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Hash::AutoHash::Args(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Hash::AutoHash::Args(3)

Hash::AutoHash::Args - Object-oriented processing of keyword-based argument lists

Version 1.18

  use Hash::AutoHash::Args;
  my $args=new Hash::AutoHash::Args(name=>'Joe',

  # access argument values as HASH elements
  my $name=$args->{name};
  my $hobbies=$args->{hobbies};

  # access argument values via methods
  my $name=$args->name;
  my $hobbies=$args->hobbies;

  # set local variables from argument values -- two equivalent ways
  use Hash::AutoHash::Args qw(autoargs_get);
  my($name,$hobbies)=@$args{qw(name hobbies)};
  my($name,$hobbies)=autoargs_get($args,qw(name hobbies));

  # alias $args to regular hash for more concise hash notation
  use Hash::AutoHash::Args qw(autoargs_alias);
  my($name,$hobbies)=@args{qw(name hobbies)}; # get argument values
  $args{name}='Joseph';                       # set argument value

This class simplifies the handling of keyword argument lists. It replaces Class::AutoClass::Args. See "DIFFERENCES FROM Class::AutoClass::Args" for a discussion of what's new. See Hash::AutoHash::Args::V0 for a subclass which is more compatible with the original.

The 'new' method accepts a list, ARRAY, or HASH of keyword=>value pairs, another Hash::AutoHash::Args object, or any object that can be coerced into a HASH . It normalizes the keywords to ignore case and leading dashes ('-'). The following keywords are all equivalent:

  name, -name, -NAME, --NAME, Name, -Name

Arguments can be accessed using HASH or method notation; the following are equivalent (assuming the keyword 'name' exists in $args).

  my $name=$args->{name};
  my $name=$args->name;

Arguments values can also be changed using either notation:


Keywords are normalized automatically; the following are all equivalent.

  my $name=$args->{name};               # lower case HASH key
  my $name=$args->{Name};               # capitalized HASH key
  my $name=$args->{NAME};               # upper case HASH key
  my $name=$args->{NaMe};               # mixed case HASH key
  my $name=$args->{-name};              # leading - in HASH key

The following are also all equivalent, and are equivalent to the ones above assuming the keyword 'name' exists in $args.

  my $name=$args->name;                 # lower case method
  my $name=$args->Name;                 # capitalized method
  my $name=$args->NAME;                 # upper case method
  my $name=$args->NaMe;                 # mixed case method

One caution is that when using method notation, keywords must be syntactically legal method names and cannot include leading dashes. The following is NOT legal.

  my $name=$args->-name;                # leading dash in method - ILLEGAL

Repeated keyword arguments are converted into an ARRAY of the values.

  new Hash::AutoHash::Args(hobbies=>'hiking', hobbies=>'cooking')

is equivalent to

  new Hash::AutoHash::Args(hobbies=>['hiking', 'cooking'])

Caution: when setting values using HASH or method notation, the grouping of repeated arguments does NOT occur. Thus,

  @$args{qw(hobbies hobbies)}=qw(running rowing);

leaves 'hobbies' set to the last value presented, namely 'rowing', as does


New keywords can be added using either notation. For example,


If a keyword does not exist, the method notation returns nothing, while the HASH notation returns undef. This difference matters in array context (including when passing the result as a parameter).

  my @list=$args->non_existent;   # @list will contain 0 elements
  my @list=$args->{non_existent}; # @list will contain 1 element

We find the method behavior (returning nothing) to be more natural and is the behavior in Class::AutoClass::Args. Unfortunately, Perl does not support this behavior with HASH notation; if the tied hash code returns nothing, Perl converts this into undef before passing the result to the caller. Too bad.

You can alias the object to a regular hash for more concise hash notation.

  use Hash::AutoHash::Args qw(autoargs_alias);
  my($name,$hobbies)=@args{qw(name hobbies)};

By aliasing $args to %args, you avoid the need to dereference the variable when using hash notation. Admittedly, this is a minor convenience, but then again, this entire class is about convenience.

 Title   : new
 Usage   : $args=new Hash::AutoHash::Args
           -- OR --
           $args=new Hash::AutoHash::Args($another_args_object)
           -- OR --
           $args=new Hash::AutoHash::Args
           -- OR --
           $args=new Hash::AutoHash::Args
 Function: Create a normalized argument list
 Returns : Hash::AutoHash::Args object that represents the given arguments
 Args    : Argument list in keyword=>value form
           The usual case is a list (as in form 1 above).  It can also be 
           another Hash::AutoHash::Args object (as in form 2 above), any object  
           that can be coerced into a HASH (form not illustrated), an ARRAY (form
           3 above), or HASH (form 4)
 Caution : In form 4, the order in which the two 'hobbies' arguments are 
           processed is arbitrary. This means that the value of $args->hobbies
           could have 'hiking' and 'cooking' in either order.

One way to get and set argument values is to treat the object as a HASH and access the arguments as hash elements, eg,

  my $args=new Hash::AutoHash::Args
  my $name=$args->{name};
  my($name,$hobbies)=@$args{qw(name hobbies)};
  @$args{qw(name hobbies)}=('Joseph',['running','rowing']);

The HASH keys are normalized automatically exactly as in 'new'.

A second approach is to invoke a method with the name of the keyword. Eg,

  $args->name('Joseph');                # sets name to 'Joseph'
  $args->hobbies('running','rowing');   # sets hobbies to ['running','rowing']

The method name is normalized exactly as in 'new'.

New keywords can be added using either notation. For example,


If a keyword does not exist, the method notation returns nothing, while the HASH notation returns undef. This difference matters in array context (including when passing the result as a parameter).

  my @list=$args->non_existent;   # @list will contain 0 elements
  my @list=$args->{non_existent}; # @list will contain 1 element

We find the method behavior (returning nothing) to be more natural and is the behavior in Class::AutoClass::Args. Unfortunately, Perl does not support this behavior with HASH notation.

You can alias the object to a regular hash to avoid the need to dereference the variable when using hash notation.

  use Hash::AutoHash::Args qw(autoargs_alias);
  my($name,$hobbies)=@args{qw(name hobbies)};


  • Illegal method names

    When using method notation, keywords must be syntactically legal method names and cannot include leading dashes. The following is NOT legal.

      my $name=$args->-name;                # leading dash in method name - ILLEGAL
  • Setting individual keywords does not preserve multiple values

    When arguments are set via 'new', 'set_args', 'autoargs_set', or method notation repeated keyword arguments are converted into an ARRAY of the values. When setting individual keywords using either HASH or notation, this does NOT occur. Thus,

      $args=new Hash::AutoHash::Args(hobbies=>'hiking',hobbies=>'cooking');

    sets 'hobbies' to an ARRAY of the two hobbies, but

      @$args{qw(hobbies hobbies)}=qw(running rowing);

    leaves 'hobbies' set to the last value presented, namely 'rowing'.

    When arguments are set via any mechanism, the new value or values replace the existing value(s); the new values are NOT added to the existing value(s). Thus


    leaves 'hobbies' set to the last value presented, namely 'rowing'.

    This is a semantic oddity from Class::AutoClass::Args that we have kept for compatibility reasons. It seems not to cause problems in practice, because this class is mostly used in a "write-once" pattern.

  • Non-existent keywords

    If a keyword does not exist, the method notation returns nothing, while the HASH notation returns undef. This difference matters in array context (including when passing the result as a parameter).

      my @list=$args->non_existent;   # @list will contain 0 elements
      my @list=$args->{non_existent}; # @list will contain 1 element

    We find the method behavior (returning nothing) to be more natural; unfortunately, Perl does not support this behavior with HASH notation.

The class also provides several functions for wholesale manipulation of arguments. To use these functions, you must import them into the caller's namespace using the common Perl idiom of listing the desired functions in a 'use' statement. For example,

 use Hash::AutoHash::Args
    qw(get_args getall_args set_args autoargs_get autoargs_set);


 Title   : get_args
 Usage   : ($name,$hobbies)=get_args($args,qw(-name hobbies))
 Function: Get values for multiple keywords
 Args    : Hash::AutoHash::Args object and array or ARRAY of keywords
 Returns : array or ARRAY of argument values


 Title   : autoargs_get
 Usage   : ($name,$hobbies)=autoargs_get($args,qw(name -hobbies))
 Function: Get values for multiple keywords. Synonym for 'get_args' provided 
           for stylistic consistency with Hash::AutoHash
 Args    : Hash::AutoHash::Args object and array or ARRAY of keywords
 Returns : array or ARRAY of argument values


 Title   : getall_args
 Usage   : %args=getall_args($args);
 Function: Get all keyword, value pairs
 Args    : Hash::AutoHash::Args object
 Returns : hash or HASH of key=>value pairs.


 Title   : set_args
 Usage   : set_args($args,
                    name=>'Joe the Plumber',-first_name=>'Joe',-last_name=>'Plumber')
           -- OR -- 
                          ['Joe the Plumber','Joe','Plumber'])
 Function: Set multiple arguments in existing object
 Args    : Form 1. Hash::AutoHash::Args object and parameter list in same format  
           as for 'new'
           Form 2. Hash::AutoHash::Args object and separate ARRAYs of keywords 
           and values
 Returns : nothing


 Title   : autoargs_set
 Usage   : autoargs_set($args,
                        name=>'Joe the Plumber',-first_name=>'Joe',-last_name=>'Plumber')
           -- OR -- 
                              ['Joe the Plumber','Joe','Plumber'])
 Function: Set multiple arguments in existing object. 
           Synonym for 'set_args' provided for stylistic consistency with 
 Args    : Form 1. Hash::AutoHash::Args object and parameter list in same format  
           as for 'new'
           Form 2. Hash::AutoHash::Args object and separate ARRAYs of keywords 
           and values
 Returns : Hash::AutoHash::Args object

You can alias a Hash::AutoHash::Args object to a regular hash to avoid the need to dereference the variable when using hash notation. Before using this function, you must import it into the caller's namespace using the common Perl idiom of listing the function in a 'use' statement.

 use Hash::AutoHash::Args qw(autoargs_alias);
 Title   : autoargs_alias
 Usage   : autoargs_alias($args,%args)
 Function: Link $args to %args such that they will have exactly the same value.
 Args    : Hash::AutoHash::Args object and hash 
 Returns : Hash::AutoHash::Args object

These functions normalize keywords as explained in DESCRIPTION. To use these functions, they must be imported into the caller's namespace using the common Perl idiom of listing the desired functions in a 'use' statement.

 use Hash::AutoHash::Args qw(fix_args fix_keyword fix_keywords);


 Title   : fix_args
 Usage   : $hash=fix_args(-name=>'Joe',HOBBIES=>'hiking',hobbies=>'cooking')
 Function: Normalize each keyword to lowercase with no leading dashes and gather
           the values of repeated keywords into ARRAYs. 
 Args    : Argument list in keyword=>value form exactly as for 'new', 'set_args', and
 Returns : HASH of normalized keyword=>value pairs


 Title   : fix_keyword
 Usage   : $keyword=fix_keyword('-NaMe')
           -- OR --
 Function: Normalize each keyword to lowercase with no leading dashes.
 Args    : array of one or more strings
 Returns : array of normalized strings


 Title   : fix_keywords
 Usage   : $keyword=fix_keywords('-NaMe')
           -- OR --
 Function: Synonym for fix_keyword
 Args    : array of one or more strings
 Returns : array of normalized strings

These functions can be used in a class (typically its 'new' method) that wishes to support both keyword and positional argument lists. We strongly discourage this practice for reasons discussed later.

To use these functions, they must be imported into the caller's namespace.

 use Hash::AutoHash::Args qw(is_keyword is_positional);


 Title   : is_keyword
 Usage   : if (is_keyword(@args)) {
             $args=new Hash::AutoHash::Args (@args);
 Function: Checks whether an argument list looks like it is in keyword form.
           The function returns true if 
           (1) the argument list has an even number of elements, and
           (2) the first argument starts with a dash ('-').
           Obviously, this is not fully general.
 Returns : boolean
 Args    : argument list as given


 Title   : is_positional
 Usage  : if (is_positional(@args)) {
 Function: Checks whether an argument list looks like it is in positional form.
           The function returns true if 
           (1) the argument list has an odd number of elements, or
           (2) the first argument does not start with a dash ('-').
           Obviously, this is not fully general.
 Returns : boolean
 Args    : argument list as given

Why the Combination of Positional and Keyword Forms is Ambiguous

The keyword => value notation is just a Perl shorthand for stating two list members with the first one quoted. Thus,

  @list=(first_name=>'John', last_name=>'Doe')

is completely equivalent to

  @list=('first_name', 'John', 'last_name', 'Doe')

The ambiguity of allowing both positional and keyword forms should now be apparent. In this example,

  new Hash::AutoHash::Args ('first_name', 'John')

there is s no way to tell whether the program is specifying a keyword argument list with the parameter 'first_name' set to the value "John' or a positional argument list with the values ''first_name' and 'John' being passed to the first two parameters.

If a program wishes to permit both forms, we suggest the convention used in BioPerl that keywords be required to start with '-' (and that values do not start with '-'). Obviously, this is not fully general.

The methods 'is_keyword' and 'is_positional' check this convention.

These functions provide hash-like operations on Hash::AutoHash::Args objects.

To use these functions, you must imported then into the caller's namespace, eg, as follows.

 use Hash::AutoHash::Args qw(autoargs_clear autoargs_delete autoargs_each autoargs_exists 
                               autoargs_keys autoargs_values 
                               autoargs_count autoargs_empty autoargs_notempty);


 Title   : autoargs_clear
 Usage   : autoargs_clear($args)
 Function: Delete entire contents of $args
 Args    : Hash::AutoHash::Args object
 Returns : nothing


 Title   : autoargs_delete
 Usage   : autoargs_delete($args,@keywords)
 Function: Delete keywords and their values from $args. The keywords are
           automatically normalized
 Args    : Hash::AutoHash::Args object, list of keywords
 Returns : nothing


 Title   : autoargs_exists
 Usage   : if (autoargs_exists($args,$keyword)) { ... }
 Function: Test whether keyword is present in $args.  The keyword is
           automatically normalized
 Args    : Hash::AutoHash::Args object, keyword
 Returns : boolean


 Title   : autoargs_each
 Usage   : while (my($keyword,$value)=autoargs_each($args)) { ... }
           -- OR --
           while (my $keyword=autoargs_each($args)) { ... }
 Function: Iterate over all keyword=>value pairs or all keywords present in $args
 Args    : Hash::AutoHash::Args object
 Returns : list context: next keyword=>value pair in $args or empty list at end
           scalar context: next keyword in $args or undef at end


 Title   : autoargs_keys
 Usage   : @keys=autoargs_keys($args)
 Function: Get all keywords that are present in $args
 Args    : Hash::AutoHash::Args object
 Returns : list of keywords


 Title   : autoargs_values
 Usage   : @values=autoargs_values($args)
 Function: Get the values of all keywords that are present in $args
 Args    : Hash::AutoHash::Args object
 Returns : list of values


 Title   : autoargs_count
 Usage   : $count=autoargs_count($args)
 Function: Get the number keywords that are present in $args
 Args    : Hash::AutoHash::Args object
 Returns : number


 Title   : autoargs_empty
 Usage   : if (autoargs_empty($args) { ... }
 Function: Test whether $args is empty
 Args    : Hash::AutoHash::Args object
 Returns : boolean


 Title   : autoargs_notempty
 Usage   : if (autoargs_notempty($args) { ... }
 Function: Test whether $args is not empty. Complement of autoargs_empty
 Args    : Hash::AutoHash::Args object
 Returns : boolean

This class differs from its precursor, Class::AutoClass::Args, in the following major ways:
  • Masked keywords

    In Class::AutoClass::Args, numerous methods and functions were defined in the Class::AutoClass::Args namespace. These methods and functions "masked" keywords with the same names and made it impossible to use method notation to access arguments with these names. Examples include 'new', 'get_args', 'can', 'isa', 'import', and 'AUTOLOAD' among others.

    Some of the offending methods and functions were defined explicitly by Class::AutoClass::Args (eg, 'new', 'get_args'), while others were inherited from UNIVERSAL (the base class of everything, e.g, 'can', 'isa') or used implicitly by Perl to implement common features (eg, 'import', 'AUTOLOAD').

    Hash::AutoHash::Args has a cleaner namespace: no keywords are masked.

    CAUTION: As of version 1.13, it is not possible to use method notation for keys with the same names as methods inherited from UNIVERSAL (the base class of everything). These are 'can', 'isa', 'DOES', and 'VERSION'. The reason is that as of Perl 5.9.3, calling UNIVERSAL methods as functions is deprecated and developers are encouraged to use method form instead. Previous versions of AutoHash are incompatible with CPAN modules that adopt this style.

  • Object vs. class methods

    Some of the methods that remain in the Hash::AutoHash::Args namespace are logically object-methods (ie, logically apply to individual Hash::AutoHash::Args objects, eg, 'AUTOLOAD'), while others are logically class-methods (ie, apply to the entire class, eg, 'import').

    For methods that are logically class methods, the code checks whether the method was invoked on a class or an object and "does the right thing".

    The 'new' method warrants special mention. In normal use, 'new' is almost always invoked as a class method, eg,

      new Hash::AutoHash::Args(name=>'Joe')

    This invokes the 'new' method on Hash::AutoHash::Args which constructs a new object as expected. If, however, 'new' is invoked on an object, eg,


    the code accesses the keyword named 'new'.

  • Methods vs. functions

    Functions are subs that do not operate on objects or classes. Class::AutoClass::Args provided the following functions in its namespace:

    _fix_args, fix_keyword, fix_keywords, is_keyword, is_positional

    With Hash::AutoHash::Args, the caller must import these functions into its own namespace using the common Perl idiom of listing the desired functions when 'using' Hash::AutoHash::Args.

  • New hash-like functions

    This class provides additional functions that perform hash-like operations, for example testing whether a keyword exists, getting the values of all keywords, or clearing all arguments. You can import any of these functions into your code.

  • Bug fix: get_args in scalar context

    In scalar context, get_args is supposed to return an ARRAY of argument values. Instead, in Class::AutoClass::Args, it returned the value of the first argument.

      my $values=$args->get_args(qw(name hobbies)); # old bug: gets value of 'name'

    get_args now returns an ARRAY of the requested argument values.

      my $values=get_args($args,qw(name hobbies));  # now: gets ARRAY of both values
  • Tied HASH

    In Class::AutoClass::Args, the HASH underlying the object was an ordinary Perl HASH. In this class, it's a tied HASH (see perltie, Tie::Hash). The key difference is that keywords are normalized even when HASH notation is used.

    Thus, in Class::AutoClass::Args, the following two statements had different effects, whereas in this class they are equivalent.

      $args->{name}='Joe';          # old & new: sets 'name' keyword
      $args->{NAME}='Joe';          # old: sets 'NAME' HASH element
                                    # new: sets 'name' keyword
  • Implementation using Hash::AutoHash

    Hash::AutoHash::Args is implemented as a subclass of Hash::AutoHash.

Hash::AutoHash is the base class of this one. Class::AutoClass::Args is replaced by this class. Hash::AutoHash::Args::V0 is a subclass which is more compatible with Class::AutoClass::Args.

Hash::AutoHash::MultiValued, Hash::AutoHash::AVPairsSingle, Hash::AutoHash::AVPairsMulti, Hash::AutoHash::Record are other subclasses of Hash::AutoHash.

perltie and Tie::Hash present background on tied hashes.

Nat Goodman, "<natg at>"

Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-hash-autohash at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

CPAN reports that "Make test fails under Perl 5.6.2, FreeBSD 5.2.1." for the predecessor to this class, Class::AutoClass::Args. We are not aware of any bugs in this class.

See caveats about accessing arguments via method notation.

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Hash::AutoHash::Args

You can also look for information at:

  • RT: CPAN's request tracker


  • AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


  • CPAN Ratings


  • Search CPAN


Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 Institute for Systems Biology (ISB). All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.

2022-04-08 perl v5.32.1

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