Gtk2::CellRendererSpin - wrapper for GtkCellRendererSpin
- 'adjustment' (Gtk2::Adjustment : default undef : readable / writable /
private / static-nick / static-blurb)
- The adjustment that holds the value of the spinbutton.
- 'climb-rate' (double : default 0 : readable / writable / private /
static-nick / static-blurb)
- The acceleration rate when you hold down a button
- 'digits' (Glib::UInt : default 0 : readable / writable / private /
static-nick / static-blurb)
- The number of decimal places to display
Gtk2, Glib::Object, Glib::InitiallyUnowned, Gtk2::Object, Gtk2::CellRenderer,
Copyright (C) 2003-2011 by the gtk2-perl team.
This software is licensed under the LGPL. See Gtk2 for a full