"LaTeXML::Core::Definition::Primitive" - Primitive Control sequence
These represent primitive control sequences that are converted directly to Boxes
or Lists containing basic Unicode content, rather than structured XML, or
those executed for side effect during digestion in the LaTeXML::Core::Stomach,
changing the LaTeXML::Core::State. The results of invoking a
"LaTeXML::Core::Definition::Primitive", if
any, should be a list of digested items
"LaTeXML::Core::List" or
It extends LaTeXML::Core::Definition.
Primitive definitions may have lists of daemon subroutines,
"beforeDigest" and
"afterDigest", that are executed before
(and before the arguments are read) and after digestion. These should either
end with "return;",
"()", or return a list of digested objects
(LaTeXML::Core::Box, etc) that will be contributed to the current list.
Bruce Miller <bruce.miller@nist.gov>
Public domain software, produced as part of work done by the United States
Government & not subject to copyright in the US.