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List::Gen::Lazy(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation List::Gen::Lazy(3)

List::Gen::Lazy - perl6 / haskell like laziness in perl5

this module provides tools to implement perl6/haskell style lazy programming in perl5.

this module is a mixin to List::Gen that adds functions to " List::Gen's " namespace and exportable function list

lazypipe " LIST "
" lazypipe " provides a lazy list implementation that will expand generators.

two methods are provided, "->next" which returns the next item from the pipe, and "->more" which returns true if there are more items in the pipe. the pipe works with aliases to its argument list, and never touches or copies any items until it has to.

" lazypipe " provides the behavior of the " lazy " generator.

lazyflatten " LIST "
" lazyflatten " is just like " lazypipe " except it will also expand array references and subroutines.

" lazyflatten " provides the behavior of the " lazyx " generator.

lazy " LIST "
L " LIST "
" lazy " is a " lazypipe " wrapped inside of an iterative generator. if " LIST " is one item, and is already a generator, that generator is returned unchanged.
lazyx " LIST "
Lx " LIST "
" lazyx " is a " lazyflatten " wrapped inside of an iterative generator. if " LIST " is one item, and is already a generator, that generator is returned unchanged.
" fn " converts a subroutine into a subroutine with partial application and lazy evaluation.

    my $add3 = fn {$_[0] + $_[1] + $_[2]} 3;
    my $add2 = $add3->(my $first);
    my $add1 = $add2->(my $second);

    my $sum1 = $add1->(4);
    my $sum2 = $add1->(8);
    $first  = 10;
    $second = 100;
    say $sum1; # prints 114

    $second = 800;
    say $sum1; # still prints 114
    say $sum2; # prints 818

" fn " supports subroutine prototypes, and can determine " ARITY " from them. " ARITY " defaults to 1, with a prototype of " (@) ". " ARITY " can be given as a prototype string '&@' or an integer.

the " RETURNS " defaults to 1, and specifies the number of values that will be returned by the function (the number of thunk accessors to create). for example, the " splitAt " function in List::Gen::Haskell is implemented as:

    *splitAt = fn {take(@_), drop(@_)} 2, 2;

    my ($xs, $ys) = splitAt(3, <1..>); # 2 thunk accessors are created but
                                       # take() and drop() have not been called
    say $xs->str;    # 1 2 3
    say $ys->str(5); # 4 5 6 7 8

due to partial application, you can even call subs in a way that looks a bit like the haskell type signature, should you so desire.

    my ($xs, $ys) = splitAt -> (3) -> (<1..>);

most of the functions in List::Gen::Haskell are implemented with " fn "

now " LIST "
sometimes the return values of " fn {...} " are too lazy. " now " will force the values in " LIST " to evaluate, and will return the new list.

    now(...)  ~~  grep {!$_ or 1} ...
methods of " fn {...} " functions
return values of " fn {...} " have the following overloaded behaviors and methods

    $fn . $code     $fn->compose($code)    sub {$fn->(&$code)}
    $fn << $val     $fn->curry($val)       sub {$fn->($val, @_)}
    $fn >> $val     $fn->rcurry($val)      sub {$fn->(@_, $val)}
    ~$fn            $fn->flip              sub {$fn->(@_[reverse 0 .. $#_])}

some more complex examples, assuming the functions from List::Gen::Haskell

    my $second = \&head . \&tail;

    my $third  = \&head . \&tail . \&tail;

    my $join = \&foldl << sub {$_[0] . $_[1]};

    my $ucjoin = sub {uc $_[0]} . $join;

    my $cycle = \&cycle << '[' >> ']';

    my $joined_cycle = $ucjoin . take(18) . $cycle;

    say $joined_cycle->(qw(1 a 2 b)); # '[1A2B][1A2B][1A2B]'

the overloaded operators for functions do not seem to work properly in perl's before 5.10. the corresponding methods can be used instead.

Eric Strom, "<asg at>"

report any bugs / feature requests to "bug-list-gen at", or through the web interface at <>.

comments / feedback / patches are also welcome.

copyright 2009-2011 Eric Strom.

this program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

see for more information.

2011-09-30 perl v5.32.1

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