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List::Generator(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation List::Generator(3)

List::Generator - provides functions for generating lists

version 0.974

this module is an alias for List::Gen. it is the same as List::Gen in every way.

    use List::Generator;

    my $range = <1 .. 1_000_000_000 by 3>;

    my $squares = gen {$_ ** 2} <1..>;

    my $fib = <0, 1, *+* ...>;

    say "@$fib[0 .. 10]"; # 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55

    list(1 .. 5)->map('*2')->say; # 2 4 6 8 10

    <1..>->zip('.' => <a..>)->say(5); # 1a 2b 3c 4d 5e

each line below prints '1 9 25 49 81' :

    functions:           (gen {$_**2} filter {$_ % 2} 1, 10)->say;

    list comprehensions: <**2 for 1 .. 10 if odd>->say;

    dwimmy methods:      <1..10>->grep('odd')->map('**2')->say;

    normal methods:      range(1, 10)->grep(sub {$_%2})->map(sub {$_**2})->say;

  • see List::Gen for core documentation.
  • see List::Gen::Benchmark for performance tips.
  • see List::Gen::Cookbook for usage tips.
  • see List::Gen::Haskell for an experimental implementation of haskell's lazy list behavior.
  • see List::Gen::Lazy for the tools used to create List::Gen::Haskell.
  • see List::Gen::Lazy::Ops for some of perl's operators implemented as lazy haskell like functions.
  • see List::Gen::Lazy::Builtins for most of perl's builtin functions implemented as lazy haskell like functions.
  • see List::Gen::Perl6 for a source filter that adds perl6's meta operators to use with generators, rather than the default overloaded operators

Eric Strom, "<asg at>"

copyright 2009-2011 Eric Strom.

this program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

see for more information.

2011-10-30 perl v5.32.1

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