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JSON::Schema::Examples(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation JSON::Schema::Examples(3)

JSON::Schema::Examples - examples of JSON::Schema

The card schema at <> is tricky as it contains references to other schemas which need to be followed. But JSON::Schema handles it with ease...

 use JSON qw[to_json];
 use JSON::Schema;
 use LWP::Simple qw[get];
 # Here's some data...
 my $contact = to_json({
   fn        => 'Toby Inkster',
   nickname  => 'TOBYINK',
   email     => { value => '' },
   adr       => { countryName => 'England', region => 'East Sussex' },
 # Now we create our JSON Schema validator:
 my $card_schema = get(''); 
 my $validator = JSON::Schema->new($card_schema);
 # Validate:
 my $valid = $validator->validate($contact);
 if ($valid)
   print "Yay!\n";
 # But it's not valid...
 foreach my $e ($valid->errors)
   print "Naughty! $e\n";

JSON::Schema has uses beyond JSON!

 use JSON:Schema;
 use DateTime;
 my $datetime_new_schema = {
   type => 'object', # i.e. a hashref
   properties => {
     year       => { type=>'number', minimum=>0, maximum=>9999 },
     month      => { type=>'number', minimum=>1, maximum=>12 },
     day        => { type=>'number', minimum=>1, maximum=>31 },
     hour       => { type=>'number', minimum=>0, maximum=>23 },
     minute     => { type=>'number', minimum=>0, maximum=>59 },
     second     => { type=>'number', minimum=>0, maximum=>61 },
     nanosecond => { type=>'number', minimum=>0, maximum=>999999999 },
     locale     => { type=>['DateTime::Locale','string'] },
     time_zone  => { type=>['DateTime::TimeZone', 'string'] },
     formatter  => { type=>'any' },
 my $validator = JSON::Schema->new($datetime_new_schema);
 my %params = get_user_input();
 my $valid  = $validator->validate(\%params);
 if ($valid)
   my $dt = DateTime->new(%params);
   # do something interesting here with $dt...
   die join("\n", "Invalid DateTime paramaters", $valid->errors);

Toby Inkster <>.

Copyright 2010-2012 Toby Inkster.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.


This work is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License. To view a copy of this licence, visit <> or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California 94105, USA.
2014-09-11 perl v5.32.1

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