Here's where we find out what's different about your server.
Some examples:
@DBM = (DBType => 'DBM',
DB => '.htgroup',
Server => 'apache');
$group = new HTTPD::GroupAdmin @DBM;
This creates an object whose database is a DBM file named
'.htgroup', in a format that the Apache server understands.
@Text = (DBType => 'Text',
DB => '.htgroup',
Server => 'ncsa');
$group = new HTTPD::GroupAdmin @Text;
This creates an object whose database is a plain text file
named '.htgroup', in a format that the NCSA server understands.
Full list of constructor attributes:
Note: Attribute names are case-insensitive
Name - Group name
DBType - The type of database, one of 'DBM', 'Text', or
'SQL' (Default is 'DBM')
DB - The database name (Default is '.htpasswd' for DBM
& Text databases)
Server - HTTP server name (Default is the generic
class, that works with NCSA, Apache and possibly others)
Note: run 'perl t/support.t matrix' to see what support is
currently availible
Path - Relative DB files are resolved to this value
(Default is '.')
Locking - Boolean, Lock Text and DBM files (Default is
Debug - Boolean, Turn on debug mode
Specific to DBM files:
DBMF - The DBM file implementation to use (Default is
Flags - The read, write and create flags. There are
four modes: rwc - the default, open for reading, writing and
creating. rw - open for reading and writing. r - open for
reading only. w - open for writing only.
Mode - The file creation mode, defaults to '0644'
Specific to DBI: We talk to an SQL server via Tim Bunce's DBI
interface. For more info see:
Host - Server hostname
Port - Server port
User - Database login name
Auth - Database login password
Driver - Driver for DBI (Default is 'mSQL')
GroupTable - Table with field names below
NameField - Field for the name (Default is 'user')
GroupField - Field for the group (Default is
From here on out, things should look the same for