JE::Scope - JavaScript scope chain (what makes closures work)
JavaScript code runs within an execution context which has a scope chain
associated with it. This class implements this scope chain. When a variable is
accessed the objects in the scope chain are searched till the variable is
A JE::Scope object can also be used as global (JE) object. Any
methods it does not understand will be delegated to the object at the bottom
of the stack (the far end of the chain), so that
"$scope->null" means the same thing as
Objects of this class consist of a reference to an array, the
elements of which are the objects in the chain (the first element being the
global object). (Think of it as a stack.)
- find_var($name, $value)
- find_var($name)
- This method searches through the scope chain, starting at the end of the
array, until it finds the variable named by the first argument. If the
second argument is present, it sets the variable. It then returns an
lvalue (a JE::LValue object) that references the variable.
- new_var($name, $value)
- new_var($name)
- This method creates (and optionally sets the value of) a new variable in
the variable object (the same thing that JavaScript's
"var" keyword does) and returns an
The variable object is the first object in the scope chain
(searching from the top of the stack) that is a call object, or
"$scope->[0]" if no call object is
None. Just bless an array reference. You should not need to do this because it
is done for you by the "JE" and
"JE::Object::Function" classes.
- JE
- JE::LValue
- JE::Object::Function