HTTP::Server::Simple::Static - Serve static files with HTTP::Server::Simple
This documentation refers to HTTP::Server::Simple::Static version 0.13
package MyServer;
use base qw(HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI);
use HTTP::Server::Simple::Static;
my $webroot = '/var/www';
sub handle_request {
my ( $self, $cgi ) = @_;
if ( !$self->serve_static( $cgi, $webroot ) ) {
print "HTTP/1.0 404 Not found\r\n";
print $cgi->header,
$cgi->start_html('Not found'),
$cgi->h1('Not found'),
package main;
my $server = MyServer->new();
this mixin adds a method to serve static files from your HTTP::Server::Simple
- serve_static( $cgi, $base )
- Takes a reference to the CGI object and a document root path, and tries to
serve a static file. Returns 0 if the file does not exist, returns 1 on
This method sets the "Date"
and "Last-Modified" HTTP headers when
sending a response for a valid file. Further to this, the method
supports clients which send an
"If-Modified-Since" HTTP header in the
request, it will return a 304 "Not
Modified" response if the file is unchanged. See RFC-2616
for full details.
If the client makes a "HEAD"
request then no message body will be returned in the response.
Bugs or wishlist requests should be submitted via
The File::LibMagic module is used to detect the MIME-type of a file. The
URI::Escape module is used for URI handling. The HTTP::Date module is used to
format the timestamp in the Last-Modified HTTP header.
HTTP::Server::Simple, HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI
Stephen Quinney ""
Thanks to Marcus Ramberg
"" and Simon Cozens for
initial implementation.
Copyright 2006 - 2017. Stephen Quinney
You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl