JMX::Jmx4Perl::Agent::Jolokia::WebXmlHandler - Handler for web.xml
This module is repsonsible for various manipulations on a web.xml
descriptor as found in JEE WAR archives. It uses XML::LibXML for the dirty
work, and XML::Tidy to clean up after the manipulation. The later module is
optional, but recommended.
- $handler =
- Creates a new handler. The following arguments can be used:
"logger" Logger to use
- $handler->add_security($webxml,{ role => $role })
- Add a security constraint to the given web.xml. This triggers on the realm
"Jolokia" on the loging-config and the URL-Pattern
"/*" for the security mapping. Any previous sections are removed
and replaced.
$role is the role to insert.
This method returns the updated web.xml as a string.
- $handler->remove_security($webxml)
- Remove login-config with Realm "Jolokia" and security constraint
to "/*" along with the associated role definit. Return the
updated web.xml as string.
- $handler->add_jsr160_proxy($webxml)
- Adds a JSR-160 proxy declaration which is contained as init-param of the
servlet definition ("dispatcherClasses"). If the init-param is
missing, a new is created otherwise an existing is updated. Does nothing,
if the init-param "dispatcherClasses" already contains the JSR
160 dispacher.
Returns the updated web.xml as string.
- $handler->remove_jsr160_proxy($webxml)
- Removes a JSR-160 proxy declaration which is contained as init-param of
the servlet definition ("dispatcherClasses"). Does nothing, if
the init-param "dispatcherClasses" already doese not contain the
JSR 160 dispacher.
Returns the updated web.xml as string.
- $handler->find($webxml,$xquery)
- Find a single element with a given XQuery query. Croaks if more than one
element is found. Returns either "undef"
(nothing found) or the matched node's text content.
- $handler->has_authentication($webxml)
- Checks, whether authentication is switched on.
- $handler->has_jsr160_proxy($webxml)
- Checks, whether a JSR-160 proxy is configured.
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it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by The Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
jmx4perl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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