Schedule::Load::Hosts::Host - Return information about a host
See Schedule::Load::Hosts
This package provides accessors for information about a specific host obtained
via the Schedule::Load::Host package.
- classes_match
- Passed an array reference. Returns true if this host's class matches any
class in the array referenced.
- eval_match
- Passed a subroutine reference that takes a single argument of a host
reference. Returns true if the subroutine returns true. It may also be
passed a string which forms a subroutine ("sub { my
$self = shift; ....}"), in which case the
string will be evaluated in a safe container.
- fields
- Returns all information fields for this host.
- exists (key)
- Returns if a specific field exists for this host.
- get (key)
- Returns the value of a specific field for this host.
A accessor exists for each field returned by the fields() call. Typical
elements are described below.
- adj_load
- Total number of processes in run or on processor state, adjusted for any
jobs that have a specific fixed_load or hold time, and adjusted for jobs
that have not yet scheduled but are collecting resources for a new run.
This is the load used for picking hosts.
- archname
- Architecture name from Perl build.
- cpus
- Number of CPUs. On hyperthreaded Linux systems, this indicates the maximum
number of simultaneous threads that may execute; see physical_cpus for the
real physical CPU count.
- cpus_slash
- Returns a string with the number of cpus, or in hyperthreaded systems, the
number of physical cpus "/" the number of SMT cpus.
- holds
- Returns list of Schedule::Load::Hosts::Hold objects, sorted by age.
- hostname
- Name of the host.
- max_clock
- Maximum clock frequency.
- load_limit
- Limit on the loading that a machine can bear, often set to the number of
CPUs to not allow overloading of a machine. Undefined if no limit.
- osname
- Operating system name from Perl build.
- physical_cpus
- Number of CPUs physically present.
- reservable
- If true, this host may be reserved for exclusive use by a user.
- reserved
- If true, this host is reserved, and this field contains a username and
start time comment.
- systype
- System type from Perl build.
- top_processes
- Returns a reference to a list of top process objects,
Schedule::Load::Hosts::Proc to access the information for each process. In
an array context, returns a list; In a a scalar context, returns a
reference to a list.
- total_load
- Total number of processes in run or on processor state.
- total_pctcpu
- Total CPU percentage used by all processes.
- total_rss
- Total resident memory used by all processes.
- total_size
- Total memory size, resident and swapped, used by all processes. This will
often exceed the physical memory size.
The latest version is available from CPAN and from
Copyright 1998-2011 by Wilson Snyder. This package is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either
the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
Version 2.0.
Wilson Snyder <>
Schedule::Load, Schedule::Load::Hosts, Schedule::Load::Hosts::Proc