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NAMEKeyword::Declare - Declare new Perl keywords...via a keyword...named "keyword"VERSIONThis document describes Keyword::Declare version 0.001018STATUSThis module is an alpha release. Aspects of its behaviour may still change in future releases. They have already done so in past releases.SYNOPSISuse Keyword::Declare; # Declare something matchable within a keyword's syntax... keytype UntilOrWhile is /until|while/; # Declare a keyword and its syntax... keyword repeat (UntilOrWhile $type, List $condition, Block $code) { # Return new source code as a string (which replaces any parsed syntax) return qq{ while (1) { $code; redo $type $condition; last; } }; } # Implement method declarator... keyword method (Ident $name, List $params?, /:\w+/ @attrs?, Block $body) { return build_method_source_code($name, $params//'()', \@attrs, $body); } # Keywords can have two or more definitions (distinguished by syntax)... keyword test (String $desc, Comma, Expr $test) { return "use Test::More; ok $test => $desc" } keyword test (Expr $test) { my $desc = "q{$test at line }.__LINE__"; return "use Test::More; ok $test => $desc" } keyword test (String $desc, Block $subtests) { return "use Test::More; subtest $desc => sub $subtests;" } # Keywords can be removed from the remainder of the lexical scope... unkeyword test; # Keywords declared in an import() or unimport() are automatically exported... sub import { keyword debug (Expr $expr) { return "" if !$ENV{DEBUG}; return "use Data::Dump 'ddx'; ddx $expr"; } } # Keywords removals in an unimport() or import() are also automatically exported... sub unimport { unkeyword debug; } DESCRIPTIONThis module implements a new Perl keyword: "keyword", which you can use to specify other new keywords.Normally, to define new keywords in Perl, you either have to write them in XS (shiver!) or use a module like Keyword::Simple or Keyword::API. Using any of these approaches requires you to grab all the source code after the keyword, manually parse out the components of the keyword's syntax, construct the replacement source code, and then substitute it for the original source code you just parsed. Using Keyword::Declare, you define a new keyword by specifying its name and a parameter list corresponding to the syntactic components that must follow the keyword. You then use those parameters to construct and return the replacement source code. The module takes care of setting up the keyword, and of the associated syntax parsing, and of inserting the replacement source code in the correct place. For example, to create a new keyword (say: "loop") that takes an optional count and a block, you could write: use Keyword::Declare; keyword loop (Int $count?, Block $block) { if (length $count) { return "for (1..$count) $block"; } else { return "while (1) $block"; } } At compile time, when the parser subsequently encounters source code such as: loop 10 { $cmd = readline; last if valid_cmd($cmd); } then the keyword's $count parameter would be assigned the value "10" and its $code parameter would be assigned the value "{\n$cmd = readline;\nlast if valid_cmd($cmd);\n}". Then the "body" of the keyword definition would be executed and its return value would be used as the replacement source code: for (1..10) { $cmd = readline; last if valid_cmd($cmd); } INTERFACEDeclaring a new lexical keywordThe general syntax for declaring new keywords is:keyword NAME (PARAM, PARAM, PARAM...) ATTRS { REPLACEMENT } The name of the new keyword can be any identifier, including the name of an existing Perl keyword. However, using the name of an existing keyword usually creates an infinite loop of keyword expansion, so it rarely does what you actually wanted. In particular, the module will not allow you to declare a new keyword named "keyword", as that way lies madness. Specifying keyword parametersThe parameters of the keyword tell it how to parse the source code that follows it. The general syntax for each parameter is:TYPE [?*+][?+] [$@]NAME :sep(TYPE) = 'DEFAULT' \__/ \_______/ \______/ \________/ \_________/ Parameter type.........: : : : : Repetition specifier...........: : : : Parameter variable........................: : : Separator specifier..................................: : Default source code (if argument is missing).....................: The type specifier is required, but the other four components are optional. Each component is described in the following sections. Keyword parameter types The type of each keyword parameter specifies how to parse the corresponding item in the source code after the keyword. The type of each keyword parameter may be specified as either a type name, a regex, or a literal string... Named types A named type is simply a convenient label for some standard or user-defined regex or string. Most of the available named types are drawn from the PPR module, and are named with just the post-"Perl..." component of the PPR name. For example, the "Expression" type is the same as the PPR named subpattern "(?&PerlExpression") and the "Variable" type is identical to the PPR named subpattern "(?&PerlVariable)". The standard named types that are available are: ArrayIndexer .................................. An expression or list in square brackets AssignmentOperator ............................ A '=' or any operator assignment: '+=', '*=', etc. Attributes .................................... Subroutine or variable :attr(ributes) :with : colons Comma ......................................... A ',' or '=>' Document ...................................... Perl code and optional __END__ block HashIndexer ................................... An expression or list in curly brackets InfixBinaryOperator ........................... An infix operator of precedence from '**' down to '..' LowPrecedenceInfixOperator .................... An 'and', 'or', or 'xor OWS ........................................... Optional whitespace (including comments or POD) PostfixUnaryOperator .......................... A high-precedence postfix operator like '++' or '--' PrefixUnaryOperator ........................... A high-precedence prefix operator like '+' or '--' StatementModifier ............................. A postfix 'if', 'while', 'for', etc. NWS or Whitespace ............................. Non-optional whitespace (including comments or POD) Statement ..................................... Any single valid Perl statement Block ......................................... A curly bracket delimited block of statements Comment ....................................... A #-to-newline comment ControlBlock .................................. An if, while, for, unless, or until and its block Expression or Expr ............................ An expression involving operators of any precedence Format ........................................ A format declaration Keyword ....................................... Any user-defined keyword and its arguments Label ......................................... A statement label PackageDeclaration ............................ A package declaration or definition Pod ........................................... Documentation terminated by a =cut SubroutineDeclaration ......................... A named subroutine declaration or definition UseStatement .................................. A use <module> or use <version> statement LowPrecedenceNotExpression .................... An expression at the precedence of not List .......................................... An list of comma-separated expressions CommaList ..................................... An unparenthesized list of comma-separated expressions Assignment .................................... One or more chained assignments ConditionalExpression or Ternary or ListElem... An expression involving the ?: operator; also matches a single element of a comma-separated list BinaryExpression .............................. An expression involving infix operators PrefixPostfixTerm ............................. A term with optional unary operator(s) Term .......................................... An expression not involving operators AnonymousArray or AnonArray ................... An anonymous array constructor AnonymousHash or AnonHash ..................... An anonymous hash constructor AnonymousSubroutine ........................... An unnamed subroutine definition Call .......................................... A call to a built-in function or user-defined subroutine DiamondOperator ............................... A <readline> or <shell glob> DoBlock ....................................... A do block EvalBlock ..................................... An eval block Literal ....................................... Any literal compile-time value Lvalue ........................................ Anything that can be assigned to ParenthesesList or ParensList ................. A parenthesized list of zero-or-more elements Quotelike ..................................... Any quotelike term ReturnStatement ............................... A return statement in a subroutine Typeglob ...................................... A typeglob lookup VariableDeclaration or VarDecl ................ A my, our, or state declaration Variable or Var ............................... A variable of any species ArrayAccess ................................... An array lookup or a slice Bareword ...................................... A bareword BuiltinFunction ............................... A call to a builtin-in function HashAccess .................................... A hash lookup or key/value slice Number or Num ................................. Any number QuotelikeQW ................................... A qw/.../ QuotelikeQX ................................... A `...` or qx/.../ Regex or Regexp ............................... A /.../, m/.../, or qr/.../ ScalarAccess .................................. A scalar variable or lookup String or Str ................................. Any single- or double-quoted string Substitution or QuotelikeS .................... An s/.../.../ Transliteration or QuotelikeTR ................ A tr/.../.../ ContextualRegex ............................... A /.../, m/.../, or qr/.../ where it's valid in Perl Heredoc ....................................... A heredoc marker (but not the contents) Integer or Int ................................ An integer Match or QuotelikeM ........................... A /.../ or m/.../ NullaryBuiltinFunction ........................ A call to a built-in function that takes no arguments OldQualifiedIdentifier ........................ An identifier optionally qualified with :: or ' QuotelikeQ .................................... A single-quoted string QuotelikeQQ ................................... A double-quoted string QuotelikeQR ................................... A qr/.../ VString ....................................... A v-string VariableArray or VarArray or ArrayVar ......... An array variable VariableHash or VarHash or HashVar ............ A hash variable VariableScalar or VarScalar or ScalarVar ...... A scalar variable VersionNumber ................................. A version number allowed after use ContextualMatch or ContextualQuotelikeM ....... A /.../ or m/.../ where it's valid in Perl PositiveInteger or PosInt ..................... A non-negative integer QualifiedIdentifier or QualIdent .............. An identifier optionally qualified with :: QuotelikeQR ................................... A qr/.../ VString ....................................... A v-string Identifier or Ident ........................... An unqualified identifier Which Perl construct each of these will match after a keyword is intended to be self-evident; see the documentation of the PPR module for more detail on any of them that aren't. Regex and literal parameter types In addition to the standard named types listed in the previous section, a keyword parameter can have its type specified as either a regex or a string, in which case the corresponding component in the trailing source code is expected to match that pattern or literal. For example: keyword fail ('all'? $all, /hard|soft/ $fail_mode, Block $code) {...} would accept: fail hard {...} fail all soft {...} # etc. If a literal or pattern is only parsing a static part of the syntax, there may not be a need to give it an actual parameter variable. For example: keyword list (/keys|values|pairs/ $what, 'in', HashVar $hash) { my $EXTRACTOR = $what eq 'values' ? 'values' : 'keys'; my $REPORTER = $what eq 'pairs' ? $hash.'{$data}' : '$data'; return qq{for my \$data ($EXTRACTOR $hash) { say join ': ',$REPORTER } } Here the 'in' parameter type just parses a fixed syntactic component of the keyword, so there's no need to capture it into a parameter variable. Note that types specified as regexes can be given any of the following trailing modifiers: "/imnsxadlup". For example: keyword list (/ keys | values | pairs /xiaa $what, 'in', HashVar $hash) {...} ^^^^ Naming literal and regex types via "keytype" Literal and regex parameter types are useful for matching non-standard syntax that PPR cannot recognize. However, using a regex or a literal as a type specifier does tend to muddy a keyword definition with large amounts of line noise (especially the regexes). So the module allows you to declare a named type that matches whatever a given literal or regex would have matched in the same place...via the "keytype" keyword. For example, instead of explicit regexes and string literals: keyword fail ('all'? $all, /hard|soft/ $fail_mode, Block $code) {...} keyword list (/keys|values|pairs/ $what, 'in', HashVar $hash) { ...you could predeclare named types that work the same: keytype All is 'all' ; keytype FailMode is /hard|soft/ ; keytype ListMode is /keys|values|pairs/ ; keytype In is 'In' ; and then declare the keywords like so: keyword fail (All? $all, FailMode $fail_mode, Block $code) {...} keyword list (ListMode $what, In, HashVar $hash) { A "keytype" can also be used to rename an existing named type (including other "keytype"'d names) more meaningfully. For example: keytype Name is Ident ; keytype ParamList is List ; keytype Attr is /:\w+/ ; keytype Body is Block ; keyword method (Name $name, ParamList? $params, Attr? @attrs, Body $body) {...} When you define a new compile-time keytype from a string or regex, you can also request the module to create a variable of the same name with the same content, by prefixing the keytype name with a "$" sigil. For example: keytype $ListMode is /keys|values|pairs/ ; keytype $In is 'In' ; would create two new keytypes ("ListMode" and "In") and also two new variables ($ListMode and $In) that contain the regex adnd string respectively. Note that you would still use the sigilless forms in the parameter list of a keyword: keyword list (ListMode $what, In, HashVar $hash) { ... } but could then use the sigilled forms in the body of the keyword: keyword list (ListMode $what, In, HashVar $hash) { if ($hash =~ $Listmode || $hash eq $In) { warn 'Bad name for hash'; } ... } or anywhere else in the same lexical scope as the "keytype" declaration. Junctive named types Sometimes a keyword may need to take two or more different types of arguments in the same syntactic slot. For example, you might wish to create a keyword that accepts either a block or an expression as its argument: try { for (1..10) { say foo() } } try say foo(); ...or a block or regex: filter { $_ < 10 } @list; filter /important/ @list; When specifying the a keyword parameter, you can specify two or more named types for it, by conjoining them with a vertical bar ("|") like so: keyword try (Block|Expression $trial) {{{ eval «$trial =~ /^\{/ ? $trial : "{$trial}"» }}} keyword filter (Regex|Block $selector, ArrayVar $var) {{{ «$var» = grep «$selector» «$var»; }}} This is known as a disjunctive type. Disjunctive types can only be constructed from named types (either built-in or defined by a "keytype"); they cannot include regex or literal types. However, this is not an onerous restriction, as it is always possible to convert a non-named type to a named type using "keytype": keytype In is /(?:with)?in/; keytype From is 'from'; keyword list (Regex $rx, From|In, Expression $list) {{{ say for grep «$rx» «$list»; }}} list /fluffy/ within cats(); list /rex/ from dogs(); Capturing parameter componentsNormally, when a keyword parameter matches part of the source code, the text of that source code fragment becomes the string value of the corresponding parameter variable. For example:keytype Mode is / first | last | any | all /x; keytype NumBlock is / \d+ (?&PerlOWS) (?&PerlBlock) /; keyword choose (Mode $choosemode, NumBlock @numblocks) {...} # And later... choose any 1 {x==1} 2 {sqrt 4} 3 {"Many"} # Parameter $choosemode gets: 'any' # Parameter @numblocks gets: ( '1 {x==1}', '2 {sqrt 4}', '3 {"Many"}' ) However, if a parameter's type regex includes one or more named captures (i.e. via the "(?<name> ... )" syntax), then the corresponding parameter variable is no longer bound to a simple string. Instead, it is bound to a hash-based object of the class "Keyword::Declare::Arg". This object still stringifies to the original source code fragment, so the parameter can still be interpolated into a replacement source code string. However, the object can also be treated as a hash...whose keys are the names of the named captures in the type regex, and whose values are the substrings those named captures matched. In addition, the "Keyword::Declare::Arg" object always has an extra key (namely: the empty string), whose value stores the entire original source code fragment. So, for example, if the two parameter types from the previous example, had included named captures: keytype Mode is / (?<one> first | last | any ) | (?<many> all ) /x; keytype NumBlock is / (?<num> \d+ ) (?&PerlOWS) (?<block> (?&PerlBlock) ) /; keyword choose (Mode $choosemode, NumBlock @numblocks) {...} # And later... choose any 1 {x==1} 2 {sqrt 4} 3 {"Many"} # $choosemode stringifies to: 'any' # $choosemode->{''} returns: 'any' # $choosemode->{'one'} returns: 'any' # $choosemode->{'many'} returns: undef # $numblocks[0] stringifies to: '1 {x==1}' # $numblocks[0]{''} returns: '1 {x==1}' # $numblocks[0]{'num'} returns: '1' # $numblocks[0]{'block'} returns: '{x==1}' # et cetera... This feature is most often used to define keywords whose arguments consist of a repeated sequence of components, especially when those components are either inherently complex (as in the previous example) or they are unavoidably heterogeneous in nature (as below). For example, to declare an "assert" keyword that can take and test a series of blocks and/or expressions: keytype BlockOrExpr is / (?<block> (?&PerlBlock) ) | (?<expr> (?&PerlExpression) ) /x; keyword assert (BlockOrExpr @test_sequence) { # Accumulate transformed tests in this variable my @assertions; # Build assertion code from sequence of test components for my $test (@test_sequence) { # Is the next component a block? push @assertions, "do $test" if $test->{block}; # Is the next component a raw expression? push @assertions, "($test)" if $test->{expr}; } # Generate replacement code... return "die 'Assertion failed' unless " . join ' && ', @assertions; } Scalar vs array keyword parametersDeclaring a keyword's parameter as a scalar (the usual approach) causes the source code parser to match the corresponding type of component exactly once in the trailing source. For example:# try takes exactly one trailing block keyword try (Block $block) {...} Declaring a keyword's parameter as an array causes the source code parser to match the corresponding type of component as many times as it appears (but at least once) in the trailing source, with each matching occurrence becoming one element of the array. # tryall takes one or more trailing blocks keyword tryall (Block @blocks) {...} Changing the number of expected parameter matches An explicit quantifier can be appended to any parameter type to change the number of repetitions that parameter type will match. For example: # The forpair keyword takes an optional iterator variable keyword forpair ( Var? $itervar, '(', HashVar $hash, ')', Block $block) {...} # The checkpoint keyword can be followed by zero or more trailing strings keyword checkpoint (Str* @identifier) {...} The available quantifiers are:
For example: # The watch keyword takes as many statements as possible, and at least one... keyword watch ( Statement++ @statements) { return join "\n", map { "say q{$_}; $_;" } @statements; } # The begin...end keyword takes as few statements as possible, including none... keyword begin ( Statement*? $statements, 'end') { return "{ $statements }"; } Note that any repetition quantifier is appended to the parameter's type, not after its variable. As the previous example indicates, any quantifier may be applied to either a scalar or an array parameter: the quantifier tells the type how often to match; the kind of parameter determines how that match is made available inside the keyword body: as a single string or object for scalar parameters, or as a list of individual strings or objects for array parameters. Checking whether optional parameters are present If an array parameter has a quantifier that makes it optional (e.g. "?", "*", "?+", "*?", etc.), then the parameter array will be empty (and hence false) whenever the corresponding syntactic component is missing. In the same situation, an optional scalar parameter will contain an empty string (which is also false, of course). However, it is recommended that the presence or absence of optional scalar parameters should be tested using the built-in "length()" function, not just via a boolean test, because in some cases the parameter could also have an explicit value of "0", which is false, but not "missing". For example: keyword save (Int? $count, List $data) { # If optional count omitted, then $count will contain an empty string if ( !length($count) ) { return "save_all($data);"; } else { return "save_first($count, $data);"; } } If the test had been: if (!$count) { return "save_all($data);"; } then a keyword invocation such as: save 0 ($foo, $bar, $baz); would be translated to a call to "save_all(...)", instead of a call to "save_multiple(0,...)". Separated repetitions Parameters can be marked as repeating either by being declared as arrays or by being declared with a type quantifier such as "*", "+", etc.) Any repeating parameter may match multiple repetitions of the same component. For example: # tryall takes zero or more trailing blocks keyword tryall (Block* @blocks) {...} ...will match zero-or-more code blocks after the keyword. You can also specify that such parameters should match repeated components that are explicitly separated by some other interstitial syntactic element: such as a comma or a colon or a newline or a special string like '+' or '&&' or 'then'. Such separators are specified by adding a ":sep(...)" attribute after the variable name (but before any default value). For example, if the "tryall" blocks should be separated by commas, you could specify that like so: # tryall takes zero or more trailing comma-separated blocks keyword tryall (Block* @blocks :sep(',')) {...} # ^^^^^^^^^ Separators can be specified using any valid parameter type: string, regex, named type, or junctive. For example: # tryall takes zero or more trailing (fat-)comma-separated blocks keyword tryall (Block* @blocks :sep( /,|=>/ )) {...} # ^^^^^^ # tryall takes zero or more trailing Comma-separated blocks keyword tryall (Block* @blocks :sep( Comma )) {...} # ^^^^^ # tryall takes zero or more trailing Comma-or-colon-separated blocks keytype Colon is ':'; keyword tryall (Block* @blocks :sep( Comma|Colon )) {...} # ^^^^^^^^^^^ Accessing separators Whenever an array parameter is specified with a ":sep" attribute, the actual separators found between instances of a repeated component can be retrieved via the Keyword::Declare::Arg objects that are returned in the array. Each such object stores the separator that occurred immediately after the corresponding component, and each such trailing separator can be accessed via the object's special ':sep' key. For example: # tryall takes zero or more trailing Comma-separated blocks keyword tryall (Block* @blocks :sep(Comma)) { warn "Separators are: ", map { $_->{':sep'} } @blocks; ... } # and later... tryall {say 1} , {say 2} => {say 3} , {say 4}; # Warns: Separators are: ,=>, Providing a default for optional parameters If a parameter is optional (i.e. it has a <?>, "??", "?+", <*>, <*?>, or "*+" quantifier), you can specify a string to be placed in the parameter variable in cases where the parameter matches zero times. For example to use $_ as the iterator variable, if no explicit variable is supplied: # The forpair keyword takes an optional iterator variable (or defaults to $_) keyword forpair ( Var? $itervar = '$_', '(', HashVar $hash, ')', Block $block) {...} Another common use for defaults is to force optional arguments to default to an empty string, rather than to "undef", so it's easier to interpolate: keyword display ( Str? $label = '', ScalarVar $var) {{{ say '«$label»«$var»=', «$var» }}} Note that the default value represents an alternative piece of source code to be generated at compile-time, so it must be specified as an uninterpolated single-quoted string (either '...' or "q{...}"). Array parameters can also have a default value specified. However, as for scalar parameters, the default must still be a single single-quoted string (not a list or array). For example: # The checkpoint keyword defaults to check-pointing CHECKPOINT... keyword checkpoint (Str* @identifier = 'CHECKPOINT') {...} If you provide a default for an unquantified parameter, the module will infer that you intended the parameter to be optional and will quietly provide a suitable implicit quantifier ("?" for scalars, "*" for arrays). So the previous examples could also have been written: # The forpair keyword takes an optional iterator variable (or defaults to $_) keyword forpair ( Var $itervar = '$_', '(', HashVar $hash, ')', Block $block) {...} # The checkpoint keyword defaults to check-pointing CHECKPOINT... keyword checkpoint (Str @identifier = 'CHECKPOINT') {...} Handling whitespace between argumentsNormally, a keyword parses and discards any Perl whitespaces (spaces, tabs, newlines, comments, POD, etc.) between its arguments. Each parameter receives the appropriate matching code component with its leading whitespace removed (unless, of course, that component itself explicitly matches whitespace, in which case it's preserved).Occasionally, however, leading whitespace may be significant. For example, you may wish to implement a "note" keyword that differentiates between: note (1..3) --> $filename; and: note( 1..3 ) --> $filename; You could achieve that by explicitly matching the optional whitespace before the opening paranthesis: keyword note (OWS $ws, ParenList $list, /-->[^;]*/ $comment) { return 'say ' . (length($ws) ? "'(', $list, ')'" : $list); } However, this approach can quickly get tedious and unwieldy when multiple parameters all need to preserve leading whitespace: keyword note (OWS $ws1, ParenList $list, OWS $ws2, /-->[^;]*/ $comment) { return 'say ' . (length($ws1) ? "'(', $list, ')'" : $list) . ("'$ws2$comment'"); } So the module provides an attribute, ":keepspace", that causes a keyword to simply keep any leading whitespace at the start of each parameter: keyword note (ParenList $list, /-->[^;]*/ $comment) :keepspace {...} { return 'say ' . ($list !~ /^\(/ ? "'(', $list, ')'" : $list) . $comment; } When using the :keepspace attribute, be aware that the leading whitespace preserved at the start of each attribute is Perl's concept of whitespace (which includes comments, POD, and possibly even heredoc contents), so if your keyword later needs to strip it out, then: $list =~ s{ ^ \s* }{}x; will not suffice. At a minimum, you'll need to cater for comments as well: $list =~ s{ ^ \s*+ (?: [#].*+\n \s*+)*+ }{}x and, to be really safe, you need to handle every other Perlish "whitespace" as well: $list =~ s{ ^ (?PerlOWS) $PPR::GRAMMAR }{}x; Keywords with trailing contextSometimes a keyword implementation needs to modify more of the source code than just its own arguments. For example, a "let" keyword might need to install some code after the end of the surrounding block:keyword let (Var $var, '=', Expr $value, Statement* $trailing_code, '}') {{{ «trailing_code» } «$var» = «$value»; }}} But you can't create a keyword like that, because it can't be successfully parsed as part of a larger Perl code block...because it "eats" the right-curly that surrounding block needs to close itself. What's needed here is a way to have a keyword operate on trailing code, but then not consider that trailing code to be part of its "official" argument list, so that subsequent parsing doesn't prematurely consume it. The module supports this via the ":then" attribute. You could, for example, successfully implement the "let" keyword like so: keyword let (Var $var, '=', Expr $value) :then(Statement* $trailing_code, '}') {{{ «trailing_code» } «$var» = «$value»; }}} The parentheses of the ":then" act like a second parameter list, which must match when the keyword is encountered and expanded within the source, but which is treated like mere "lookahead" when the keyword is parsed as part of the processing of other keywords. The ":then" attribute must come immediately after the keyword's normal parameter list (i.e. before any other attribute the keyword might have), and uses exactly the name parameter specification syntax as the normal parameter list. Moreover, any arguments the ":then" parameters match are removed from the source, and must be replaced or amended as part of the new source code returned by the keyword body. For example: the new source returned by the body of "let" starts with reinstating both the trailing code and the closing curly: keyword let (Var $var, '=', Expr $value) :then(Statement* $trailing_code, '}') {{{ «trailing_code» } «$var» = «$value»; }}} Specifying a keyword descriptionNormally the error messages the module generates refer to the keyword by name. For example, an error detected in parsing a "repeat" keyword with:keyword repeat ('while', List $condition, Block $code) {...} might produce the error message: Invalid repeat at demo.pl line 28. which is a reasonable message, but would be slightly better if it was: Invalid repeat-while loop at demo.pl line 28. You can request that a particular keyword be referred to in error messages using a specific description, by adding the ":desc" modifier to the keyword definition. For example: keyword repeat ('while', List $condition, Block $code) :desc(repeat-while loop) {...} Simplifying keyword generation with an interpolatorFrequently, the code block that generates the replacement syntax for a keyword will consist of something like:{ my $code_interpolation = some_expr_involving_a($param); return qq{ REPLACEMENT $code_interpolation HERE }; } in which the block does some manipulation of one or more of its parameters, then interpolates the results into a single string, which it returns as the replacement source code. So the module provides a shortcut for that structure: the "triple curly" block. If a keyword's block is delimited by three contiguous curly brackets, then the entire block is taken to be a single uninterpolated string that specifies the replacement source code. Within that single string anything in "«...»" is treated as a piece of code to be executed and its result interpolated at that point in the replacement code. In other words, a triple-curly block is a literal code template, with special "«...»" interpolators. For example, instead of writing: keyword forall (List $list, '->', Params @params, Block $code_block) { $list =~ s{\)\Z}{,\\\$__acc__)}; substr $code_block, 1, -1, q{}; return qq[ { state \$__acc__ = []; foreach my \$__nary__ $list { if (!ref(\$__nary__) || \$__nary__ != \\\$__acc__) { push \@{\$__acc__}, \$__nary__; next if \@{\$__acc__} <= $#parameters; } next if !\@{\$__acc__}; my ( @parameters ) = \@{\$__acc__}; \@{\$__acc__} = (); $code_block } } ] } ...you could write: keyword forall (List $list, '->', Params @params, Block $code_block) {{{ { state $__acc__ = []; foreach my $__nary__ « $list =~ s{\)\Z}{,\\\$__acc__)}r » { if (!ref($__nary__) || $__nary__ != \$__acc__) { push @{$__acc__}, $__nary__; next if @{$__acc__} <= «$#params»; } next if !@{$__acc__}; my ( «"@params"» ) = @{$__acc__}; @{$__acc__} = (); « substr $code_block, 1, -1 » } } }}} ...with a significant reduction in the number of sigils that have to be escaped (and hence a significant decrease in the likelihood of bugs creeping in). Note: for those living without the blessings of Unicode, you can also use the pure ASCII "<{...}>" to delimit interpolations, instead of "«...»". Declaring multiple variants of a single keywordYou can declare two (or more) keywords with the same name, provided they all have distinct parameter lists. In other words, keyword definitions are treated as multimethods, with each variant parsing the following source code and then the variant which matches best being selected to provide the replacement code.For example, you might specify three syntaxes for a "repeat" loop: keyword repeat ('while', List $condition, Block $block) {{{ while (1) { do «$block»; last if !(«$condition»); } }}} keyword repeat ('until', List $condition, Block $block) {{{ while (1) { do «$block»; last if «$condition»; } }}} keyword repeat (Num $count, Block $block) {{{ for (1..«$count») «$block» }}} When it encounters a keyword, the module now attempts to (re)parse the trailing code with each of the definitions of that keyword in the current lexical scope, collecting every definition that successfuly parses the source at that point. If more than one definition was successful, the module first selects the definition(s) with the most parameters. If more than one definition had the maximal number of parameters, the module then selects the one whose parameters matched most specifically. For example, if you had two keywords: keyword wait (Int $how_long, Str $msg) {{{ { sleep «$how_long»; warn «$msg»; } }}} keyword wait (Num $how_long, Str $msg) {{{ { use Time::HiRes 'sleep'; sleep «$how_long»; warn «$msg»; } }}} ...and wrote: wait 1, 'Done'; ...then the first keyword would be selected over the second, because "Int" is more specific than "Num" and "Str" is just as specific as "Str". If two or more definitions matched equally specifically, the module looks for one that is marked with a ":prefer" attribute. If there is no ":prefer" indicated (or more than one), the module gives up and reports a syntax ambiguity. The order of specificity for a parameter match is determined by the relationships between the various components of a Perl program, as illustrated in the following tree (where a child type is more specific that its parent or higher ancestors, and less specific than its children or deeper descendants): ArrayIndexer InfixBinaryOperator StatementModifier HashIndexer OWS \..NWS or Whitespace |...Pod \..Comment PostfixUnaryOperator Attributes LowPrecedenceInfixOperator PrefixUnaryOperator Document \..Statement |...Block |...PackageDeclaration |...Label |...UseStatement |...Format |...Expression or Expr | \..LowPrecedenceNotExpression | \..List | \..CommaList | \..Assignment | \..ConditionalExpression or Ternary or ListElem | \..BinaryExpression | \..PrefixPostfixTerm | \..Term | |...AnonymousHash or AnonHash | |...VariableDeclaration or VarDecl | |...Literal | | |...Number or Num | | | |...Integer or Int | | | | \..PositiveInteger or PosInt | | | \..VersionNumber | | | \..VString | | |...Bareword | | | \..OldQualifiedIdentifier | | | \..QualifiedIdentifier or QualIdent | | | \..Identifier or Ident | | \..String or Str | | |...VString | | |...QuotelikeQ | | |...QuotelikeQQ | | \..Heredoc | |...Lvalue | |...AnonymousSubroutine | |...AnonymousArray or AnonArray | |...DoBlock | |...DiamondOperator | |...Variable or Var | | |...ScalarAccess | | | \..VariableScalar or VarScalar or ScalarVar | | |...ArrayAccess | | | \..VariableArray or VarArray or ArrayVar | | \..HashAccess | | \..VariableHash or VarHash or HashVar | |...Typeglob | |...Call | | \..BuiltinFunction | | \..NullaryBuiltinFunction | |...ParenthesesList or ParensList | |...ReturnStatement | |...EvalBlock | \..Quotelike | |...Regex or Regexp | | |...QuotelikeQR | | |...ContextualRegex | | | |...ContextualMatch or ContextualQuotelikeM | | | \..QuotelikeQR | | \..Match or QuotelikeM | | \..ContextualMatch or ContextualQuotelikeM | |...QuotelikeQW | |...QuotelikeQX | |...Substitution or QuotelikeS | |...Transliteration or QuotelikeTR | \..String or Str | |...QuotelikeQQ | \..QuotelikeQ |...SubroutineDeclaration |...Keyword \..ControlBlock Comma AssignmentOperator User-defined named types (declared via the "keytype" mechanism) are treated as being more specific than the type they rename. Junctive types are treated as being less specific than any one of their components, and exactly as specific as any other junctive type. Regex and string types are treated as being more specific than any named or junctive type. Generally speaking, the mechanism should just do the right thing, without your having to think about it too much...and will warn you at compile-time when it can't work out the right thing to do, in which case you'll need to think about it some more. Removing a lexical keywordThe syntax for removing an existing keyword from the remaining lines in the current scope is:unkeyword NAME; Any attempts to remove non-existent keywords are silently ignored (in the same way that removing a non-existing hash key doesn't trigger a warning). Exporting keywordsNormally a keyword definition takes effect from the statement after the "keyword" declaration, to the end of the enclosing lexical block.However, if you declare a keyword inside a subroutine named "import" (i.e. inside the import method of a class or module), then the keyword is also exported to the caller of that import method. In other words, simply placing a keyword definition in a module's "import" exports that keyword to the lexical scope in which the module is used. You can also define new keywords in a module's "unimport" method, and they are exported in exactly the same way. Likewise, if you place an "unkeyword" declaration in an "import" or "unimport" subroutine, then the specified keyword is removed from the lexical scope in which the module is "use"'d or "no"'d. Debugging keywordsIf you load the module with the 'debug' option:use Keyword::Declare {debug=>1}; then keywords and keytypes and unkeywords declared in that lexical scope will report their own declarations, and will subsequently report how they transform the source following them. For example: use Keyword::Declare {debug=>1}; keyword list (/keys|values|pairs/ $what, 'in', HashVar $hash) { my $EXTRACTOR = $what eq 'values' ? 'values' : 'keys'; my $REPORTER = $what eq 'pairs' ? $hash.'{$data}' : '$data'; return qq{for my \$data ($EXTRACTOR $hash) { say join "\\n", ${REPORTER}_from($hash) }}; } # And later... list pairs in %foo; ...would print to STDERR: ##################################################### ### Installed keyword macro at demo.pl line 10: ### ###list <what> in <hash> ### ##################################################### ##################################################### ### Keyword macro defined at demo.pl line 10: ### ### list <what> in <hash> ### ### Converted code at demo.pl line 19: ### ### list pairs in %foo ### ### Into: ### ### for my $data (keys %foo) { say join "\n", keys_from(\%foo) } ### ##################################################### DIAGNOSTICS
CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENTKeyword::Declare requires no configuration files or environment variables.DEPENDENCIESThe module is an interface to Perl's pluggable keyword mechanism, which was introduced in Perl 5.12. Hence it will never work under earlier versions of Perl.Currently requires both the Keyword::Simple module and the PPR module. INCOMPATIBILITIESNone reported.But Keyword::Declare probably won't get along well with source filters or Devel::Declare. BUGS AND LIMITATIONSThe module currently relies on Keyword::Simple, so it is subject to all the limitations of that module. Most significantly, it can only create keywords that appear at the beginning of a statement (though you can almost always code around that limitation by wrapping the keyword in a "do{...}" block.Moreover, there is a issue with Keyword::Simple v0.04 which sometimes causes that module to fail when used by Keyword::Declare under Perl 5.14 and 5.16. Consequently, Keyword::Declare may be unreliable under Perls before 5.18 if Keyword::Simple v0.04 or later is installed. The current workaround is to downgrade to Keyword::Simple v0.03 under those early Perl versions. Even with the PPR module, parsing Perl code is tricky, and parsing Perl code to build Perl code that parses other Perl code is even more so. Hence, there are likely to be cases where this module gets it spectacularly wrong. Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-keyword-declare.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org>. AUTHORDamian Conway "<DCONWAY@CPAN.org>"LICENCE AND COPYRIGHTCopyright (c) 2015-2017, Damian Conway "<DCONWAY@CPAN.org>". All rights reserved.This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTYBECAUSE THIS SOFTWARE IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION.IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE AS PERMITTED BY THE ABOVE LICENCE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.