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NAMEHTTP::WebTest::ReportPlugin - Subclass for HTTP::WebTest report plugins.SYNOPSISNot applicable.DESCRIPTIONThis is a subclass of HTTP::WebTest. HTTP::WebTest report plugin classes can inherit from this class. It handles some test parameters common to report plugins by providing implementation of the method "print".TEST PARAMETERSoutput_refGLOBAL PARAMETERA reference to a scalar that accumulates text of test report. If this test parameter is specified then value of test parameter "fh_out" is ignore. This parameter can be used only when passing the test parameters as arguments from a calling Perl script. fh_outGLOBAL PARAMETERA filehandle (or anything else that supports "print") to use for test report output. This parameter is ignored if test parameter "output_ref" is specified also. This parameter can be used only when passing the test parameters as arguments from a calling Perl script. Option to e-mail output to one or more addresses specified by "mail_addresses" test parameter. mail_success_subjectGLOBAL PARAMETERSets "Subject" header for test report e-mails when all tests are passed successfully. In this string some character sequences have special meaning (see "mail_failure_subject" parameter for their description). Default Value "Web tests succeeded" mail_failure_subjectGLOBAL PARAMETERSets "Subject" header for test report e-mails when some tests fail. In this string some character sequences have special meaning:
Default Value "WEB TESTS FAILED! FOUND %f ERROR(S)" mail_addressesGLOBAL PARAMETERA list of e-mail addresses where report will be send (if sending report is enabled with "mail" test parameter).
Default value "no" mail_serverGLOBAL PARAMETERFully-qualified name of of the mail server (e.g., mailhost.mycompany.com). Default value "localhost" mail_fromGLOBAL PARAMETERSets From: header for test report e-mails. Default Value Name of user under which test script runs. CLASS METHODStest_output ()ReturnsReturns a reference to buffer that stores copy of test output. print (@array)Prints data in <@array> either into string (if test parameter "output_ref" is set) or to some filehandle (if test parameter "fh_out" is set) or to standard output.Also stores this data into buffer accessible via method "test_output". start_tests ()This method is called by HTTP::WebTest at the beginning of the test run. Its implementation in this class initializes the output buffer for the test report.If you redefine this method in a subclass, be sure to call the superclass method in the new method: sub start_tests { my $self = shift; $self->SUPER::start_tests; # your code here .... } end_tests ()This method is called by HTTP::WebTest at the end of a test run. Its implementation in this class e-mails the test report according test parameters "mail***".If you redefine this method in subclass be sure to call the superclass method in the new method: sub end_tests { my $self = shift; # your code here .... $self->SUPER::end_tests; } COPYRIGHTCopyright (c) 2001-2003 Ilya Martynov. All rights reserved.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSOHTTP::WebTestHTTP::WebTest::API HTTP::WebTest::Plugins HTTP::WebTest::Plugin POD ERRORSHey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: