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Iterator::Simple(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
Iterator::Simple(3) |
Iterator::Simple - Simple iterator and utilities
use Iterator::Simple;
sub foo {
my $max = shift;
my $i = 0;
iterator {
return if $i > $max;
my $iterator = foo(20); # yields 0,1,2, ..., 19, 20;
$iterator = imap { $_ + 2 } $iterator; # yields 2,3,4,5, ... ,20,21,22
$iterator = igrep { $_ % 2 } $iterator; # yields 3,5,7,9, ... ,17,19,21
# iterable object
$iterator = iter([qw(foo bar baz)]); # iterator from array ref
$iterator = iter(IO::File->new($filename)); # iterator from GLOB
# filters
$iterator = ichain($itr1, $itr2); # chain iterators;
$iterator = izip($itr1, $itr2); # zip iterators;
$iterator = ienumerate $iterator; # add index;
# general filter
$iterator = ifilter $iterator, sub {
return $_ if /^A/;
# how to iterate
while(defined($_ = $iterator->())) {
while(defined($_ = $iterator->next)) {
while(<iterator>) {
Iterator::Simple is yet another general-purpose iterator utilities.
Rather simple, but powerful and fast iterator.
Iterator::Simple doesn't export any functions by default. please import them
use Iterator::Simple qw(iter list imap);
For all functions:
use Iterator::Simple qw(:all);
- iterator { CODE }
- Iterator constructor. CODE returns a value on each call, and if it is
exhausted, returns undef. Therefore, you cannot yields undefined value as
a meaning value. If you want, you could use Iterator module which can do
Generally, you can implement iterator as a closure like:
use Iterator::Simple qw(iterator);
sub fibonacci {
my($s1, $s2, $max) = @_;
iterator {
my $rv;
($rv, $s1, $s2) = ($s1, $s2, $s1 + $s2);
return if $rv > $max;
return $rv;
my $iterator = fiboacci(1, 1, 1000);
You can iterate it in several ways:
- just call it
while(defined($_ = $iterator->())) {
print "$_\n";
- "next" method
while(defined($_ = $iterator->next)) {
print "$_\n";
- <> operator
while(<$iterator>) {
print "$_\n";
- is_iterator($object)
- If $object is an iterator created by
Iterator::Simple, returns true. False otherwise.
- iter($object)
- This function auto detects what $object is, and
automatically turns it into an iterator. Supported objects are:
- Iterator made with Iterator::Simple.
- Object that implements "__iter__"
- Object that overloads '<>' or has
"next" method.
- Object that overloads '&{}'.(as iterator function.)
- Object that overloads '@{}'.(with
- ARRAY reference. ("iarray()")
- CODE reference. (as iterator function.)
- GLOB reference.
- nothing ("iter()".) (empty
If it fails to convert, runtime error.
- is_iterable($object)
- return true if $object can be converted with
- list($object)
- This function converts $object into single array
- ARRAY reference.
- GLOB reference.
- Iterator made with Iterator::Simple.
- Object that overloads '@{}' operator.
- Object that implements '__iter__' method.
- Object that overloads '<>' operator or has
"next" method.
- nothing (i.e. list() returns []);
If it fails to convert, runtime error.
Note that after
"list($iterator)", that iterator is not
usable any more.
- imap { CODE } $iterable
- This is the iterator version of "map".
Returns an iterator which yields the value from source iterator modified
by CODE.
- igrep { CODE } $iterable
- This is the iterator version of "grep".
Returns an iterator which yields the value from source iterator only when
CODE returns true value.
- iflatten $iterable
- When $iterable yields another iterator, iterate it
$subitr = iter([10, 11,12]);
$source = iter([ 1, 2, $subitr, 4]);
$flattened = iflatten $source;
# yields 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 4.
- ifilter $iterable, sub{ CODE }
- This is the combination of imap, igrep, iflatten. it supports modify
(imap) , skip (igrep), and inflate (iflatten). but it should be faster
than combination of them.
For example:
$combination = iflatten
imap { $_ eq 'baz' ? iter(['whoa', 'who']) : ":$_:" }
igrep { $_ ne 'bar' }
iter [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'fiz' ];
$itr = iter [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'fiz' ];
$filterd = ifilter $itr, sub {
return if $_ eq 'bar'; #skip
return iter(['whoa', 'who']) if $_ eq 'baz'; #inflate
return ":$_:"; # modify
Both of them will yields ':foo:', 'whoa',
'who', ':fiz:'.
- ichain($iterable, $iterable2, ...)
- This function returns an iterator which chains one or more iterators.
Iterates each iterables in order as is, until each iterables are
$itr1 = iter(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
$itr2 = iter(['hoge', 'hage']);
$chained = ichain($itr1, $itr2);
# yields 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'hoge', 'hage'.
- ienumerate($iterable)
- This function returns an iterator yields like:
$ary = iter(['foo', 'bar', 'baz', ... ]);
$iter = ienumerate $ary;
# yields [0, 'foo'], [1, 'bar'], [2, 'baz'], ...
- izip($iterable, $iterable2, ...);
- Accepts one or more iterables, returns an iterator like:
$animals = iter(['dogs', 'cats', 'pigs']);
$says = iter(['bowwow', 'mew', 'oink']);
$zipped = izip($animals, $says);
# yields ['dogs','bowwow'], ['cats','mew'], ['pigs', 'oink'].
Note that when one of source iterables is exhausted, zipped
iterator will be exhausted also.
- islice($iterable, $start, $end, $step)
- Same as islice of itertools in Python. If $end is
undef or negative value, it iterates source until it is exhausted.
$step defaults to 1. 0 or negative step value is
$iter = iter([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]);
$sliced = islice($iter, 3, 13, 2);
# yields 3, 5, 7, 9, 11.
- ihead($count, $iterable)
islice($iterable, 0, $count, 1);
- iskip($count, $iterable)
islice($iterable, $count, undef, 1);
- iarray($arrayref);
- Turns array reference into an iterator. Used in
"iter($arrayref)". You do not have to
use this function directly, because
"iter($arrayref)" is sufficient.
Iterator used in Iterator::Simple is just a code reference blessed in
Iterator::Simple::Iterator. This class implements several method and overloads
some operators.
- Itrator::Simple::Iterator->new($coderef)
- Just bless $coderef in Iterator::Simple::Iterator
and returns it.
- $iterator->next
- Call underlying code.
- $iterator->__iter__
- Returns self. You don't need to use this.
- Overloaded operators.
- Read filehandle operator '<>'
Overloading '<>' makes this possible like:
print while <$iterator>;
- Pipe.. bit_OR? .. No, pipe!
$iterator | $coderef1 | $coderef2;
is equivalent to:
is equivalent to:
ifilter(ifilter($iterator, $coderef1), $coderef2);
- $iterator->filter($coderef)
- $iterator->flatten()
- $iterator->chain($another, ..)
- $iterator->zip($another, ..)
- $iterator->enumerate()
- $iterator->slice($start, $end, $step)
- $iterator->head($count)
- $iterator->skip($count)
- For example, $iterator->flatten() is
equivalent to "iflatten $iterator".
All iterator transformation function calls
"iter" function on all source iterables. So
you can pass just array reference, GLOB ref, etc.
These examples completely do the right thing:
imap { $_ + 2 } [1, 2, 3, ... ];
# DBIx::Class::ResultSet has 'next' method.
ifilter $dbic_resultset, sub {CODE};
You can implement "__iter__"
method on your objects in your application. By doing that, your object will
be Iterator::Simple friendly :).
Note that "__iter__" method must
return an iterator.
There is another iterator module in CPAN, named Iterator and Iterator::Util made
by Eric J. Roode that is great solution. Why yet another iterator module? The
answer is *Speed*. You use iterator because you have too many data to
manipulate in memory, therefore iterator could be called thousands of times,
speed is important.
For this simple example:
use Iterator::Util qw(iarray imap igrep);
for(1 .. 100) {
my $itr = igrep { $_ % 2 } imap { $_ + 2 } iarray([1 .. 1000]);
my @result;
while($itr->isnt_exhausted) {
push @result, $itr->value;
use Iterator::Simple qw(iarray imap igrep);
for(1 .. 100) {
my $itr = igrep { $_ % 2 } imap { $_ + 2 } iarray([1 .. 1000]);
my @result;
while(defined($_ = $itr->())) {
push @result, $_;
Iterator::Simple is about ten times faster!
That is natural because Iterator::Simple iterator is just a code
reference, while Iterator.pm iterator is full featured class instance. But
Iterator::Simple is sufficient for usual demands.
One of most downside of Iterator::Simple is, you cannot yields
undef value as a meaning value, because Iterator::Simple thinks it as a
exhausted sign. If you need to do that, you have to yield something which
represents undef value.
Also, Iterator::Simple cannot determine iterator is exhausted
until next iteration, while Iterator.pm has 'is(nt)_exhausted' method which
is useful in some situation.
Rintaro Ishizaki <rintaro@cpan.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
- Iterator - Feature rich another iterator class.
- Iterator::Util - Utilities which uses Iterator. Many of filter functions
are from this module.
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