If the optional angle is supplied the text will be rotated by the supplied amount in radians. get_textbox_layout ($tb)Returns a Graphics::Primitive::Driver::TextLayout for the supplied textbox.resetReset the driver.drawDraws the specified component. Container's components are drawn recursively.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSDanny LunaAUTHORCory G Watson <gphat@cpan.org>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSEThis software is copyright (c) 2016 by Cold Hard Code, LLC.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
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