Jifty::Test::Email - Test mail notification
use Jifty::Test::Email;
mail_ok {
# ... code
} { from => 'admin@localhost', body => qr('hello') },
{ from => 'admin@localhost', body => qr('hello again') };
# ... more code
# XXX: not yet
mail_sent_ok { from => 'admin@localhost', body => qr('hello') };
# you should expect all mails by the end of the test
This is a test helper module for jifty, allowing you to expect mail notification
generated during the block or the test.
Executes the "BLOCK", and expects it to send a
number of emails equal to the number of
"HASHREF"s after the
"BLOCK". "ok" in Test::Email is
used to check if the messages match up to the appropriate hashrefs.
An END block causes the test to "die" if there
are uncaught notifications at the end of the test script.