NAMELingua::JA::Moji - Handle many kinds of Japanese charactersSYNOPSISConvert various types of Japanese characters into one another.use Lingua::JA::Moji qw/kana2romaji romaji2kana/; use utf8; my $romaji = kana2romaji ('あいうえお'); # $romaji is now 'aiueo'. my $kana = romaji2kana ($romaji); # $kana is now 'アイウエオ'. DESCRIPTIONThis module provides methods to convert different written forms of Japanese into one another. It enables conversion between romanized Japanese, hiragana, and katakana. It also includes a number of unusual encodings such as Japanese braille and morse code, as well as conversions between Japanese and Cyrillic and Hangul. It also handles conversion between the Chinese characters (kanji) used before and after the character reforms of 1949, as well as the various bracketed and circled forms of kana and kanji.All the functions in this module assume the use of Unicode encoding. All input and output strings must be encoded using Perl's "UTF-8" format. The module loads the various data format conversion files on demand, thus the various obscure conversions hopefully do not cause a memory burden. This module does not handle the conversion of kanji words into kana, or kana into kanji. ROMANIZATIONThese functions convert Japanese letters to and from romanized forms.kana2romajiConvert kana to romaji.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'kana2romaji'; $romaji = kana2romaji ("うれしいこども"); # $romaji = 'uresîkodomo' Convert kana to a romanized form. An optional second argument, a hash reference, controls the style of conversion. use utf8; $romaji = kana2romaji ("しんぶん", {style => "hepburn"}); # $romaji = "shimbun" The options are
romaji2kanaConvert romaji to kana.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'romaji2kana'; $kana = romaji2kana ('yamaguti'); # $kana = 'ヤマグチ' Convert romanized Japanese to katakana. The romanization is highly liberal and will attempt to convert any romanization it sees into katakana. The romanization is based on the behaviour of the Microsoft IME (input method editor). To convert romanized Japanese into hiragana, use "romaji2hiragana". An optional second argument to the function contains options in the form of a hash reference, $kana = romaji2kana ($romaji, {wapuro => 1}); Use an option "wapuro => 1" to convert long vowels into the equivalent kana rather than "chouon". $kana = romaji2kana ($romaji, {ime => 1}); Use the "ime => 1" option to approximate the behaviour of an IME. For example, input "gumma" becomes グッマ and input "onnna" becomes オンナ. Passport romaji ("Ohshimizu") is disallowed if this option is switched on. romaji2hiraganaConvert romaji to hiragana.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'romaji2hiragana'; $hiragana = romaji2hiragana ('babubo'); # $hiragana = 'ばぶぼ' Convert romanized Japanese into hiragana. This takes the same options as "romaji2kana". It also switches on the "wapuro" option, which uses long vowels with a kana rather than a "chouon". romaji_stylesuse Lingua::JA::Moji 'romaji_styles'; my @styles = romaji_styles (); # Returns a true value romaji_styles ("hepburn"); # Returns the undefined value romaji_styles ("frogs"); Given an argument, this return a true value if it is a known style of romanization. Without an argument, it returns a list of possible styles, as an array of hash references, with each hash reference containing the short name under the key "abbrev" and the full name under the key "full_name". is_voiceduse Lingua::JA::Moji 'is_voiced'; if (is_voiced ('が')) { print "が is voiced.\n"; } Given a kana or romaji input, "is_voiced" returns a true value if the sound is a voiced sound like a, za, ga, etc. and the undefined value if not. is_romajiuse Lingua::JA::Moji 'is_romaji'; # The following line returns "undef" is_romaji ("abcdefg"); # The following line returns a defined value is_romaji ('loyehye'); # The following line returns a defined value is_romaji ("atarimae"); This detects whether a string of alphabetical characters, which may also include characters with macrons or circumflexes, "looks like" romanized Japanese. If the test is successful, it returns a true value, and if the test is unsuccessful, it returns a false value. If the string is empty, it returns a false value. This works by converting the string to kana via "romaji2kana" and seeing if it converts cleanly or not. is_romaji_strictuse Lingua::JA::Moji 'is_romaji_strict'; # The following line returns "undef" is_romaji_strict ("abcdefg"); # The following line returns "undef" is_romaji_strict ('loyehye'); # The following line returns a defined value is_romaji_strict ("atarimae"); This detects whether a string of alphabetical characters, which may also include characters with macrons or circumflexes, "looks like" romanized Japanese. If the test is successful, it returns a true value, and if the test is unsuccessful, it returns a false value. If the string is empty, it returns a false value. This test is much stricter than "is_romaji". It insists that the word does not contain constructions which may be valid as inputs to an IME, but which do not look like Japanese words. normalize_romajiuse Lingua::JA::Moji 'normalize_romaji'; $normalized = normalize_romaji ('tsumuji'); "normalize_romaji" converts romanized Japanese to a canonical form, which is based on the Nippon-shiki romanization, but without representing long vowels using a circumflex. In the canonical form, sokuon (っ) characters are converted into the string "xtu". If there is kana in the input string, this will also be converted to romaji. "normalize_romaji" is for comparing two Japanese words which may be represented in different ways, for example in different romanization systems, to see if they refer to the same word despite the difference in writing. It does not provide a standardized or officially-sanctioned form of romanization. KANAThese functions convert one form of kana into another.hira2kataConvert hiragana to katakana.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'hira2kata'; $katakana = hira2kata ('ひらがな'); # $katakana = 'ヒラガナ' "hira2kata" converts hiragana into katakana. The input may be a single string or a list of strings. If the input is a list, it converts each element of the list, and in list context it returns a list of the converted inputs. In scalar context it returns a concatenation of the strings. my @katakana = hira2kata (@hiragana); This does not convert "chouon" signs. kata2hiraConvert katakana to hiragana.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'kata2hira'; $hiragana = kata2hira ('カキクケコ'); # $hiragana = 'かきくけこ' "kata2hira" converts full-width katakana into hiragana. If the input is a list, it converts each element of the list, and in list context, returns a list of the converted inputs, otherwise it returns a concatenation of the strings. my @hiragana = hira2kata (@katakana); This function does not convert "chouon" signs into long vowels. It also does not convert half-width katakana into hiragana. kana2katakanaConvert kana to katakana.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'kana2katakana'; This converts any of katakana, "halfwidth katakana", circled katakana and hiragana to full width katakana. kana_to_largeuse Lingua::JA::Moji 'kana_to_large'; $large = kana_to_large ('ぁあぃい'); # $large = 'ああいい' Convert small-sized kana such as 「ぁ」 into full-sized kana such as 「あ」. nigori_firstuse Lingua::JA::Moji 'nigori_first'; my @list = (qw/カン スウ ハツ オオ/); nigori_first (\@list); # Now @list = (qw/カン スウ ハツ オオ ガン ズウ バツ パツ/); Given a list of kana, add all the possible versions of the words with the first kana with either a dakuten or a handakuten added. InHankakuKatakanause Lingua::JA::Moji 'InHankakuKatakana'; use utf8; if ('ア' =~ /\p{InHankakuKatakana}/) { print "ア is half-width katakana\n"; } "InHankakuKatakana" is a character class for use in regular expressions with "\p" which can validate "halfwidth katakana". kana2hwConvert kana to halfwidth katakana.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'kana2hw'; $half_width = kana2hw ('あいウカキぎょう。'); # $half_width = 'アイウカキギョウ。' "kana2hw" converts hiragana, katakana, and fullwidth Japanese punctuation to "halfwidth katakana" and halfwidth punctuation. Its function is similar to the Emacs command "japanese-hankaku-region". For the opposite function, see hw2katakana. See also "katakana2hw" for a function which only converts katakana. hw2katakanaConvert halfwidth katakana to katakana.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'hw2katakana'; $full_width = hw2katakana ('アイウカキギョウ。'); # $full_width = 'アイウカキギョウ。' "hw2katakana" converts "halfwidth katakana" and halfwidth Japanese punctuation to fullwidth katakana and fullwidth punctuation. Its function is similar to the Emacs command "japanese-zenkaku-region". For the opposite function, see kana2hw. katakana2hwConvert katakana to halfwidth katakana.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'katakana2hw'; $hw = katakana2hw ("あいうえおアイウエオ"); # $hw = 'あいうえおアイウエオ' This converts katakana to "halfwidth katakana", leaving hiragana unchanged. See also "kana2hw". is_kanause Lingua::JA::Moji 'is_kana'; This function returns a true value if its argument is a string of kana, or an undefined value if not. The input cannot contain punctuation or "chouon". is_hiraganause Lingua::JA::Moji 'is_hiragana'; This function returns a true value if its argument is a string of hiragana, and an undefined value if not. The entire string from beginning to end must all be kana for this to return true. The kana cannot include punctuation marks or "chouon". kana_orderuse Lingua::JA::Moji 'kana_order'; $kana_order = kana_order (); Returns an array reference containing an ordering of the kana. This is useful for looping over the kana or sorting. katakana2syllableuse Lingua::JA::Moji 'katakana2syllable'; $syllables = katakana2syllable ('ソーシャルブックマークサービス'); This breaks the given string into syllables. If the string is broken up character by character, it becomes 'ソ', 'ー', 'シ', 'ャ', 'ル'. This breaks the string up into meaningful syllables, so that $syllables becomes 'ソー', 'シャ', 'ル'. InKanause Lingua::JA::Moji 'InKana'; $is_kana = ('あいうえお' =~ /^\p{InKana}+$/); # $is_kana = '1' A character class for use in regular expressions which matches all kana characters. This class catches meaningful combinations of hiragana, katakana, halfwidth katakana, circled katakana, and katakana combined words. This is a combination of the existing Perl character classes "Katakana", "InKatakana", and "InHiragana", minus unassigned characters, plus the "halfwidth katakana prolonged sound mark" (U+FF70) <ー> (chouon), the "halfwidth katakana voiced sound mark" (U+FF9E) <゙> (dakuten) and the "halfwidth katakana semivoiced sound mark" (U+FF9F) <゚> (handakuten), minus '・', Unicode 30FB, "KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT". It is somewhat like the following: qr/\p{Katakana}|\p{InKatakana}|\p{InHiragana}|ー|゙|゚>/ except that the unassigned points which are matched by "\p{Katakana}" are not matched and KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT is not matched. square2katakanause Lingua::JA::Moji 'square2katakana'; $kata = square2katakana ('㌆'); # $kata = 'ウォン' Convert a square katakana box into its components. katakana2squareuse Lingua::JA::Moji 'katakana2square'; $sq = katakana2square ('アイウエオウォン'); # $sq = 'アイウエオ㌆' Convert katakana into a square thing if possible. WIDE ASCII FUNCTIONSFunctions for handling "wide ASCII".InWideAsciiuse Lingua::JA::Moji 'InWideAscii'; use utf8; if ('A' =~ /\p{InWideAscii}/) { print "A is wide ascii\n"; } This is a character class for use with \p which matches "wide ASCII" wide2asciiConvert wide ASCII characters to printable ASCII characters.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'wide2ascii'; $ascii = wide2ascii ('abCE019'); # $ascii = 'abCE019' Convert "wide ASCII" into ASCII. ascii2wideConvert printable ASCII characters to wide ASCII characters.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'ascii2wide'; $wide = ascii2wide ('abCE019'); # $wide = 'abCE019' Convert ASCII into "wide ASCII". OTHER TYPES OF LETTERINGkana2morseConvert kana to Japanese morse code (wabun code).use Lingua::JA::Moji 'kana2morse'; $morse = kana2morse ('しょっちゅう'); # $morse = '--.-. -- .--. ..-. -..-- ..-' Convert Japanese kana into Morse code. Japanese morse code does not have any way of representing small kana characters, so converting to and then from morse code will result in しょっちゅう becoming シヨツチユウ. morse2kanaConvert Japanese morse code (wabun code) to kana.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'morse2kana'; $kana = morse2kana ('--.-. -- .--. ..-. -..-- ..-'); # $kana = 'シヨツチユウ' Convert Japanese Morse code into kana. Each Morse code element must be separated by whitespace from the next one. Bugs This has not been extensively tested. kana2brailleConvert kana to Japanese braille.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'kana2braille'; This converts kana into the equivalent Japanese braille (tenji) forms. Bugs This has not been extensively tested. This is not an adequate Japanese braille convertor. Creating Japanese braille requires breaking Japanese sentences up into individual words, but this does not attempt to do that. People who are interested in building a Perl braille convertor could start here. braille2kanaConvert Japanese braille to kana.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'braille2kana'; Converts Japanese braille (tenji) into the equivalent katakana. kana2circledConvert kana to circled katakana.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'kana2circled'; $circled = kana2circled ('あいうえお'); # $circled = '㋐㋑㋒㋓㋔' This function converts kana into the "circled katakana" of Unicode, which have code points from 32D0 to 32FE. See also "circled2kana". There is no circled form of the ン kana, so this is left untouched. circled2kanaConvert circled katakana to kana.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'circled2kana'; $kana = circled2kana ('㋐㋑㋒㋓㋔'); # $kana = 'アイウエオ' This function converts the "circled katakana" of Unicode into full-width katakana. See also "kana2circled". KANJInew2old_kanjiConvert Modern kanji to Pre-1949 kanji.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'new2old_kanji'; $old = new2old_kanji ('三国 連太郎'); # $old = '三國 連太郎' Convert new-style (post-1949) kanji (Chinese characters) into old-style (pre-1949) kanji. Bugs The list of characters in this convertor may not contain every pair of old/new kanji. It will not correctly convert 弁 since this has three different equivalents in the old system. old2new_kanjiConvert Pre-1949 kanji to Modern kanji.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'old2new_kanji'; $new = old2new_kanji ('櫻井'); # $new = '桜井' Convert old-style (pre-1949) kanji (Chinese characters) into new-style (post-1949) kanji. circled2kanjiuse Lingua::JA::Moji 'circled2kanji'; $kanji = circled2kanji ('㊯'); # $kanji = '協' Convert the circled forms of kanji into their uncircled equivalents. kanji2circleduse Lingua::JA::Moji 'kanji2circled'; $kanji = kanji2circled ('協嬉'); # $kanji = '㊯嬉' Convert the usual forms of kanji into circled equivalents, if they exist. Note that only a limited number of kanji have circled forms. bracketed2kanjiuse Lingua::JA::Moji 'bracketed2kanji'; $kanji = bracketed2kanji ('㈱'); # $kanji = '株' Convert bracketed form of kanji into unbracketed form. kanji2bracketeduse Lingua::JA::Moji 'kanji2bracketed'; $kanji = kanji2bracketed ('株'); # $kanji = '㈱' Convert unbracketed form of kanji into bracketed form, if it exists. CYRILLIZATIONThis is an experimental cyrillization of kana based on the information in a Wikipedia article, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrillization_of_Japanese>. The module author does not know anything about cyrillization of kana, so any assistance in correcting this is very welcome.kana2cyrillicConvert kana to the Cyrillic (Russian) alphabet.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'kana2cyrillic'; $cyril = kana2cyrillic ('シンブン'); # $cyril = 'симбун' cyrillic2katakanaConvert the Cyrillic (Russian) alphabet to katakana.use Lingua::JA::Moji 'cyrillic2katakana'; $kana = cyrillic2katakana ('симбун'); # $kana = 'シンブン' HANGUL (KOREAN LETTERS)kana2hanguluse Lingua::JA::Moji 'kana2hangul'; $hangul = kana2hangul ('すごわざ'); # $hangul = '스고와자' Bugs
SEE ALSOOther Perl modules on CPAN includeJapanese kana/romanization
Kana/kanji conversion
BooksParts of this module are covered in the book "Perl CPAN Module Guide" by Naoki Tomita (in Japanese), ISBN 978-4862671080, published by WEB+DB PRESS plus, April 2011.NOTESchouonThe long vowel marker, "ー", or chōon, which is used in Japanese katakana to indicate a lengthened vowel.wide ASCIIWide ASCII, fullwidth ASCII, or zenkaku eisūji (全角英数字) are a legacy of bitmapped fonts which has survived into the present day. "Wide ascii" characters were originally special bitmapped font characters created to be the same size as one kanji or kana character. The name for normal ASCII characters in Japanese is hankaku eisūji (半角英数字), literally "half width English letters and numerals".Halfwidth katakanaHalfwidth katakana, hankaku katakana (半角かたかな) is a legacy encoding of katakana based on an eight-bit encoding. See <http://www.sljfaq.org/afaq/half-width-katakana.html> for full details.EXPORTThis module exports its functions only on request. To export all the functions in the module,use Lingua::JA::Moji ':all'; AUTHORBen Bullock, "<bkb@cpan.org>"COPYRIGHT & LICENSECopyright 2008-2014 Ben Bullock, all rights reserved.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThanks to Naoki Tomita, David Steinbrunner, and Neil Bowers for fixes.
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