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NAMELingua::EN::NameCase - Correctly case a person's name from UPERCASE or lowcaseVERSIONVersion 1.21SYNOPSIS# Working with scalars; complementing lc and uc. use Lingua::EN::NameCase qw( nc ); $FixedCasedName = nc( $OriginalName ); $FixedCasedName = nc( \$OriginalName ); # Working with arrays or array references. use Lingua::EN::NameCase 'NameCase'; $FixedCasedName = NameCase( $OriginalName ); @FixedCasedNames = NameCase( @OriginalNames ); $FixedCasedName = NameCase( \$OriginalName ); @FixedCasedNames = NameCase( \@OriginalNames ); NameCase( \@OriginalNames ) ; # In-place. # NameCase will not change a scalar in-place, i.e. NameCase( \$OriginalName ) ; # WRONG: null operation. $Lingua::EN::NameCase::SPANISH = 1; # Now 'El' => 'El' instead of (default) Greek 'El' => 'el'. # Now 'La' => 'La' instead of (default) French 'La' => 'la'. $Lingua::EN::NameCase::HEBREW = 0; # Now 'Aharon BEN Amram Ha-Kohein' => 'Aharon Ben Amram Ha-Kohein' # instead of (default) => 'Aharon ben Amram Ha-Kohein'. $Lingua::EN::NameCase::ROMAN = 0; # Now 'Li' => 'Li' instead of (default) 'Li' => 'LI'. $Lingua::EN::NameCase::POSTNOMINAL = 0; # Now 'PHD' => 'PhD' instead of (default) 'PHD' => 'Phd'. DESCRIPTIONForenames and surnames are often stored either wholly in UPPERCASE or wholly in lowercase. This module allows you to convert names into the correct case where possible.Although forenames and surnames are normally stored separately if they do appear in a single string, whitespace separated, NameCase and nc deal correctly with them. NameCase currently correctly name cases names which include any of the following: Mc, Mac, al, el, ap, da, de, delle, della, di, du, del, der, la, le, lo, van and von. It correctly deals with names which contain apostrophes and hyphens too. EXAMPLE FIXESOriginal Name Case -------- --------- KEITH Keith LEIGH-WILLIAMS Leigh-Williams MCCARTHY McCarthy O'CALLAGHAN O'Callaghan ST. JOHN St. John plus "son (daughter) of" etc. in various languages, e.g.: VON STREIT von Streit VAN DYKE van Dyke AP LLWYD DAFYDD ap Llwyd Dafydd etc. plus names with roman numerals (up to 89, LXXXIX), e.g.: henry viii Henry VIII louis xiv Louis XIV NameCaseTakes a scalar, scalarref, array or arrayref, and changes the case of the contents, as appropriate. Essentially a wrapper around nc().ncTakes a scalar or scalarref, and change the case of the name in the corresponding string appropriately.BUGSThe module covers the rules that I know of. There are probably a lot more rules, exceptions etc. for "Western"-style languages which could be incorporated.There are probably lots of exceptions and problems - but as a general data 'cleaner' it may be all you need. Use Kim Ryan's Lingua::EN::NameParse for any really sophisticated name parsing. SUPPORTYou can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.perldoc Lingua::EN::NameCase You can also look for information at:
AUTHOR1998-2014 Mark Summerfield <summer@qtrac.eu> 2014-present Barbie <barbie@cpan.org> 2020- Maintained by Nigel Horne, C<< <njh at bandsman.co.uk> >> ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThanks to Kim Ryan <kimaryan@ozemail.com.au> for his Mc/Mac solution.COPYRIGHTCopyright (c) Mark Summerfield 1998-2014. All Rights Reserved. Copyright (c) Barbie 2014-2015. All Rights Reserved.This distribution is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic Licence v2.