![](/images/clear.gif) |
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Imager::APIRef(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
Imager::APIRef(3) |
Imager::APIRef - Imager's C API - reference.
i_color color;
color.rgba.r = 255; color.rgba.g = 0; color.rgba.b = 255;
double x[] = { ... };
double y[] = { ... };
i_polygon_t poly;
poly.count = sizeof(x) / sizeof(*x);
poly.x = x;
poly.y = y;
# Blit tools
# Data Types
i_img *img;
i_color black;
black.rgba.r = black.rgba.g = black.rgba.b = black.rgba.a = 0;
i_fill_t *fill;
i_img_dim x, y;
i_img_dim_u limit;
printf("left %" i_DF "\n", i_DFc(x));
printf("point (" i_DFp ")\n", i_DFcp(x, y));
# Drawing
i_arc(im, 50, 50, 20, 45, 135, &color);
i_arc_cfill(im, 50, 50, 35, 90, 135, fill);
i_arc_aa(im, 50, 50, 35, 90, 135, &color);
i_arc_aa_cfill(im, 50, 50, 35, 90, 135, fill);
i_circle_aa(im, 50, 50, 45, &color);
i_box(im, 0, 0, im->xsize-1, im->ysize-1, &color).
i_box_filled(im, 0, 0, im->xsize-1, im->ysize-1, &color);
i_box_cfill(im, 0, 0, im->xsize-1, im->ysize-1, fill);
i_flood_fill(im, 50, 50, &color);
i_flood_cfill(im, 50, 50, fill);
i_flood_fill_border(im, 50, 50, &color, &border);
i_flood_cfill_border(im, 50, 50, fill, border);
i_poly_poly_aa(im, 1, &poly, mode, color);
i_poly_aa_m(im, count, x, y, mode, color);
i_poly_poly_aa_cfill(im, 1, &poly, mode, fill);
i_poly_aa_cfill(im, count, x, y, mode, fill);
# Error handling
i_push_error(0, "Yep, it's broken");
i_push_error(errno, "Error writing");
im_push_error(aIMCTX, 0, "Something is wrong");
va_args args;
va_start(args, lastarg);
im_push_errorvf(ctx, code, format, args);
i_push_errorf(errno, "Cannot open file %s: %d", filename, errno);
im_push_errorf(aIMCTX, errno, "Cannot open file %s: %d", filename, errno);
# Files
im_set_image_file_limits(aIMCTX, 500, 500, 1000000);
i_set_image_file_limits(500, 500, 1000000);
im_get_image_file_limits(aIMCTX, &width, &height, &bytes)
i_get_image_file_limits(&width, &height, &bytes)
im_int_check_image_file_limits(aIMCTX, width, height, channels, sizeof(i_sample_t))
i_int_check_image_file_limits(width, height, channels, sizeof(i_sample_t))
# Fills
i_fill_t *fill = i_new_fill_solidf(&fcolor, combine);
i_fill_t *fill = i_new_fill_solid(&color, combine);
i_fill_t *fill = i_new_fill_hatch(&fg_color, &bg_color, combine, hatch, custom_hatch, dx, dy);
i_fill_t *fill = i_new_fill_hatchf(&fg_fcolor, &bg_fcolor, combine, hatch, custom_hatch, dx, dy);
i_fill_t *fill = i_new_fill_image(src_img, matrix, x_offset, y_offset, combine);
fill = i_new_fill_fount(0, 0, 100, 100, i_ft_linear, i_ft_linear,
i_fr_triangle, 0, i_fts_grid, 9, 1, segs);
# I/O Layers
ssize_t count = i_io_peekn(ig, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
ssize_t result = i_io_write(io, buffer, size)
char buffer[BUFSIZ]
ssize_t len = i_io_gets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), '\n');
# Image
# Image creation/destruction
i_img *img = i_sametype(src, width, height);
i_img *img = i_sametype_chans(src, width, height, channels);
i_img *img = im_img_16_new(aIMCTX, width, height, channels);
i_img *img = i_img_16_new(width, height, channels);
i_img *img = im_img_8_new(aIMCTX, width, height, channels);
i_img *img = i_img_8_new(width, height, channels);
i_img *img = im_img_double_new(aIMCTX, width, height, channels);
i_img *img = i_img_double_new(width, height, channels);
i_img *img = im_img_pal_new(aIMCTX, width, height, channels, max_palette_size)
i_img *img = i_img_pal_new(width, height, channels, max_palette_size)
# Image Implementation
i_img *im = im_img_alloc(aIMCTX);
i_img *im = i_img_alloc();
im_img_init(aIMCTX, im);
# Image Information
// only channel 0 writable
i_img_setmask(img, 0x01);
int mask = i_img_getmask(img);
int channels = i_img_getchannels(img);
i_img_dim width = i_img_get_width(im);
i_img_dim height = i_img_get_height(im);
i_color_model_t cm = i_img_color_model(im);
int alpha_channel;
int has_alpha = i_img_alpha_channel(im, &alpha_channel);
int color_channels = i_img_color_channels(im);
# Image quantization
# Logging
# mutex
i_mutex_t mutex;
# Mutex functions
i_mutex_t m = i_mutex_new();
# Paletted images
# Tags
i_tags_set(&img->tags, "i_comment", -1);
i_tags_setn(&img->tags, "i_xres", 204);
i_tags_setn(&img->tags, "i_yres", 196);
- i_render_color(r, x, y, width, source, color)
- Render the given color with the coverage specified by
"source[0]" to
Renders in normal combine mode.
- i_render_delete(r)
- Release an "i_render" object.
- i_render_fill(r, x, y, width, source, fill)
- Render the given fill with the coverage in
"source[0]" through
- i_render_line(r, x, y, width, source, fill)
- Render the given fill with the coverage in
"source[0]" through
- i_render_linef(r, x, y, width, source, fill)
- Render the given fill with the coverage in
"source[0]" through
- i_render_new(im, width)
- Allocate a new "i_render" object and
initialize it.
- i_img
i_img *img;
This is Imager's image type.
It contains the following members:
- "channels" - the number of channels in
the image
- "xsize",
"ysize" - the width and height of the
image in pixels
- "bytes" - the number of bytes used to
store the image data. Undefined where virtual is non-zero.
- "ch_mask" - a mask of writable channels.
eg. if this is 6 then only channels 1 and 2 are writable. There may be
bits set for which there are no channels in the image.
- "bits" - the number of bits stored per
sample. Should be one of i_8_bits, i_16_bits, i_double_bits.
- "type" - either i_direct_type for direct
color images, or i_palette_type for paletted images.
- "virtual" - if zero then this image
is-self contained. If non-zero then this image could be an interface to
some other implementation.
- "idata" - the image data. This should
not be directly accessed. A new image implementation can use this to store
its image data. i_img_destroy() will myfree() this pointer
if it's non-null.
- "tags" - a structure storing the image's
tags. This should only be accessed via the i_tags_*() functions.
- "ext_data" - a pointer for use internal
to an image implementation. This should be freed by the image's destroy
- "im_data" - data internal to Imager.
This is initialized by i_img_init().
- i_f_ppix, i_f_ppixf, i_f_plin, i_f_plinf, i_f_gpix, i_f_gpixf, i_f_glin,
i_f_glinf, i_f_gsamp, i_f_gampf - implementations for each of the required
image functions. An image implementation should initialize these between
calling i_img_alloc() and i_img_init().
- i_f_gpal, i_f_ppal, i_f_addcolors, i_f_getcolors, i_f_colorcount,
i_f_maxcolors, i_f_findcolor, i_f_setcolors - implementations for each
paletted image function.
- i_f_destroy - custom image destruction function. This should be used to
release memory if necessary.
- i_f_gsamp_bits - implements i_gsamp_bits() for this image.
- i_f_psamp_bits - implements i_psamp_bits() for this image.
- i_f_psamp - implements psamp() for this image.
- i_f_psampf - implements psamp() for this image.
- "im_data" - image specific data internal
to Imager.
- "context" - the Imager API context this
image belongs to.
- i_color
i_color black;
black.rgba.r = black.rgba.g = black.rgba.b = black.rgba.a = 0;
Type for 8-bit/sample color.
Samples as per;
i_color c;
i_color is a union of:
- gray - contains a single element gray_color, eg.
- "rgb" - contains three elements
"b", eg.
- "rgba" - contains four elements
"a", eg.
- "cmyk" - contains four elements
"k", eg.
"c.cmyk.y". Note that Imager never uses
CMYK colors except when reading/writing files.
- channels - an array of four channels, eg
- i_fcolor
- This is the double/sample color type.
Its layout exactly corresponds to i_color.
- i_fill_t
i_fill_t *fill;
This is the "abstract" base type for Imager's fill
Unless you're implementing a new fill type you'll typically
treat this as an opaque type.
- i_poly_fill_mode_t
- Control how polygons are filled. Has the following values:
- "i_pfm_evenodd" - simple even-odd
- "i_pfm_nonzero" - non-zero winding rule
- i_polygon_t
- Represents a polygon. Has the following members:
- "x",
"y" - arrays of x and y locations of
- "count" - the number of entries in the
"x" and
"y" arrays.
- im_context_t
- Imager's per-thread context.
- im_slot_t
- Represents a slot in the context object.
- i_img_dim
i_img_dim x, y;
A signed integer type that represents an image dimension or
May be larger than int on some platforms.
- i_img_dim_u
i_img_dim_u limit;
An unsigned variant of "i_img_dim".
- i_color_model_t
- Returned by "i_img_color_model(im)" to indicate the color model
of the image.
An enumerated type with the following possible values:
- "icm_unknown" - the image has no usable
color data. In future versions of Imager this will be returned in a few
limited cases, eg. when the source image is CMYK and the user has
requested no color translation is done.
- "icm_gray" - gray scale with no alpha
- "icm_gray_alpha" - gray scale with an
alpha channel.
- "icm_rgb" - RGB
- "icm_rgb_alpha" - RGB with an alpha
- i_DF
printf("left %" i_DF "\n", i_DFc(x));
This is a constant string that can be used with functions like
printf() to format i_img_dim values after they're been cast with
Does not include the leading
- i_DFc
- Cast an "i_img_dim" value to a type for
use with the i_DF format string.
- i_DFcp
- Casts two "i_img_dim" values for use
with the i_DF (or i_DFp) format.
- i_DFp
printf("point (" i_DFp ")\n", i_DFcp(x, y));
Format a pair of "i_img_dim"
values. This format string does include the leading
- i_arc(im, x, y, rad, d1, d2, color)
i_arc(im, 50, 50, 20, 45, 135, &color);
Fills an arc centered at (x,y) with radius rad covering
the range of angles in degrees from d1 to d2, with the color.
- i_arc_aa(im, x, y, rad, d1, d2, color)
i_arc_aa(im, 50, 50, 35, 90, 135, &color);
Anti-alias fills an arc centered at (x,y) with radius
rad covering the range of angles in degrees from d1 to d2, with
the color.
- i_arc_aa_cfill(im, x, y, rad, d1, d2, fill)
i_arc_aa_cfill(im, 50, 50, 35, 90, 135, fill);
Anti-alias fills an arc centered at (x,y) with radius
rad covering the range of angles in degrees from d1 to d2, with
the fill object.
- i_arc_cfill(im, x, y, rad, d1, d2, fill)
i_arc_cfill(im, 50, 50, 35, 90, 135, fill);
Fills an arc centered at (x,y) with radius rad covering
the range of angles in degrees from d1 to d2, with the fill object.
- i_box(im, x1, y1, x2, y2, color)
i_box(im, 0, 0, im->xsize-1, im->ysize-1, &color).
Outlines the box from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) inclusive with
- i_box_cfill(im, x1, y1, x2, y2, fill)
i_box_cfill(im, 0, 0, im->xsize-1, im->ysize-1, fill);
Fills the box from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) inclusive with fill.
- i_box_filled(im, x1, y1, x2, y2, color)
i_box_filled(im, 0, 0, im->xsize-1, im->ysize-1, &color);
Fills the box from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) inclusive with
- i_circle_aa(im, x, y, rad, color)
i_circle_aa(im, 50, 50, 45, &color);
Anti-alias fills a circle centered at (x,y) for radius
rad with color.
- i_flood_cfill("im", "seedx", "seedy",
i_flood_cfill(im, 50, 50, fill);
Flood fills the 4-connected region starting from the point
"seedy") with
Returns false if ("seedx",
"seedy") are outside the image.
- i_flood_cfill_border("im", "seedx", "seedy",
"fill", "border")
i_flood_cfill_border(im, 50, 50, fill, border);
Flood fills the 4-connected region starting from the point
"seedy") with
"fill", the fill stops when it reaches
pixels of color "border".
Returns false if ("seedx",
"seedy") are outside the image.
- i_flood_fill("im", "seedx", "seedy",
i_flood_fill(im, 50, 50, &color);
Flood fills the 4-connected region starting from the point
"seedy") with color.
Returns false if ("seedx",
"seedy") are outside the image.
- i_flood_fill_border("im", "seedx", "seedy",
"color", "border")
i_flood_fill_border(im, 50, 50, &color, &border);
Flood fills the 4-connected region starting from the point
"seedy") with
"color", fill stops when the fill
reaches a pixels with color
Returns false if ("seedx",
"seedy") are outside the image.
- i_glin(im, l, r, y, colors)
- Retrieves (r-l) pixels starting from (l,y) into colors.
Returns the number of pixels retrieved.
- i_glinf(im, l, r, y, colors)
- Retrieves (r-l) pixels starting from (l,y) into colors as floating
point colors.
Returns the number of pixels retrieved.
- i_gpal(im, left, right, y, indexes)
- Reads palette indexes for the horizontal line (left, y) to (right-1, y)
into "indexes".
Returns the number of indexes read.
Always returns 0 for direct color images.
- i_gpix(im, "x", "y", "color")
- Retrieves the "color" of the pixel
Returns 0 if the pixel was retrieved, or -1 if not.
- i_gpixf(im, "x", "y", "fcolor")
- Retrieves the color of the pixel (x,y) as a floating point color into
Returns 0 if the pixel was retrieved, or -1 if not.
- i_gsamp(im, left, right, y, samples, channels, channel_count)
- Reads sample values from "im" for the
horizontal line (left, y) to (right-1,y) for the channels specified by
"channels", an array of int with
"channel_count" elements.
If channels is NULL then the first channels_count channels are
retrieved for each pixel.
Returns the number of samples read (which should be
(right-left) * channel_count)
- i_gsamp_bg(im, l, r, y, samples, out_channels, background)
- Like "i_gsampf()" but applies the source
image color over a supplied background color.
This is intended for output to image formats that don't
support alpha channels.
- i_gsamp_bits(im, left, right, y, samples, channels, channel_count,
- Reads integer samples scaled to "bits"
bits of precision into the "unsigned
int" array "samples".
Expect this to be slow unless "bits ==
Returns the number of samples copied, or -1 on error.
Not all image types implement this method.
Pushes errors, but does not call
- i_gsampf(im, left, right, y, samples, channels, channel_count)
- Reads floating point sample values from
"im" for the horizontal line (left, y)
to (right-1,y) for the channels specified by
"channels", an array of int with
channel_count elements.
If "channels" is NULL then
the first "channel_count" channels are
retrieved for each pixel.
Returns the number of samples read (which should be
* "channel_count")
- i_gsampf_bg(im, l, r, y, samples, out_channels, background)
- Like "i_gsampf()" but applies the source
image color over a supplied background color.
This is intended for output to image formats that don't
support alpha channels.
- i_line("im", "x1", "y1", "x2",
"y2", "color", "endp")
- Draw a line to image using Bresenham's line drawing algorithm
im - image to draw to
x1 - starting x coordinate
y1 - starting x coordinate
x2 - starting x coordinate
y2 - starting x coordinate
color - color to write to image
endp - endpoint flag (boolean)
- i_line_aa("im", "x1", "x2", "y1",
"y2", "color", "endp")
- Anti-alias draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2, y2) in color.
The point (x2, y2) is drawn only if
"endp" is set.
- i_plin(im, l, r, y, colors)
- Sets (r-l) pixels starting from (l,y) using (r-l) values from
Returns the number of pixels set.
- i_plinf(im, "left", "right", "fcolors")
- Sets (right-left) pixels starting from (left,y) using (right-left)
floating point colors from "fcolors".
Returns the number of pixels set.
- i_poly_aa_cfill_m(im, count, x, y, mode, fill)
i_poly_aa_cfill(im, count, x, y, mode, fill);
Fill a polygon defined by the points specified by the x and y
arrays with the fill specified by
- i_poly_aa_m(im, count, x, y, mode, color)
i_poly_aa_m(im, count, x, y, mode, color);
Fill a polygon defined by the points specified by the x and y
arrays with the color specified by
- i_poly_poly_aa(im, count, polys, mode, color)
i_poly_poly_aa(im, 1, &poly, mode, color);
Fill the "count" polygons
defined by "polys" the color specified
by "color".
At least one polygon must be supplied.
All polygons must have at least 3 points.
- i_poly_poly_aa_cfill(im, count, polys, mode, fill)
i_poly_poly_aa_cfill(im, 1, &poly, mode, fill);
Fill the "count" polygons
defined by "polys" the fill specified
by "fill".
At least one polygon must be supplied.
All polygons must have at least 3 points.
- i_ppal(im, left, right, y, indexes)
- Writes palette indexes for the horizontal line (left, y) to (right-1, y)
from "indexes".
Returns the number of indexes written.
Always returns 0 for direct color images.
- i_ppix(im, x, y, color)
- Sets the pixel at (x,y) to color.
Returns 0 if the pixel was drawn, or -1 if not.
Does no alpha blending, just copies the channels from the
supplied color to the image.
- i_ppixf(im, "x", "y", "fcolor")
- Sets the pixel at
to the floating point color "fcolor".
Returns 0 if the pixel was drawn, or -1 if not.
Does no alpha blending, just copies the channels from the
supplied color to the image.
- i_psamp(im, left, right, y, samples, channels, channel_count)
- Writes sample values from "samples" to
"im" for the horizontal line (left, y)
to (right-1, y) inclusive for the channels specified by
"channels", an array of
"int" with
"channel_count" elements.
If "channels" is
"NULL" then the first
"channels_count" channels are written
to for each pixel.
Returns the number of samples written, which should be (right
- left) * channel_count. If a channel not in the image is in channels,
left is negative, left is outside the image or y is outside the image,
returns -1 and pushes an error.
- i_psamp_bits(im, left, right, y, samples, channels, channel_count,
- Writes integer samples scaled to "bits"
bits of precision from the "unsigned
int" array "samples".
Expect this to be slow unless "bits ==
Returns the number of samples copied, or -1 on error.
Not all image types implement this method.
Pushes errors, but does not call
- i_psampf(im, left, right, y, samples, channels, channel_count)
- Writes floating point sample values from
"samples" to
"im" for the horizontal line (left, y)
to (right-1, y) inclusive for the channels specified by
"channels", an array of
"int" with
"channel_count" elements.
If "channels" is
"NULL" then the first
"channels_count" channels are written
to for each pixel.
Returns the number of samples written, which should be (right
- left) * channel_count. If a channel not in the image is in channels,
left is negative, left is outside the image or y is outside the image,
returns -1 and pushes an error.
- i_push_errorf(int code, char const *fmt, ...)
i_push_errorf(errno, "Cannot open file %s: %d", filename, errno);
A version of i_push_error() that does printf()
like formatting.
Does not support perl specific format codes.
- im_clear_error(ctx)
Clears the error stack.
Called by any Imager function before doing any other
Also callable as
- im_push_error(ctx, code, message)
i_push_error(0, "Yep, it's broken");
i_push_error(errno, "Error writing");
im_push_error(aIMCTX, 0, "Something is wrong");
Called by an Imager function to push an error message onto the
No message is pushed if the stack is full (since this means
someone forgot to call i_clear_error(), or that a function that
doesn't do error handling is calling function that does.).
- im_push_errorf(ctx, code, char const *fmt, ...)
im_push_errorf(aIMCTX, errno, "Cannot open file %s: %d", filename, errno);
A version of im_push_error() that does printf()
like formatting.
Does not support perl specific format codes.
- im_push_errorvf(ctx, code, format, args)
va_args args;
va_start(args, lastarg);
im_push_errorvf(ctx, code, format, args);
Intended for use by higher level functions, takes a varargs
pointer and a format to produce the finally pushed error message.
Does not support perl specific format codes.
Also callable as "i_push_errorvf(code,
format, args)"
- i_get_file_background(im, &bg)
- Retrieve the file write background color tag from the image.
If not present, "bg" is set
to black.
Returns 1 if the
"i_background" tag was found and
- i_get_file_backgroundf(im, &bg)
- Retrieve the file write background color tag from the image as a floating
point color.
Implemented in terms of i_get_file_background().
If not present, "bg" is set
to black.
Returns 1 if the
"i_background" tag was found and
- im_get_image_file_limits(ctx, &width, &height, &bytes)
im_get_image_file_limits(aIMCTX, &width, &height, &bytes)
i_get_image_file_limits(&width, &height, &bytes)
Retrieves the file limits set by
- i_img_dim *width, *height - the maximum width and height of the
- size_t *bytes - size in memory of the image in bytes.
Also callable as
"i_get_image_file_limits(&width, &height,
- im_int_check_image_file_limits(width, height, channels, sample_size)
im_int_check_image_file_limits(aIMCTX, width, height, channels, sizeof(i_sample_t))
i_int_check_image_file_limits(width, height, channels, sizeof(i_sample_t))
Checks the size of a file in memory against the configured
image file limits.
This also range checks the values to those permitted by Imager
and checks for overflows in calculating the size.
Returns non-zero if the file is within limits.
This function is intended to be called by image file read
Also callable as
"i_int_check_image_file_limits(width, height,
channels, sizeof(i_sample_t)".
- im_set_image_file_limits(ctx, width, height, bytes)
im_set_image_file_limits(aIMCTX, 500, 500, 1000000);
i_set_image_file_limits(500, 500, 1000000);
Set limits on the sizes of images read by Imager.
Setting a limit to 0 means that limit is ignored.
Negative limits result in failure.
- i_img_dim width, height - maximum width and height.
- size_t bytes - maximum size in memory in bytes. A value of zero sets this
limit to one gigabyte.
Returns non-zero on success.
Also callable as
"i_set_image_file_limits(width, height,
- i_new_fill_fount("xa", "ya", "xb",
"yb", "type", "repeat", "combine",
"super_sample", "ssample_param", "count",
fill = i_new_fill_fount(0, 0, 100, 100, i_ft_linear, i_ft_linear,
i_fr_triangle, 0, i_fts_grid, 9, 1, segs);
Creates a new general fill which fills with a fountain
- i_new_fill_hatch("fg", "bg", "combine",
"hatch", "cust_hatch", "dx",
i_fill_t *fill = i_new_fill_hatch(&fg_color, &bg_color, combine, hatch, custom_hatch, dx, dy);
Creates a new hatched fill with the
"fg" color used for the 1 bits in the
hatch and "bg" for the 0 bits. If
"combine" is non-zero alpha values
will be combined.
If "cust_hatch" is non-NULL
it should be a pointer to 8 bytes of the hash definition, with the
high-bits to the left.
If "cust_hatch" is NULL then
one of the standard hatches is used.
"dy") are an offset into the hatch
which can be used to hatch adjoining areas out of alignment, or to align
the origin of a hatch with the side of a filled area.
- i_new_fill_hatchf("fg", "bg", "combine",
"hatch", "cust_hatch", "dx",
i_fill_t *fill = i_new_fill_hatchf(&fg_fcolor, &bg_fcolor, combine, hatch, custom_hatch, dx, dy);
Creates a new hatched fill with the
"fg" color used for the 1 bits in the
hatch and "bg" for the 0 bits. If
"combine" is non-zero alpha values
will be combined.
If "cust_hatch" is non-NULL
it should be a pointer to 8 bytes of the hash definition, with the
high-bits to the left.
If "cust_hatch" is NULL then
one of the standard hatches is used.
"dy") are an offset into the hatch
which can be used to hatch adjoining areas out of alignment, or to align
the origin of a hatch with the side of a filled area.
- i_new_fill_image("im", "matrix", "xoff",
"yoff", "combine")
i_fill_t *fill = i_new_fill_image(src_img, matrix, x_offset, y_offset, combine);
Create an image based fill.
matrix is an array of 9 doubles representing a transformation
"xoff" and
"yoff" are the offset into the image
to start filling from.
- i_new_fill_solid(color, combine)
i_fill_t *fill = i_new_fill_solid(&color, combine);
Create a solid fill based on an 8-bit color.
If combine is non-zero then alpha values will be combined.
- i_new_fill_solidf(color, combine)
i_fill_t *fill = i_new_fill_solidf(&fcolor, combine);
Create a solid fill based on a float color.
If combine is non-zero then alpha values will be combined.
- i_fill_destroy(fill)
Call to destroy any fill object.
- im_io_new_bufchain(ctx)
- Returns a new io_glue object that has the 'empty' source and but can be
written to and read from later (like a pseudo file).
Also callable as
- im_io_new_buffer(ctx, data, length)
- Returns a new io_glue object that has the source defined as reading from
specified buffer. Note that the buffer is not copied.
ctx - an Imager context object
data - buffer to read from
length - length of buffer
Also callable as "io_new_buffer(data,
- im_io_new_cb(ctx, p, read_cb, write_cb, seek_cb, close_cb,
- Create a new I/O layer object that calls your supplied callbacks.
In general the callbacks should behave like the corresponding
POSIX primitives.
- "read_cb"(p, buffer, length) should read
up to "length" bytes into
"buffer" and return the number of bytes
read. At end of file, return 0. On error, return -1.
- "write_cb"(p, buffer, length) should
write up to "length" bytes from
"buffer" and return the number of bytes
written. A return value <= 0 will be treated as an error.
- "seekcb"(p, offset, whence) should seek
and return the new offset.
- "close_cb"(p) should return 0 on
success, -1 on failure.
- "destroy_cb"(p) should release any
memory specific to your callback handlers.
Also callable as "io_new_cb(p, readcb,
writecb, seekcb, closecb,
- im_io_new_fd(ctx, file)
- Returns a new io_glue object that has the source defined as reading from
specified file descriptor. Note that the interface to receiving data from
the io_glue callbacks hasn't been done yet.
ctx - and Imager context object
file - file descriptor to read/write from
Also callable as
- i_io_close(io)
- Flush any pending output and perform the close action for the stream.
Returns 0 on success.
- i_io_flush(io)
- Flush any buffered output.
Returns true on success,
- i_io_getc(ig)
- A macro to read a single byte from a buffered I/O glue object.
Returns EOF on failure, or a byte.
- i_io_gets(ig, buffer, size, end_of_line)
char buffer[BUFSIZ]
ssize_t len = i_io_gets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), '\n');
Read up to "size"-1 bytes
from the stream "ig" into
If the byte "end_of_line" is
seen then no further bytes will be read.
Returns the number of bytes read.
Always "NUL" terminates the
- i_io_peekc(ig)
- Read the next character from the stream without advancing the stream.
On error or end of file, return EOF.
For unbuffered streams a single character buffer will be
- i_io_peekn(ig, buffer, size)
ssize_t count = i_io_peekn(ig, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
Buffer at least "size" (at
most "ig->buf_size" bytes of data
from the stream and return "size"
bytes of it to the caller in
This ignores the buffered state of the stream, and will always
setup buffering if needed.
If no "type" parameter is
provided to Imager::read() or Imager::read_multi(), Imager
will call "i_io_peekn()" when probing
for the file format.
Returns -1 on error, 0 if there is no data before EOF, or the
number of bytes read into
- i_io_putc(ig, c)
- Write a single character to the stream.
On success return c, on error returns EOF
- i_io_read(io, buffer, size)
- Read up to "size" bytes from the stream
"io" into
Returns the number of bytes read. Returns 0 on end of file.
Returns -1 on error.
- i_io_seek(io, offset, whence)
- Seek within the stream.
Acts like perl's seek.
- i_io_set_buffered(io, buffered)
- Set the buffering mode of the stream.
If you switch buffering off on a stream with buffering on:
- any buffered output will be flushed.
- any existing buffered input will be consumed before reads become
Returns true on success. This may fail if any buffered output
cannot be flushed.
- i_io_write(io, buffer, size)
ssize_t result = i_io_write(io, buffer, size)
Write to the given I/O stream.
Returns the number of bytes written.
- io_slurp(ig, c)
- Takes the source that the io_glue is bound to and allocates space for a
return buffer and returns the entire content in a single buffer. Note:
This only works for io_glue objects created by io_new_bufchain().
It is useful for saving to scalars and such.
ig - io_glue object
c - pointer to a pointer to where data should be copied to
char *data;
size_t size = io_slurp(ig, &data);
... do something with the data ...
io_slurp() will abort the program if the supplied I/O
layer is not from io_new_bufchain().
- io_glue_destroy(ig)
Destroy an io_glue objects. Should clean up all related
ig - io_glue object to destroy.
- i_copy(source)
- Creates a new image that is a copy of the image
Tags are not copied, only the image data.
Returns: i_img *
- i_copyto("dest", "src", "x1",
"y1", "x2", "y2", "tx",
- Copies image data from the area
in the source image to a rectangle the same size with it's top-left corner
in the destination image.
If "x1" >
"x2" or
"y1" >
"y2" then the corresponding
co-ordinates are swapped.
- i_copyto_trans("im", "src", "x1",
"y1", "x2", "y2", "tx",
"ty", "trans")
- ("x1","y1")
specifies the region to copy (in the source coordinates)
specifies the upper left corner for the target image. pass NULL in
"trans" for non transparent
- i_img_info(im, info)
- Return image information
im - Image pointer
info - pointer to array to return data
info is an array of 4 integers with the following values:
info[0] - width
info[1] - height
info[2] - channels
info[3] - channel mask
- i_rubthru("im", "src", "tx", "ty",
"src_minx", "src_miny", "src_maxx",
- Takes the sub image
"src_maxy")> and overlays it at
on the image object.
The alpha channel of each pixel in
"src" is used to control how much the
existing color in "im" is replaced, if
it is 255 then the color is completely replaced, if it is 0 then the
original color is left unmodified.
- i_sametype("im", "xsize", "ysize")
i_img *img = i_sametype(src, width, height);
Returns an image of the same type (sample size, channels,
For paletted images the palette is copied from the source.
- i_sametype_chans("im", "xsize", "ysize",
i_img *img = i_sametype_chans(src, width, height, channels);
Returns an image of the same type (sample size).
For paletted images the equivalent direct type is
- im_img_16_new(ctx, x, y, ch)
i_img *img = im_img_16_new(aIMCTX, width, height, channels);
i_img *img = i_img_16_new(width, height, channels);
Create a new 16-bit/sample image.
Returns the image on success, or NULL on failure.
Also callable as "i_img_16_new(x, y,
- im_img_8_new(ctx, x, y, ch)
i_img *img = im_img_8_new(aIMCTX, width, height, channels);
i_img *img = i_img_8_new(width, height, channels);
Creates a new image object x pixels wide, and y
pixels high with ch channels.
- im_img_double_new(ctx, x, y, ch)
i_img *img = im_img_double_new(aIMCTX, width, height, channels);
i_img *img = i_img_double_new(width, height, channels);
Creates a new double per sample image.
Also callable as
"i_img_double_new(width, height,
- im_img_pal_new(ctx, "x", "y", "channels",
i_img *img = im_img_pal_new(aIMCTX, width, height, channels, max_palette_size)
i_img *img = i_img_pal_new(width, height, channels, max_palette_size)
Creates a new paletted image of the supplied dimensions.
"maxpal" is the maximum
palette size and should normally be 256.
Returns a new image or NULL on failure.
Also callable as "i_img_pal_new(width,
height, channels, max_palette_size)".
- i_img_destroy("img")
Destroy an image object
- im_img_alloc(aIMCTX)
i_img *im = im_img_alloc(aIMCTX);
i_img *im = i_img_alloc();
Allocates a new i_img structure.
When implementing a new image type perform the following steps
in your image object creation function:
- 1.
- allocate the image with i_img_alloc().
- 2.
- initialize any function pointers or other data as needed, you can
overwrite the whole block if you need to.
- 3.
- initialize Imager's internal data by calling i_img_init() on the
image object.
- im_img_init(aIMCTX, image)
im_img_init(aIMCTX, im);
Imager internal initialization of images.
See "im_img_alloc(aIMCTX)" for more information.
- i_img_alpha_channel(im, &channel)
int alpha_channel;
int has_alpha = i_img_alpha_channel(im, &alpha_channel);
Work out the alpha channel for an image.
If the image has an alpha channel, sets
*channel to the alpha channel index and returns
If the image has no alpha channel, returns zero and
*channel is not modified.
"channel" may be
- i_img_color_channels(im)
int color_channels = i_img_color_channels(im);
Returns the number of color channels in the image. For now
this is always 1 (for grayscale) or 3 (for RGB) but may be 0 in some
special cases in a future release of Imager.
- i_img_color_model(im)
i_color_model_t cm = i_img_color_model(im);
Returns the color model for the image.
A future version of Imager will allow for images with extra
channels beyond gray/rgb and alpha.
- i_img_get_height("im")
i_img_dim height = i_img_get_height(im);
Returns the height in pixels of the image.
- i_img_get_width("im")
i_img_dim width = i_img_get_width(im);
Returns the width in pixels of the image.
- i_img_getchannels("im")
int channels = i_img_getchannels(img);
Get the number of channels in
- i_img_getmask("im")
int mask = i_img_getmask(img);
Get the image channel mask for
- i_img_has_alpha("im")
- Return true if the image has an alpha channel.
- i_img_is_monochrome(img, &zero_is_white)
- Tests an image to check it meets our monochrome tests.
The idea is that a file writer can use this to test where it
should write the image in whatever bi-level format it uses, eg.
"pbm" for
For performance of encoders we require monochrome images:
- be paletted
- have a palette of two colors, containing only
"(0,0,0)" and
"(255,255,255)" in either order.
"zero_is_white" is set to
non-zero if the first palette entry is white.
- i_img_setmask("im", "ch_mask")
// only channel 0 writable
i_img_setmask(img, 0x01);
Set the image channel mask for
"im" to
The image channel mask gives some control over which channels
can be written to in the image.
- i_quant_makemap("quant", "imgs",
- Analyzes the "count" images in
"imgs" according to the rules in
"quant" to build a color map (optimal or
not depending on
- i_quant_translate("quant", "img")
- Quantize the image given the palette in
On success returns a pointer to a memory block of
"img->xsize *
"i_palidx" entries.
On failure returns NULL.
You should call myfree() on the returned block when
you're done with it.
This function will fail if the supplied palette contains no
- i_quant_transparent("quant", "data", "img",
- Dither the alpha channel on "img" into
the palette indexes in "data". Pixels to
be transparent are replaced with
The method used depends on the tr_* members of
- i_lhead(file, line)
- This is an internal function called by the mm_log() macro.
- i_loog(level, format, ...)
- This is an internal function called by the mm_log() macro.
- i_mutex_t
i_mutex_t mutex;
Opaque type for Imager's mutex API.
- i_mutex_new()
i_mutex_t m = i_mutex_new();
Create a mutex.
If a critical section cannot be created for whatever reason,
Imager will abort.
- i_mutex_destroy(m)
Destroy a mutex.
- i_mutex_lock(m)
Lock the mutex, waiting if another thread has the mutex
- i_mutex_unlock(m)
Release the mutex.
The behavior of releasing a mutex you don't hold is
- i_addcolors(im, colors, count)
- Adds colors to the image's palette.
On success returns the index of the lowest color added.
On failure returns -1.
Always fails for direct color images.
- i_colorcount(im)
- Returns the number of colors in the image's palette.
Returns -1 for direct images.
- i_findcolor(im, color, &entry)
- Searches the images palette for the given color.
On success sets *entry to the index of the color, and
returns true.
On failure returns false.
Always fails on direct color images.
- i_getcolors(im, index, colors, count)
- Retrieves count colors starting from index in the image's
On success stores the colors into colors and returns
On failure returns false.
Always fails for direct color images.
Fails if there are less than index+count colors
in the image's palette.
- i_maxcolors(im)
- Returns the maximum number of colors the palette can hold for the image.
Returns -1 for direct color images.
- i_setcolors(im, index, colors, count)
- Sets count colors starting from index in the image's
On success returns true.
On failure returns false.
The image must have at least index+count colors
in it's palette for this to succeed.
Always fails on direct color images.
- i_tags_delbycode(tags, code)
- Delete any tags with the given code.
Returns the number of tags deleted.
- i_tags_delbyname(tags, name)
- Delete any tags with the given name.
Returns the number of tags deleted.
- i_tags_delete(tags, index)
- Delete a tag by index.
Returns true on success.
- i_tags_destroy(tags)
- Destroys the given tags structure. Called by i_img_destroy().
- i_tags_find(tags, name, start, &entry)
- Searches for a tag of the given name starting from index
On success returns true and sets *entry.
On failure returns false.
- i_tags_findn(tags, code, start, &entry)
- Searches for a tag of the given code starting from index
On success returns true and sets *entry.
On failure returns false.
- i_tags_get_color(tags, name, code, &value)
- Retrieve a tag specified by name or code as color.
On success sets the i_color *value to the color and
returns true.
On failure returns false.
- i_tags_get_float(tags, name, code, value)
- Retrieves a tag as a floating point value.
If the tag has a string value then that is parsed as a
floating point number, otherwise the integer value of the tag is
On success sets *value and returns true.
On failure returns false.
- i_tags_get_int(tags, name, code, &value)
- Retrieve a tag specified by name or code as an integer.
On success sets the int *value to the integer and
returns true.
On failure returns false.
- i_tags_get_string(tags, name, code, value, value_size)
- Retrieves a tag by name or code as a string.
On success copies the string to value for a max of value_size
and returns true.
On failure returns false.
value_size must be at least large enough for a string
representation of an integer.
The copied value is always
"NUL" terminated.
- i_tags_new(i_img_tags *tags)
- Initialize a tags structure. Should not be used if the tags structure has
been previously used.
This should be called tags member of an i_img object on
creation (in i_img_*_new() functions).
To destroy the contents use i_tags_destroy()
- i_tags_set(tags, name, data, size)
i_tags_set(&img->tags, "i_comment", -1);
Sets the given tag to the string data
If size is -1 then the strlen(data) bytes are
Even on failure, if an existing tag name exists, it
will be removed.
- i_tags_set_color(tags, name, code, &value)
- Stores the given color as a tag with the given name and code.
- i_tags_set_float(tags, name, code, value)
- Equivalent to i_tags_set_float2(tags, name, code, value, 30).
- i_tags_set_float2(tags, name, code, value, places)
- Sets the tag with the given name and code to the given floating point
Since tags are strings or ints, we convert the value to a
string before storage at the precision specified by
- i_tags_setn("tags", "name", "idata")
i_tags_setn(&img->tags, "i_xres", 204);
i_tags_setn(&img->tags, "i_yres", 196);
Sets the given tag to the integer
Even on failure, if an existing tag
"name" exists, it will be removed.
- i_utf8_advance(char **p, size_t *len)
- Retrieve a "UTF-8" character from the
Modifies *p and *len to indicate the consumed characters.
This doesn't support the extended
"UTF-8" encoding used by later
versions of Perl. Since this is typically used to implement text output
by font drivers, the strings supplied shouldn't have such out of range
This doesn't check that the
"UTF-8" character is using the
shortest possible representation.
Returns ~0UL on failure.
- im_context_refdec(ctx, where) =section Context objects
im_context_refdec(aIMCTX, "a description");
Remove a reference to the context, releasing it if all
references have been removed.
- im_context_refinc(ctx, where) =section Context objects
im_context_refinc(aIMCTX, "a description");
Add a new reference to the context.
- im_context_slot_get(ctx, slot)
- Retrieve the value previously stored in the given slot of the context
- im_context_slot_new(destructor)
- Allocate a new context-local-storage slot.
"desctructor" will be called
when the context is destroyed if the corresponding slot is non-NULL.
- im_context_slot_set(slot, value)
- Set the value of a slot.
Returns true on success.
Aborts if the slot supplied is invalid.
If reallocation of slot storage fails, returns false.
- im_decode_exif
- im_decode_exif(im, data_base, data_size);
The data from "data_base"
for "data_size" bytes will be scanned
for EXIF data.
Any data found will be used to set tags in the supplied
The intent is that invalid EXIF data will simply fail to set
tags, and write to the log. In no case should this code exit when
supplied invalid data.
Returns true if an EXIF header was seen.
- im_errors(ctx)
i_errmsg *errors = im_errors(aIMCTX);
i_errmsg *errors = i_errors();
Returns a pointer to the first element of an array of error
messages, terminated by a NULL pointer. The highest level message is
Also callable as
- im_get_context()
- Retrieve the context object for the current thread.
Inside Imager itself this is just a function pointer, which
the Imager.xs BOOT handler initializes for use within perl. If
you're taking the Imager code and embedding it elsewhere you need to
initialize the "im_get_context"
pointer at some point.
The following API functions are undocumented so far, hopefully this will change:
Tony Cook <tonyc@cpan.org>
Imager, Imager::API, Imager::ExtUtils, Imager::Inline
Visit the GSP FreeBSD Man Page Interface. Output converted with ManDoc.