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JQuery(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation JQuery(3)

JQuery - Interface to Jquery, a language based on Javascript

Version 1.00

JQuery provides some of the functionality provided by the JQuery language.

    use JQuery;

    my $jquery = new JQuery(jqueryDir => '/jquery_js') ; 

    my $accordion = JQuery::Accordion->new(id => 'myAccordion',
                                           headers => \@headers,
                                           texts => \@texts,
                                           panelHeight => 200,
                                           panelWidth => '400px'
                                           ) ;

    $jquery->add_css_last(new JQuery::CSS( hash => {'#myAccordion' => {width => '600px'}})) ; 

    my $data = [['Id','Total','Ip','Time','US Short Date','US Long Date'],
                ['66672',  '$22.79','','08:02','12-24-2000','Jul 6, 2006 8:14 AM'],
                ['66672','$2482.79','','15:10','12-12-2001','Jan 6, 2006 8:14 AM']
               ] ;

    my $tableHTML = $jquery->Add(JQuery::TableSorter->new(id => 'table1', 
                                                          data => $data, 
                                                          headerClass => 'largeHeaders',
                                                          dateFormat=>'dd/mm/yyyy' ))->HTML ; 

    $jquery->add($accordion) ; 
    my $html = $accordion->HTML . $tableHTML ;
    my $jquery_code = $jquery->get_jquery_code ; 
    my $css = $jquery->get_css ;

JQuery is a frontend for the jQuery language. I use JQuery to refer to the Perl part or the package, and jQuery to reference the javascript part or the package.

A quote from <>: jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages. is the main module. There are other modules such as Form, TableSorter, Splitter, Taconite ..., all of which provide different functionality. The main module needs to be instantiated, and each instance of the other modules needs to be registered with the main module. It is then the responsibility of to produce the relevant HTML, css and javascript code.

One of the objectives is to produce javascript functioniality with as little user code as possible and to provide reasonable defaults. "Reasonable" is of course in the sight of the beholder. Most defaults are provided by css, and can be changed easily.

Another objective is to allow module writers to be able to add new functionality within this framework.

JQuery comes packaged with jQuery javascript files. Since the javascript directory is going to be needed by the web server, you will probably need to copy the whole of the jquery_js directory to somewhere the web server can access. Remember to change the web server config file if necessary.

JQuery::CSS is a helper module that helps create CSS objects uses CSS module from CPAN.

CSS can be created in the following ways:

   my $css = new JQuery::CSS(text => 'body {font-family: Arial, Sans-Serif;font-size: 10px;}') ;

   my $css = new JQuery::CSS( hash => {
                                    '.odd' => {'background-color' => "#FFF"} , 
                                    '.even' => {'background-color' => "#D7FF00"} , 
                                     }) ; 

   my $css = new JQuery::CSS(file => 'dates/default.css') ;
The "text" form allows plain text to be used to create the CSS object.
The "hash" form allows a Perl hash to be used.
The "file" form allows a file to be specified.

JQuery needs to be initialized.

    my $jquery = new JQuery(jqueryDir => '/jquery_js', usePacked => 1) ;

The parameter jqueryDir specifies where the javascript files can be found. When using a web server, this refers to the directory defined by the web server.

If usePacked is set, the compressed jQuery files are used if available.

    CSS objects can be added to JQuery using 
    add_css outputs css before the css of the modules.  add_css_last
    outputs css after the css of the modules. This is useful if you
    want to change the default css supplied by the package.

This adds a new object from JQuery::* to JQuery. Typically, this is used in a class implementing new functionality, and adds the new class to the controlling JQuery class. It is not normally called directly by the user.
Add css to JQuery. All css elements added are installed before that of css implemented by JQuery::*. This is used if the user wants to install CSS.
Similar to add_css, but the css gets added after the ccs implemented by JQuery::*. This means that the css installed by JQuery::* can be over-ridden by the user. Typically this would be used when changing colours, urls, backgrounds etc.
All JQuery::* objects get passed the a variable pointing to JQuery. Within JQuery::*, there may be a need to reference a path, eg an image, and the base path can be modified by using this directory.

This parameter is the jqueryDir passed by

    my $jquery = new JQuery(jqueryDir => '/jquery_js') ;
This is normally called very late in the program when you want to produce all the css. It goes though all css registered with JQuery, then it gets all css registered by JQuery::* objects, and then it gets the css added add_css_last.
Similar to get_css, except that it produces the javascript to be included in the page.
Used to instantiate the JQuery object. The path is the path seen by the web browser, and not the local path.

    my $jquery = new JQuery(jqueryDir => '/jquery_js') ;
JQuery modules can come in an unpacked or packed form. The former is the original source, while the second, although not compiled, is highly dense and obfuscated, while being more efficient.

There are a number of working examples in the cgi-bin directory, which can be found in the Perl distribution under the JQuery directory. The examples are mostly written using CGI::Application , so you will need to install CGI-Application to run the examples. This is not a restriction, as the modules will work using CGI and mod-apache as well, and hopefully the framework of yor choice.

The examples mostly use This is a very simple module which initializes JQuery, calls get_jquery_code, get_css

The module simply does some of the repetitive work.

The setupfunction initiates $jquery. cgiapp_postrun gets runs $jquery->get_jquery_code, $jquery->get_css and puts both of these, and the HTML, into a very basic template.

Let's start with the Ajax.

Suppose you have a button, not neccessarily in a form, and you want some action to happen when the user presses the button.

Firstly, the JQuery module needs to be initialized.

  use JQuery ; 
  use JQuery::Taconite ; 
  my $jquery = new JQuery(jqueryDir => '/jquery_js') ;

The button to be pressed needs an id, as it is going to accessed by javascript. So the HTML fragment could read:

  <input id="ex1" type="button" value="Run Example 1" />
  JQuery::Taconite->new(id => 'ex1', remoteProgram => '/cgi-bin/', rm => 'myRunMode', addToJQuery => $jquery) ;

You may or may not need to set the run mode. CGI-Applications normally need them, to define which function is to be executed in the CGI program.

When the button is pressed, some output will be shown, and a placeholder is needed to display the text.

The HTML fragment might be:

    <div id="example4" style="display:none; background-color: #ffa; padding:10px; border:1px solid #ccc"> 
    Initially this div is hidden. 

This is a div where, initially, the text is not shown.
Shows an example of an accordion
An example of a menu in a normal desktop application

Shows an example of an accordion
This is a small example showing how a from is constructed, and how the Ajax reply is sent, causing only the specified fields to be updated.,,
Examples showing how to split an area into two or three panes with a bar allowing the user to resize them.
Examples showing a tabbing of a pane. When the tab is pressed a different page is shown. The user can download the page remotely from a server. and
Taconite is a word that doesn't sound very interesting, but this module allows you update your screen very easily without needing to know anything about the DOM. This is Ajax at its easiest. You really want to use this. sets up the page and does the reply. This example show a variety of things to do with Taconite, by adding radio buttons, wiring a button on the fly, adding and removing items. does the same sort of thing as, except that it uses a run mode to define the reply.

Examples of split windows with a bar for resizing
Show an expandable tree. You can choose grid lines or folder icons.
Show how to update a page every second.

A module needs to provide the following methods

new - to create the object

id - the id of the object. There are some modules that don't need this. This only happens in the case of where an instance does not have any css related to the id.

get_css - returns the css for the instance. The return value may be an array reference. css may be plain text or a JQuery:CSS object.

HTML - returns the HTML text for the instance

packages_needed - returns a list of jquery packages needed for the javascript to run

get_jquery_code - returns the jQuery code

Peter Gordon, "<peter at>"

Thanks to Brent Pedersen for pointing me in the direction of JQuery and to all contibutors to jQuery from whom css/images/whatever have been plagiarized.

Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-jquery at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc JQuery

You can also look for information at:

  • AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


  • CPAN Ratings


  • RT: CPAN's request tracker


  • Search CPAN


Copyright 2007 Peter Gordon, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2022-04-09 perl v5.32.1

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