NAMEHTTP::Engine::Middleware - middlewares distributionWARNING! WARNING!THIS MODULE IS IN ITS ALPHA QUALITY. THE API MAY CHANGE IN THE FUTURESYNOPSISsimplymy $mw = HTTP::Engine::Middleware->new; $mw->install(qw/ HTTP::Engine::Middleware::DebugScreen HTTP::Engine::Middleware::ReverseProxy /); HTTP::Engine->new( interface => { module => 'YourFavoriteInterfaceHere', request_handler => $mw->handler( \&handler ), } )->run(); method injection middleware my $mw = HTTP::Engine::Middleware->new({ method_class => 'HTTP::Engine::Request' }); $mw->install(qw/ HTTP::Engine::Middleware::DebugScreen HTTP::Engine::Middleware::ReverseProxy /); HTTP::Engine->new( interface => { module => 'YourFavoriteInterfaceHere', request_handler => $mw->handler(sub { my $req = shift; HTTP::Engine::Response->new( body => $req->mobile_attribute ); }) } )->run(); DESCRIPTIONHTTP::Engine::Middleware is official middlewares distribution of HTTP::Engine.WISHLISTAuthenticationOpenID mod_rewrite ( someone write :p ) and more ideas AUTHORKazuhiro Osawa <ko@yappo.ne.jp>Daisuke Maki Tokuhiro Matsuno <tokuhirom@gmail.com> nyarla marcus hidek walf443 Takatoshi Kitano <techmemo@gmail.com<gt> SEE ALSOHTTP::EngineREPOSITORYWe moved to GitHub.git clone git://github.com/http-engine/HTTP-Engine-Middleware.git HTTP::Engine::Middleware's Git repository is hosted at <http://github.com/http-engine/HTTP-Engine-Middleware>. patches and collaborators are welcome. LICENSEThis library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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