NAMEJQuery::Tabs - Have tabs to see different pagesSYNOPSISmy @tabs = ("tab 1","tab 2","tab 3","tab 4") ; my @texts = ("line 1","line 2","line 3","line4") ; my $tab = JQuery::Tabs->new(id => 'myTab', tabs => \@tabs, texts => \@texts, addToJQuery => $jquery, ) ; my $tab = JQuery::Tabs->new(id => 'myTab', tabs => \@tabs, remote => 'true', # no texts needed if remote remoteProgram => '/cgi-bin/jquery_tabs_results.pl', rm => 'myMode', addToJQuery => $jquery, spinner => 1, ) ; my $html = $tab->HTML ; DESCRIPTIONAllow the user to see different pages using tabs. For an example of how it looks, see <http://www.stilbuero.de/jquery/tabs/>.This module sets up tabs for different pages. The HTML can be supplied directly, or the page can be updated remotely. When used remotely, the program returns the run mode parameter, rm, as well as the parameter tab, which contains the text in the tab header. In remote mode, taconite is not used to refresh the page. All that is expected is a normal html. If you are using CGI, something like this is expected: use CGI ; my $q = new CGI ; print $q->header(-type=>'text/html'); print $env ; FUNCTIONS
AUTHORPeter Gordon, "<peter at pg-consultants.com>"BUGSPlease report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-jquery-taconite at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=JQuery>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.SUPPORTYou can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.perldoc JQuery You can also look for information at:
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSCOPYRIGHT & LICENSECopyright 2007 Peter Gordon, all rights reserved.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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