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HPL_logsort(3) HPL Library Functions HPL_logsort(3)

HPL_logsort - Sort the processes in logarithmic order.

#include "hpl.h"

void HPL_logsort( const int NPROCS, const int ICURROC, int * IPLEN, int * IPMAP, int * IPMAPM1 );

HPL_logsort computes an array IPMAP and its inverse IPMAPM1 that contain the logarithmic sorted processes id with repect to the local number of rows of U that they own. This is necessary to ensure that the logarithmic spreading of U is optimal in terms of number of steps and communication volume as well. In other words, the larget pieces of U will be sent a minimal number of times.

NPROCS (global input) const int
On entry, NPROCS specifies the number of process rows in the process grid. NPROCS is at least one.
ICURROC (global input) const int
On entry, ICURROC is the source process row.
IPLEN (global input/output) int *
On entry, IPLEN is an array of dimension NPROCS+1, such that IPLEN[0] is 0, and IPLEN[i] contains the number of rows of U, that process i-1 has. On exit, IPLEN[i] is the number of rows of U in the processes before process IPMAP[i] after the sort, with the convention that IPLEN[NPROCS] is the total number of rows of the panel. In other words, IPLEN[i+1] - IPLEN[i] is the number of rows of A that should be moved to the process IPMAP[i]. IPLEN is such that the number of rows of the source process row is IPLEN[1] - IPLEN[0], and the remaining entries of this array are sorted so that the quantities IPLEN[i+1]-IPLEN[i] are logarithmically sorted.
IPMAP (global output) int *
On entry, IPMAP is an array of dimension NPROCS. On exit, array contains the logarithmic mapping of the processes. In other words, IPMAP[myroc] is the corresponding sorted process coordinate.
IPMAPM1 (global output) int *
On entry, IPMAPM1 is an array of dimension NPROCS. On exit, this array contains the inverse of the logarithmic mapping contained in IPMAP: IPMAPM1[ IPMAP[i] ] = i, for all i in [0.. NPROCS)

HPL_plindx1 (3), HPL_plindx10 (3), HPL_pdlaswp01N (3), HPL_pdlaswp01T (3).
December 2, 2018 HPL 2.3

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